Tuesday, March 28, 2017


In the horoscope...


In the horoscope of each person has a destiny, the axis defines life lessons and a fateful situation. It is determined by the Lunar nodes.

Years and periods when the North node of the Moon was in Leo:


North node in Leo symbolizes the fighting will. In this incarnation, the individual learns to develop inner strength. Very often he was not someone to rely on. The individual eventually realizes that if his life should be better, it must be created by him. But before he could create something, it must overcome its apathy and carelessness.

It still continues the trend of past life, feeling self-pity due to lack of friends when they need you most. In moments of stress others always seem to be missing. Common periods of loneliness, isolation and retreat, in many cases.

Eventually, when it was decided that little may reject individual from his fate. He must know that his isolation is used for gathering the forces. Very capable to strong leadership in this life, this individual must learn to overcome all doubts.

Past desires friendly relations weakened it, because they have little strengthen its confidence. It should more focus on purpose, rather than follow the usual trend of waste energy. Interestingly, while continuing to think that need other to answer their questions, he rarely takes their advice.

He has friends from all walks of life. In a sense, it increases its capacity, because now they bring him knowledge, which he earned in previous incarnations.

When determination takes root, stops on the road to success will not be because the individual doesn't like to rest on something second-class. A lot of thoughts is devoted to the future. In fact, he used to live in it until one day he comes to the realization that "today is yesterday's future" and that nothing will exist in the future that created today!

He is not one of those easy to understand and will do everything to enhance their individuality. In previous incarnations, he removed himself from the majority and allow yourself to go its own way. Now he is proud to be different from others, and cares not so much about the traditions of society, but rather the rules which it has set for itself.

The main difficulty of the individual in this life is the lack of control. He can direct his force on useless projects, not yet aware that no one will stand over him with a whip. Based on past knowledge, he can do something for the benefit of all mankind.

Many people with this position of the nodes move from poverty to wealth; big changes are coming after the tendency to overlook is transformed into the ability to observe! They are amazed when they discover talents last life, the existence of which is not suspected.

You can achieve happiness, if found, which dedicate the remainder of his life. Moreover, unyielding principles should be found so that an individual felt that he creates something substantial. Then he would reconcile his life with them.

The activity of other people reminds him of his own past incarnations. He wants life was moving on a straight course, and at the same time wants to keep its full independence. As a result, it was difficult for him to tolerate other people, which constrains its style — he will constantly check the limits.

South node in Aquarius brings with it the roots of past life, strongly have penetrated in the principles of Justice and equality. In the current life of the individual is able to be independent so that it can express their inner beliefs, not embarrassing others. His job now is to show people so vividly or so powerfully as he can, the ways in which the world can overcome its burden. He achieved highest achievements, if subordinate

There is no doubt that this is a good material leadership, because deeply rooted in a past life, the sense of Justice of Aquarius never violated. This individual is able to make revolutionary changes in what was once an established tradition. He amazed and fascinated by all the possibilities, which can reach people. At the same time he was irritated when he sees people regretting about own limitations, since it is well

He tends to stay high to its not ridiculed for those beliefs that he so wanted to express. While his ability to love growing, all remaining it is not so far from the surface. Continued attraction of his past life in short-term charm continues to churn it out of the way, making a clear vision of his true self. Thus, his achievements — the only real barometer of his values.

He may sometimes wish for loneliness, but never live without people, because the blooms on their admiration for his accomplishments. He believes in justice, but quickly forgives when people admit that they are wrong, and never hit the lying. He is so honest that it is inconvenient to participate in any competition that includes cheating.

Things that aren't bothered by it in past incarnations, suddenly become important when it starts rather closed in life than parted from her. Although Karma his life today is the use of his uranianskoj ingenuity through practical and traditional outputs a lion, he still is struggling to maintain its unique character.

Some people with this situation, the Nodes hold the later years of his life in solitude. Others, being married, still adhere to the independence and tend to keep other family members on the periphery of its range.

The situation in the House of the South node points to the sphere of life where the needs of past life in originality and are still looking for freedom of expression. The situation in the House of the North node indicates the sphere of life, through which all energy cards can be focused on a significant new shining creation — the gift of generosity the world. Indeed, this provision Nodes "inventor".

Source-chapter from the book of Martin Shulman "Lunar nodes and reincarnation."

#путь_жизни #лунные_узлы #раху_во_льве #astrology

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