Friday, March 3, 2017

Horoscope female "bezuminok": what you otpugivaete men according to Zodiac...

Horoscope female "bezuminok": what you otpugivaete men according to Zodiac
#Astrology #MPPG #horoscope of #women #bezuminki ##repel men

Oh, about the Aquarius in full agreement! Every woman has a zest. And "bezuminka" too. With astrologers argue that merit stars. Let's learn exactly what pushes away from you men. Tell us, do you agree with the conclusions of the astrologers?

Many men Aries ' scare off its neproshibaemost'ju. Only the man thinks, and not go to them for another stage of relations, as a female Aries swoop jumps ten steps! Some men, of course, is flattered. But most still gets scared. Don't forget that the hunters we have men. So historically.

Many of the men from the women-Taurus starts a nervous TIC. They discuss on the male forums, they are the heroines of nightmares many unfortunates on them men quietly whispering to each other in kurilkah and fear meet again. Because Taurus is a branch of mercantile woman. And this says it all.

Gemini-free birds and always come as they please. Spend all your money on those new shoes, the whole month of eating pasta? And what is that? Go with a stranger on vacation? Yes please. The twins do not know where they will suffer in the next second. And then men are afraid of them even stronger.

At first glance, the female Crabs are pretty, Cipro and not treacherous. But wait rejoice! The fun begins when the Cancer will wake up Domomuchitel'nica. And the buns you don't see how their hands until make lessons or not put garbage. And will nag, nag you for it.

Theoretically, the Lionesses should all be afraid. Well who will attract the arrogant expression, arrogance and desire to s'jazvit' from scratch? Paradox, but many on this pecking! Men unknown force pulls women Lions. But many drop out in the next stage, when Lioness makes it clear that the unhappy should throw the whole world at her feet. Non-honey-flax-but!

Maiden can definitely be called mazohistkoj because it scares men intentionally. So even with pleasure. She likes to poke into the ailing point men and not be missed. It is capable of so to criticize the hapless that his self-esteem immediately falls under the skirting. But as she looks! Any man starts to think that it was a misunderstanding of this life.

Weight scales
Male pecking on women-Weights, because they are all so helpless, air and girls-girls. Dreamy and charming, they often don't know what they want themselves from this life. If a man tries to rush to her rescue, after a time he spit on this thing and seep. Because you can grow old until the Scales will decide whether they need this assistance.

Scorpions a priori deter men just their existence. All women as women, and this is not razgadaesh'. What he wants? What of it wait? This mystery, though initially and attracted the stronger sex, very quickly begins to tire.

Pro Shooters all brief and clear: the invented itself was mad. Men from the herds and escape!

Capricorn-mistress have brains. Long, boring, small spoon and savoring. In the middle of her monologue men start to fall asleep, and morals, where only say "Boo-Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo-Boo, quickly tiring and irritating. The most terrible thing that Kozerozhka itself is not aware of the disaster's scale.

Aquarius deters its neulovimost'ju. Only female Hunter hearts thought found its prey like a woman-Aquarius uporhnula to girlfriends, drama or fashion show. It's not as scary, but tiring. Hardly a man decides that such relationships are not needed, as Aquarius is there and ready for a relationship.

Fish scare off its coldness. For a long time to care, arrange a romantic date, led by different activities to take on your hands. The reaction is zero. When a man already on the brink, the Fish opens his eyes and throws something condescending. Something like: "well, love me." And so the circle. Certainly, it is not necessary to rely on the horoscope. But, you see, truth is in it!

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