Saturday, March 4, 2017

Retrograde Venus from 4 March to 15 April

This retrograde...

Retrograde Venus from 4 March to 15 April

This retrograde Venus lasts about 40 days. Such periods occur once in 19 months. Venus is a planet responsible for love, beauty, aesthetics, art, social life, kindness, joy, pleasure, sensuality. Thus, retrograde motion of a planet brings instability, slowdowns and mayhem in primarily in the sphere of relations.
In this time of emotional tension, especially as manifested in close relationships. Women lose their tenderness and gentleness, becoming nervous, hysterical, capricious. Men on the contrary lose their masculinity by becoming apathetic, forthcoming, pliable and droopy.
Slows down the processing of internal experiences. People could not understand what he wants, to understand their own feelings summarize it at this time.
Likes and dislikes are mixed, are sudden and unreasonable, too sharply or too slack are experienced.
Changed, obscured by the attitude towards the values of the material and the spiritual.
Entertainment have disappointed and seriously boring at first glance events can bring unexpected fun.
Mood fragile, changing without reason. Characterized by periods of vague longing, baseless insults and the same rampant sudden joy.
At this time, do not start a relationship, because later it turns out that this is not what you need. Such a relationship will not bring satisfaction.
Not worth buying things status nature, art and jewelry, fancy expensive clothes and all that is connected with pleasures. When Venus will be a policy may prove that this is not what you actually want.
What should be done?
• Buying things purely practical, relying on their utilitarian features.
• Put up with whom in the quarrel, to forgive, to say goodbye.
• think and take the experience of past relationships, razocharovavshih and many happiness.
• Summarize, terminate that brings no joy but only hurts.
• Bring to perfection the art objects, publication of the work, write poems, painting program.
• Send its unstable emotionalism on internal processes rather than on others. If you want to be sad — grieve alone outdoors or reading a book, under the melodious music or in silence. If you rejoice, then take in a movie, or eat something delicious. Try to survive all the feelings that occur in the period up to the end, analyzing all the processes in making certain conclusions.
Retrograde Venus in the natal chart
As already mentioned, the retrograde planet in the natal chart indicates some kind of karmic repayment on this field.
This situation of Venus gives its owner focused on internal processes. Petulance and vulnerability that are experienced and practiced in the domestic space, unlike the external manifestation of the policy of Venus. Often the importance of such experiences exaggerated man. The reasons for the resentment and disorder are not clear, often and he himself. such a person experiences hard in relationships, especially love. This is due to
In addition retrograde Venus gives extreme subjectivism in tastes, aesthetic and sensual excesses.
But in addition, retrograde Venus with proper elaboration gives deep rich emotionality, spirituality and wisdom, strong domestic terminal and true kindness, freedom to give and receive love, developed aesthetic sense, the inner beauty of personality, ability to be happy and enjoy the simple things, to see beauty everywhere.

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#rktrogradnost' ##Venus astrology

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