Friday, March 31, 2017


What is a woman, who is a woman and how does she differ from a man? Men and women are different. In addition to having their own functions, the energy moves in us in different ways. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged so that in men and women the energy in these centers moves in different ways. Y to

We'll start from the bottom. The lowest chakra - muladhara. It is responsible for the survival and offspring, and it is arranged in such a way that men, this chakra is activated, and the woman is passive. That is man gives energy, and the woman accepts it.

This means that this male function is to give protection.
Protection for women's survival. Provide basic security. Our task - to focus on their responsibilities. Responsibilities of women in this area - to learn to accept. Most of us have a problem with that. As planned, we should fully trust the man, and rely on him - that he would take care of us.

At us, at many of us, there are any generic scenarios and other traumas. Very often we do not let a man care about us at all. Very often, women say: "Oh, I would like a strong shoulder." But in practice it turns out to be so scary to trust that it's easier to do everything yourself.

If a woman begins to take care of herself, for example, herself and her children, then the chakra begins to work in a masculine way, it begins to be active. If a woman has a husband next to her, then he has nothing left, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to take, and give the woman. And this situation is very difficult to break afterwards. Because a woman, in order to somehow change this situation, one must abandon this, as it were, to jump without a parachute
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi

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