Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mars and Kartikeya

Some experts, O my lord, say Mars...

Mars and Kartikeya

Some experts, O my lord, say Mars -
this is Kartikeya, the intrepid warrior. Others argue
Mars - a planet, and Kartikeya - the star, which has the same
force. And because it is believed that those who were struck by Mars, could ease their plight by worshiping Kartikeya, then let me tell
about him.

Some experts have been known to say that Kartikeya was born directly from the seed of the lord Shiva. When Shiva and Parvati retired for the first time after the wedding, their love lasted continuously embrace a hundred million years. And intercourse is truly awe inspiring, was interrupted only because it distracted the attention of Siva Agni, the fire god. Having lost control of himself, Shiva allowed seed erupt, and so was born Kartikeya.

However, from other sources, my lord, it follows that Kartikeya was born of the seed of Agni, kindled a mad love for Krittika (the stars forming the constellation of the Pleiades). After all, the name of Kartikeya means "son Krittika."

R. Svoboda

India Jyotish ####Vedic Astrology Philosophy #

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