Friday, November 25, 2016

What do we know about space? We know that it...

What do we know about space? We know that it is filled with energetic particles — radiation, light. We're fairly far along in developing knowledge on the matter, but in our knowledge, despite all scientific progress, still huge holes gape. The extent of our knowledge of the cosmos and history, quite possibly, insignificant. We know even less about how energy affects human beings. Science, especially physics, is not knowledge is a potential acquisition

So, what do we know about space and time? I know that if I'm in the here and now, I am on myself quite a definite influence of external conditions. And precisely these conditions would be different if I'll be in another place and at another time. And, like the butterfly effect, different conditions will create different opportunities and different development. It's obvious, isn't it? But isn't this is the essence of astrology? We take the time

#sergejmahlaj ###Astrology astrologer star #chitajupozvezdom #romantic

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