Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Sign Of Leo

From 23 July to 22 August...

The Sign Of Leo

From 23 July to 22 August, the Sun is in Leo. Its symbol is the phallus, spermatozoid, three cell. It is a symbol of Solar fire, life-giving energy, strength and luck, temper and rudeness. The key phrase of the mark of the lion-"I will" iz'javljaju, and people born under the Sun in this sign, usually show a hefty commitment, which is called willpower!
Phase of the lion-hot hell time overflowing energy, strength, redundancy. All matures and should be removed. Energy is spent not on themselves but on a new life. In this phase, all "loaded with fire." Plants fertilized alhagi. It's time to assert themselves. Plants in the juice, and a new life in full powered accumulated energy. This phase is correlated with the Sun, and not only because it gives us light and heat, but primarily Poto
Human nature being born under the sign of Leo, absorbs all power Augustów plodonosjashhej nature, zhivotvornymi, naturally in the Sun. Strength and consistency-the main features of this sign, which protects the luminary, serves as an inexhaustible source of energy on Earth. The Lions are equally understandable and high spirit and the power of matter. They take all the created nature and civilization, as well as appreciate the beautiful creations of human hands and UVA
In the circle of the Zodiac (from fish) Lion character corresponds to the golden section point that defines the right proportions of earthly beauty. People are like gods and they can become: all you need to do is to show data to each talent and excellence. But the creative implementation assumes its not, and over-personal will is constant discreet execution of space law, an example of which every day is us luminary. Donated by sending all the warmth of its
Leo absolutizes the present, fully relying on the whole being shown that he clearly sees itself not allowing otherwise. But only leaving a place unknown to the movements of his soul, he will avoid isolation in sozidaemom they own the world. In astrology, the Sun is associated with the heart, and love helps her forget the lion false and reveal its true self, patronizing other energy of their feelings and generosity of gifts. The heart is the Sun each: true tv
Improving their skills and showing their individuality, Leo takes responsibility for their lives and their love. This sometimes requires the heroism of the individual in society have to matter to prove their right to be themselves and manage life on your own. In the conflict of the individual and the society personality often fails if assumes no responsibility for other people. Only taking her man becomes King of nature and the son of the Suns
#Astrology @ asmodeus_4

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