#Astrology @ taro_nesoakademia
Magical abilities of zodiac signs
☼ Aries-among all zodiac signs only he is able to use almost all types of magic to achieve their goals. But the best at Aries turns out charge as positive or negative energy of water, food, clothing. He is able to read additional information with photographs, letters, and personal belongings. Moreover, the Lake was a huge portion of energy, it is often immediately forgets about the magic act that just committed. And then udivljaets
☼ Taurus: he is a stickler for material traditions. Taurus does best vorozhba on money, success and advancement in your career. Not casually people have always worshipped the golden calf is a symbol of wealth. To enhance the effect any magical effect (for example, toast for material well-being or wish success in writing-on a postcard or email) it is better to repeat several times.
☼ Gemini-these are prone to verbalize people best leave conspiracies and love spells. They also know how to use the Wind element perfectly. Fields and meadows, on which walks leader of clouds is the best place to zagadyvanija desires and intensify the intuition. Another horse Twins are talking on the phone. Their voices are usually has special magical vibrations. Convince anyone in anything for twins-no question.
☼ Cancer: he is an opponent of magic. The only thing that is a Cancer on the soul of divination. He really wants to lift the veil of the future, and thanks to the splendid intuition, this zodiac sign forecasts come true interest on 80. Besides Crayfish-excellent psychologists. To reach their goal, they quietly lurked in its Burrow, observing people. Very true calculate their strengths and weaknesses, and easily manipulated by others. Than not magic?
☼ Lion-what magic does best among people with hot heart? Of course, love. This is an area where they can do the most amazing results. And yet the Lions by nature have a very strong energy and leadership abilities, respectively. Light idea, convince all its accuracy and lead, conquering the hearts of surrounding slogans and enticing prospects-Leo capable of such feats.
☼ Virgo: she has a talent for the fortunetelling Tarot cards, runes made, vorozhba on lines the hands. That is the kind of magic where you want to memorize, rework and tie together a huge number of combinations. Logic, numbers, nitpicking-trump cards of the Virgin. If anyone knows how to pull the winning ticket, so is she. Buying a ticket, it should pay special attention to his room and listen to your senses: like or dislike this combination of digits. You
☼ Scales: can easily succeed in all rituals that are associated with natural phenomena: the storm, lightning, Thunder, Sunrise and sunset, the new moon and full moon. Another horse Weights-talismans and charms with gems. If you have received a gift from a person born under this sign, decoration and a few kind words in the bargain, keep in mind that this thing very soon bring you happiness.
☼ Scorpion: its energy-the most mystical. Vorozhit', predict, to learn the fate of stars-he is capable of any magic. But especially Scorpions differed in the home of magic. Already one with their presence they can protect the housing against all trouble. If you feel that negative energy builds up, invite to visit his girlfriend, who was born under this sign. And ... ask her to help wash dishes or rub the dust. Say, without moustache
☼ Sagittarius: that magic was successful, it is necessary to clearly define the objective. For example, "I wish that tomorrow at six o'clock in the evening to the House pulled up" Prince "white car". Just don't forget at this time to go outside, and then provoronite your happiness. Another Sagittarius by nature endowed with celitel'skimi abilities. Can shoot hands headache and diagnose disease.
☼ Capricorn: he likes astrology, Numerology and palmistry. Strong Capricorns and so-called "suburban" magic. Leaning against the old oak or in the Centre stood a blossoming meadows, they can ask any question and get his inner voice a pretty clear answer.
☼ Aquarius: he is a supporter of theatrical effects. Can beautiful stretch cards fan and with certain views tell interlocutor the details about his past and future. Guarantee accurate prediction is customer trust. If the Aquarius feels that his words heard his advice take note, magical abilities representative of this zodiac sign are growing like a weed. By the way, thanks to its rich imagination, it can easily come up with
☼ Fish: it's cooking Wizard privorotnogo potion (it can be even a normal tea, brewed with love in the night of the full moon) and energy cleaning the House (after the Fish pick up cloth and detergents from the apartment fades not only mud but and negative energy). They believe in omens, and signs in their lives come true often enough. Fish great wonder on maps, runes made and coffee grounds. And totally incapable of on black magic. Zache
☼ Aries-among all zodiac signs only he is able to use almost all types of magic to achieve their goals. But the best at Aries turns out charge as positive or negative energy of water, food, clothing. He is able to read additional information with photographs, letters, and personal belongings. Moreover, the Lake was a huge portion of energy, it is often immediately forgets about the magic act that just committed. And then wonders
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
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