Friday, December 2, 2016


4 lunar day: (02 December...


4 lunar day: (02 December c 10:40-03 December to 11:22) Moscow time. The Moon is waxing.

Symbols: tree of knowledge, the Adam's Apple.

Stones: sardonyx, Amazonite (brings joy into the House), green jade.

4 lunar day are considered moderately favourable. Before starting any activity should be considered carefully. It is not recommended in such a day pick flowers, cut trees, take any action damage living things. Work well in the garden, take a walk in nature.

Unfavourable sign pointing to the need to abandon the planned are entangled hair or threads in reality prisnivshiesja in a dream. That is, if you woke up today with memories about these signs, cancel their plans. With all this today work well with threads, yarn: dissolve, sew, knit, etc put in his job something good: love, charm, warmth, care, good luck for a loved one.

Today may be missing for a long time things accidentally.

Sing well, even if you don't have any special vocal data.

The Moon goes on the sign of Capricorn, adjusts to a sensible attitude towards things, but aspects of the day to such an extent that many today have to face one way or another, wounded self-esteem.

Have a nice day!

#Astrology #lunnyjkalendar' #4lunnyesutki

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