Saturday, December 3, 2016

Transit prediction. Practice-example.

Here's a guess what I am...

Transit prediction. Practice-example.

Here's a guess what I am today, in the last few hours, so communicative that a couple of people managed to bully their astrological questions VC:))
Watching the transit (to 17:56 3h, Kirov) to your map and see Jupiter and Mars being completed before bisekstilya to the Moon. A significant aspect is the addition of Mercury to Pluto Natalie.
(Footnote: Do I not every day watching their own prognostiku, despite the fact that I can — "cobbler without boots")

Jupiter is the significator of "Scholarship" and my Home 1 item, i.e. This is my "learning-mudrjonost'":) The meaning of Jupiter means increase. The increase of what? Increase your contacts with your friends — Moon ruled by 7 m and stands 11 House (the House of communication; and 11 House-friends). Contacts on the subject of astrology is a "scholar".

But Jupiter is not one day aspect of the planets, therefore the connection of Mars has yielded such mettle by me:)
Mars is the head, energy, lack of civility, and on my part, because Mars "tranzitiruet" on 1 home. And again, aspektiruet Moon in 11 home.
Both the planet's transit in air Signs, this means that dominates the theme sharing information and awareness. With a touch of "Aquarius-astrologer".

And here is the further fact that not all take into account, but that is in addition to the situation. I draw attention to transit the Moon because it was on her, but natal, "converge" aspects of two active, male planets.
That with the Moon? Moon in Capricorn, the sign of his fall. Friends are busy, they do work, illness, trouble. Because of their reaction to my pretty cool when they could not support the tempo and temperament of the conversation (another element with TRANS Jupiter and Mars) and its own meaning Capricorn (in which transit Moon) are configured on a serious footing.
Oh, and the fact that the Moon in 1 House radiksa, said about the background of emotional personal interest to the topic of 7th and 11 houses.

And that's what I want to comment on, and it sometimes works with amazing accuracy!
Transit ascendant: the House in which he goes, and particularly natal corner kuspidy and planet in the House — they are sensitive to the link with him. Often (but not always) a specific time, or rather narrow interval transit time is link transit Asc or MC with them.

In this example, the Ascendant (transit) goes to 7 Home in Natal is home, one way or another, linked to the others. It with nothing now will not connect. But recently was connected to the Party. This moment can be called the "peak" of my activity in communication when I am inspired optimism "Les soul" people:)
Curiously, trans. ASN is cancer. And what planet is ruled by this sign? Correctly, The Moon:) Which aspektirujut Mars and Jupiter! And as I asked questions of a personal nature (albeit from an astrological background) that is symbolic for "intimate" of cancer, then it converges.

In this way, and you can refine the most likely period of time on and off at a transit event forecasting.
Because the precise aspect of the slower planets does not always correspond to the event itself, especially such minor as I have today, you have to look for supporting situation aspects of the moon. But if the Moon is "silent" on this day, here you can base their judgments solely on transit situation Asn (for events with his direct participation) or Ms.

It is clear that Jupiter a few days makes transit to the Moon, something more important and may still occur. That is, closer to the exact dimension and should look for a faster connection. But here's to review the developments within 2-3 days, the method with the movement of the Asn homes (and in part, s) can be very useful in forecasting. Although, astrologers do not and often engaged in such "Moscow" 😊

About mercury transit here I will not write anything. Just because it is clear where the mercury in the Heat or air-there's talk, and where his aspect to Pluto is there talk more than necessary. But in the 12 and 8, respectively, of the homes blah natal'nyh they will not. Transit of these houses or in these houses will give a reason or opportunity (sekstil') thoroughly think over something (what they stand for in Natal), speculate over something hidden, little known and not
In addition, mercury-Pluto here little interaction due to the fact that aspect passes through border sign. The action aspect will be very short, and when Mercury enters in the first days, even without degrees, and angular minutes of Scorpio, Pluto here at 0.03 gram. Scorpion.

#transit ###Astrology prediction practice

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