Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Where did the energy go and where all...

Where did the energy go and where all our blocks.

Everyone has unfinished cycles. They hang, take energy, inhibit development and ultimately affect the health.

• Material-you started to do something and not finished, any thing. Dirt in the House, glove compartment in the bag, in the workplace, the scattered things unnecessary things, subjects.

• Emotional-anger, you started it was suppressed, he stayed. Offended by someone hanging offense. Angry at himself, suppressed anger, do not understand-hanging. Negative friends those who constantly complain about life, the ache as they all bad.

• Mental-Gave someone promise not fulfilled-hanging. Were going to do something not done-hanging.
Spiritual-you did good, you do not wound up selecting. Even for meanness, trouble, it must be thanking the lessons.

Availability cycles keeps you in the past. When all the space in your home littered, you simply have no place to something new appeared in your life. Clearing cycles will allow you to move forward. You must get rid of the past to create a better tomorrow.

Cycles are energy, they freeze it. Cycles do not give a feel of the joy of life.

The process of clearing cycles implies a process of liberation. But the release of not only on a physical level. The most important thing is to learn to be exempted from that fear, that does not give you strength to part with things that no longer meet his duties.

Life is constantly changing. When something appears in your life, have fun and enjoyment from it, be gentle to handle, and when the time comes-release.

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