Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dear friends,
πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰My all stand at the threshold of a...

Dear friends,
πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰My all stand at the threshold of a new year. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

🎁🎁🎁V is the time taken to give gifts! 🎁🎁🎁

πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒMy also decided to keep this good tradition!!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

🎁🎁🎁Jeti gifts will receive three people who repost this entry,
entered in the Group and having that ordinal position
Subscribe to the page.

πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…Pobediteli will be selected by using the "Vybirator" 30.12.2016 at 10 p.m. Moscow time.

random πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“Kazhdyj winner will receive:
πŸŽπŸŽ‰1. Numerical and Astrological and prediction for the year 2017.
πŸŽπŸŽ‰2. The balance for the year ahead on the cards of the TAROT.
##Astrology Numerology #Tarot #astropsihologija

Women's Club "Queen of clubs" gives all subscribers 50...

Women's Club "Queen of clubs" gives all subscribers 50% discount on astrological forecast and the balance on the Tarot cards! Before The New Year! Hurry sign up πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽtel: 89177736393 #damatref #TAROT #zhenskijklub #ASTROLOGY


Far in Central...


Far in Central America Indian tribes did not have the slightest idea about the signs of the Zodiac, but believed in the influence of stars on a human life. And they believed in each relationship with a certain kind of animal. And the prevailing characteristics of personalities in which, perhaps, you find yourself.

Otter: January 20-February 18

People of this sign are different non-standard behavior. Sometimes they even find it difficult to understand. The most efficient manifestation of their Singularity will be creativity. Do Otters have an advantage, which is well developed intellect and imagination.
These people tend to be very good and caring friends. Much depends on the education of Otters. At the beginning of the life path is very easy to subvert the psyche of a child born under this sign. But you can also easily send it to your desired path.

Wolf: 19 February-20 March

The Wolf symbolizes love. In fact, because he appreciates the love seems not to be compared with anyone else. However, they are equally valued and their independence. That is why they are harder than others to be in a relationship. Sometimes they waive them. In the rest of the wolves are very generous and passionate people.

Falcon: 21 March-19 April

Representatives of this sign is not one of those who loves the long handle. The Falcon is considered a natural leader and he should have no problem finding the perfect solution for difficult situations. These people know the value of time and prefer to do rather than talk. The Falcons kind of business and are ready to take the initiative. Because of his desire to win, they can often be arrogant.

Beaver: 20 April-20 may

Beavers always and everywhere will try to assume full responsibility. If they come for something, then make up to the end, and the result is always live up to expectations. The only downside is if they start something to get involved, you can not stop. Although in exceptional cases the negative becomes a plus and Beavers can be very good leaders.
Very correct people, but loyal. The principles apply more to himself than to others.

Deer: 21 May-20 June

For the Indians ' Deer carries special meaning and personifies the Muse. And people born under this sign are able to inspire their surroundings. They perfectly know how to adapt to the person with whom at the moment are in contact. Deer-unbeatable interlocutors and it is unlikely that you will find reason to quarrel with them.

Woodpecker: 21 June-21 July

In the tradition of Indian woodpeckers are most Americans. They're the ones who always listen and you will be able to put myself in any situation at your site. When you need support, Woodpeckers will be next.
Because they are absolute jempatami, in life, they manifest themselves as good parents and partners in a relationship. Modesty adorns the representatives of this sign.

Salmon: 22 July-21 August

Lives of people born under the sign of Salmon, one continuous adventure. And it is no coincidence, because they are full of energy and enthusiasm. Teamwork with salmon is a gift. They charged a healthy optimism. Quick on the uptake and not pulling on the blanket. Salmon can teach people from their environment and this will only in pleasure.

Bear: August 22-September 21

For bears practicality and logic stand in the first place. Everything they do goes through hard and dispassionate analysis. The mind does not allow them to completely relax.
Modesty and shyness gives the possibility of Bears to be excellent business partners. Thanks to the innate patience they also become mentors and teachers.

Raven: 22 September-22 October

Representatives of this sign have the gift of charm and can easily influence people. Ravens absorb all useful and necessary information for them. With this skill comes easily to them politics. They have an innate ability to diplomacy, which need to be developed. If Crow is not possible to realize themselves, then there is a risk that it will be a very romantic and quiet.

Snake: 23 October-22 November

Snakes are endowed with very strong energy. They occupy a niche of religious leaders or doctors. That is why it is important to be respected and revered. But in finance, they are not the best advisers and engaged them with great reluctance. They live in their world and the reality of their drives in apathy. You would think that they are very secretive. In the relationship of snakes show up as a very passionate and inspiring lovers. Due to its emotion they method

Owl: November 23-December 21

Indians believed the owls very hard and windy people. Their ability to survive is so high that they rarely need the warmth of another person. Have a tendency to increased risk and reckless. This natural born hunters, firefighters and public activists. Adapt to any conditions of life helps them flexibility. Overall, it's a pretty happy people, but they need to see a goal to be pursued.

Goose: 22 December-19 January

People of this sign have endless ambitions. If your team has a goose, any project will succeed. His perseverance is able to Pierce any wall. If there is a goal, then nothing can stop them. Geese get competitions and competition. They are successful in almost everything and that's a fact. Goose always knows what to do, whatever the sphere of life is neither concerned.

#Gnosis #Astrology #self-development #gnosticheskoedvizhenie #samajel'aunveor #gnostiki

πŸ”Ή [club66466145 | Parable of Happiness]

Once the gods, meeting, we decided...

πŸ”Ή [club66466145 | Parable of Happiness]

Once the gods, meeting, we decided to have fun.
One of them said:
- Let's anything we select people?

After much thought, we decided to take away the happiness of the people. That's just where to hide it?
The first said:
- Let's harness it to the top of the highest mountain in the world.
- No, the people are strong, someone will be able to climb up and find, and if it finds one, all the others immediately know where happiness - said another.
- Then let's hide it on the bottom of the sea!
- No, do not forget that people are curious, someone will construct a device for scuba diving, and then they will find happiness.
- Hide it on another planet, far away from the Earth - suggested someone else.
- No, remember what we have given them enough mind, one day they will come up with the ship to travel through the worlds, and discover this planet, and then will find happiness.

The oldest god who throughout the conversation was silent, said:
- I think I know where to hide happiness.
- Hide the inside of them, they are so busy looking for him outside, and that they would never seek it within themselves.

All the gods agreed, and since then people spend their entire lives in search of happiness, not knowing that it is hidden in them.

In December of us have often had the theme...

In December of us have often had the theme of knowledge of their true desires and present themselves. Today once again invites us to pay attention to the dreams and desires of our true self, often successfully hidden under a variety of conventions-clothes. Great day to the threshold of the holiday beloved by many to organize yourself the opportunity to think about what we really want in the next year and do in this life! This may concern himself

For those of us who feel themselves in a crisis situation or feeling that life is pushing for significant changes, it is especially important to make choices and exercise their activities, regularly checking the internal compass. Extremely important not to be influenced by others, does not allow them to make choices for us! It is now the most important condition for success in overcoming any obstacles and making the necessary life changes.

The energies of the day is very do that even in some difficult situations to listen to yourself, to throw doubt trample pessimism, and go in the right direction. And synonymous with the word "true" in this context is "his" and nothing more. At the same time, fears and doubts have to overcome ourselves in this we can help themselves only themselves!

Good luck to us all day!

✨✍🏻Sledite the news group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing!
πŸ“ŒU have many interesting! Join our group!

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#Astrology MPPG ###who is hiding #substring

Each sign of the zodiac hides its true face behind the mask of personality. The woman and so is itself a mystery, but under the guise of it is not vulnerable. So who still have one? What is the true face of woman hiding behind the mask of the zodiac sign agree that each person has their own individual mask. As for women, the beautiful half of coping with this question at the highest level. Once they succeed - a mystery. Who else but the woman can hide their

Aries woman
It creates an image of a strong, active and aggressive women - in fact inside a woman - a ram hidden "all the forgotten child." They are afraid of being abandoned in panic and abandoned, so try every possible way to mask their inner feelings and emotions.

Taurus woman
It creates an image of a calm, balanced woman, in fact Taurus manic fear of chaos and global cataclysms in their lives, it will be worse for the Taurus, when the messenger of this chaos is very near and dear people. Do not think that Taurus will pour out their feelings out. insight and tranquility will mask the bullock as long as Taurus does not find out of this situation.

Female twins
It creates an image of a cheerful and carefree woman who all without problems. In fact, Gemini hide their manic nervousness absolutely to all, especially to those who are afraid to lose, can not stand routine and discouragement.

Female Cancer
by type of tender, sympathetic, filled with love and care, you will listen carefully, give advice, but is hiding behind the mask of cunning nature with cold calculation. Cancer is thinking only about himself and his own benefit. With Cancer, you must be alert.

Female Lion,
as befits a royal sign of the zodiac, likes to keep the brand, always walks with his head held high and haughty look, in fact, lies behind an impenetrable mask soft and caring heart, surround Lion affection and care, osypte it complements, and you will be happy.

Female Virgo,
she always collected and unwavering in their decisions, but do not forget that Virgin has another face. Virgo unrivaled graduate detective. If the Virgo has its eye on the man and wants to have him for a husband, then beware, because all your secret will be revealed, men do not get caught! Passwords from bank accounts, Skype, e-mail, Virgo extract from you so that you do not blink an eye.

Female Libra
calm, peaceful, credible, being, but, alas, this is not her real face. Behind the mask hiding Libra nature, far from ideal. Woman - scales looks at his partner as a puppet that could solve all her whims and desires. The balance is not able to solve their own problems without any help.

Scorpio woman
by type of strict, proud and strong, but in reality is a real darling, prepare a solution in a loved one, true. If your fiancee - Scorpio, then you can be congratulated, you are the happiest in the whole world. Woman Skorpion- gift of fate, appreciate it.

Sagittarius woman,
willful, independent, headstrong "cat, walks by itself." He tries to create the image of a self-sufficient person, well versed in absolutely all worldly matters, but this mask again. Sagittarius dreams about it, to be no such like everyone else. Sagittarius constantly whines and cries, complains about his frustrated stellar life.

Capricorn woman,
it is often self-confident, calm, but it is only an appearance. Look under the mask of Capricorn and give the sort, bold proposal, the reaction will be instant, you will hear one sentence sillier than the other. So much obstinacy and resentment, regret that anything at all was offered.

Female Aquarius,
eccentric, windy, extraordinary, to let you show off. For Aquarius smile lurking deep psychoanalyst able to crack the very hard nut to crack. Keep in mind that if you are convicted of Aquarius treason or feel most insignificant trick, you know, a great lover of Aquarius strike plates, not only on the floor in the living room, as if these dishes do not fly to you.

sweet and lush, beautiful creature in need of a strong man's shoulder, seemingly defenseless flirt, but it's just a proven course of wise women experience strategy. Fish is able to catch on his hook very oily bait - secured fisherman. Its network Fish puts in the right place, where there is always fish is found.