Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HOW TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE ...? The family is very important...

HOW TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE ...? The family is very important to understand that husband and wife should not each other anything, so if they do something for each other, they need each other to give thanks. This is a good foundation. " (Venerable Geshe Dzhampa Thinley)

General Astrology claims that any Union lasting more than three years can hold only two words that its members should be constantly talking to each other.

These two words: "sorry" and "thank you".
We are so accustomed to each other in ordinary life that stop noticing the small inconvenience that we deliver a close person.
Yes there that inconvenience-we cease to notice the person who every day suffer near us and tries to take care of us.

The words of Jesus Christ: "love your neighbour as yourself" just about it.

Just two words and your marriage saved)))
#astrologdenisdavydov #obshhajaastrologija #krizisnajaastrologija #konsul'tacijaastrologa #astropsiholog #sovetyastrologa #life #love #family #astrology

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