Saturday, February 18, 2017

Astrology in dialogs 💬

xxx: listen, ARES and Xena-this turns out...

Astrology in dialogs 💬

xxx: listen, ARES and Xena-this turns out to be a cool couple! 😍😍
yyy: yes what class, some clashes and rivalry ...
xxx: but lope passion !! And in general, he is a man! and eyes like burning! ...
yyy: you is a cha ... transiting Mars there, like, a Descendant approaching ... close eh?
* look. transit Mars exactly on the Dsc *
xxx: 😐 ... there is at least something that is not explained by astrology in life ???
YYY: Nope:))))))))))))

- Ares - the Greek god of war. In Roman mythology, it corresponds to Mars, whose name was given to the respective planet, endowed with similar qualities (activity, belligerence, competition).
-Descendent (Dsc)-7 home that meets including the choice of partner relations.

###Mars Astrology transits

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