Wednesday, March 1, 2017



Say out loud or to...



Say out loud or to myself, the word "happiness." What images pop up in your mind? What feelings awaken in the body? Someone raises a smile, warm sensation somewhere inside, the other is the satisfaction and peace of mind. It is difficult to give a precise definition.

Be that as it may, consciously or unconsciously, everyone aspires to happiness. And this is evident in every action of man, each of his pomysle and intention. Happiness has such a property, like the intensity. I.e. 2 person can be happy, but the intensity of this State may be different. The higher the intensity, the happier people.

Today I propose a simple πŸ“„ checklist to determine how happy do you personally. The list below can be used as goals to be reached, because they truly make a person happy.

1. I have a harmonious relationship with its partner 🚻;

2. I have a favorite cause or hobby 🎨, which I am regularly;

3. I am physically πŸ‹i psychologically πŸ”…zdorov;

4. I have a goal of πŸš€ life, to which I aspire;

5. I have a 🌟 the meaning of life, and I am aware of.

Just check those statements that are true for you. And those who are not faithful to talk about what you must strive to become fully happy.

Of course, this list can be a whole lot to add more. But it is precisely these components define the foundation upon which rests the happiness of man. I wonder how many hits do you have from this list?

#VedicheskajaAstrologija #VedicheskijAstrolog #astrologer Astrology #MamedovAdam #Svakshetra ##swakshetra #Jyotish #Happiness

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