Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Study of planets on k. Daraganu


Even more unusual...

Study of planets on k. Daraganu


Even more unusual idea for an inexperienced person can prove that Mercury energy exploration is often more complicated than harnessing the Sun. However, this is exactly the principle of transparency, the principle of Mercury, conductivity. And it can only succeed when people gained its solar integrity when learned to separate himself from his thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. Only then can the true p

People living "as will never even think about the fact that their ideas and views on life often do not belong to them. They borrowed nerefleksivno from other people, from books, magazines or television shows. But they perceived as their own. Moreover, they are perceived as our essence, preventing a true "I" (which is especially typical of Mercury).

This is a typical problem in the dispute. That makes ordinary people when criticized his views or words? Protected! That is, literally, the "protect yourself". But our thoughts is just a tool of expression, nothing more. The ability to "razotoždestvlât′" themselves with their own mentality is the study of mercury.
This becomes possible only when our Sun in the life becomes a real centre of decision-making, source of light and consciousness. Then of course it becomes obvious that our mind is only a tool used by our spirit. No more. And if the beliefs are false, such a person will replace them with more effective immediately, immediately, because it does not perceives them as related to himself. Such people appreciate common sense and log

Well-researched Mercury is the highest level of mind, this intellect, or Manas in Indian philosophy. Communication ability, logical and clear expression of your thoughts in such a case is developing itself as a result of internal change of personality. And it is another "reference" feature of successful practices. It is only indirectly connected with the načitannost′û or degrees, what is often overlooked.

So, very often, critics already mentioned Castaneda irked that his books an uneducated Indian magician says about complex philosophical themes at the level of the eminent European philosophers of Existentialism and irrationalism. From this concludes that this fictional character. But forget that this man has spent a lifetime in struggle for self modification. That's a lot, it's a lot more than you need to develop your Mercury. The same p

This includes the ability to learn, which comes from the study of mercury. A man with not strong enough or disharmonious Mercury is experiencing difficulties with mastering any new area, sometimes seemingly insurmountable for him.
For example, our society promotes a level of mercury, artificially supporting the Division of people into "techies" and "humanitarians" cultivating dumb consumers television information.

Certainly, there is a predisposition to one or the other in the horoscope, but this predisposition is not, as sometimes think this fatal nature, as if talking about the indestructible wall in our inner world.
People with a strong and harmonious Mercury equally well able to study anything, any field of knowledge or skills. His inclination and sympathy will not prevent him to learn what he deems necessary. A good example are scientists-Encyclopedists of past eras.

Disharmonious Mercury is manifested in intellectual indecision, when you must choose between nearly equal "for" and "against". Such people tend to solve problems by force or coincidence, but not common sense.
Love to blank the rumored and gossip, neumnoe curiosity, the habit of lies (or stealing), chatter — all this is also evidence that Mercury needs qualitative adjustment.

Harmonious Mercury gives curiosity, but focused, selective. This is a tenacious memory, and agility of thinking and body, prudence and impartiality in making intelligent decisions.

#Astrology #daragan #mercury #study #thinking #info #Manas #Castaneda #it

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