Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sun in Libra

15.5.-23.10. SCALES

Man-Libra: thin...

Sun in Libra

15.5.-23.10. SCALES

Man-Libra: thin, refined, delicate. The slightest trouble, row of prints it out of balance. It's only my whole life and engaged, that saves and restores this balance.
Want to love and be loved; in General feels good only in an atmosphere of sympathy. In an atmosphere of indifference pining and may become ill. Inclined to succumb to synergize the first put up at loggerheads.
Buy rare, exquisite baubles and gives them then your neighbor or even completely strangers.

The complex problems of escapes. The struggle for a place under the Sun, the violence it alien, especially if his horoscope Maps are not expressed or uranium.

Not like to solve material problems, tries to live without much effort. Fortunately, his taste and finishing ability usually guarantee him the love of neighbour, and those helping him, including money.

If the whole horoscope staple can achieve considerable success in art-design, fashion. He needs a practical partner who would be assumed by the financial support of his life. In love is usually happy. If remains alone, feels abandoned and deeply unhappy, especially if Saturn in a bad aspect to the Moon or Venus. However, Scales are usually alone does not happen.

Generally Libra-fragile, neat and vulnerable people. The slightest offense, someone's rudeness-and it can get sick. Weights shown drinking more liquids in hours of relaxation, enjoy yourself "Apple" (drainage of the kidney). Of the elements showing sulfur, phosphorus. From herbs-Basil. Often yellowish or "impure" skin (broth from Mallow + mother-and-stepmother). Toning baths with thyme, Rosemary and basil. Useful walking, gardening, dancing. Weights needed atmosphere

Het Monster. Planets in Zodiac signs

#Astrology #scale #Zodiac #sun #Venus #Saturn #balance

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