Sunday, March 12, 2017

🌛Seychas 13 lunar day with the growing Moon in Leo...

🌛Seychas 13 lunar day with the growing Moon in Leo
Symbol: ring wheel

Lunar day today is both - a continuation of the 12 lunar day. Do not dispose of cases initiated. Energy to complete the initiated is sufficient. Today you can be compared to a wheel rolling downhill. Do not worry, do not slow down the pace. Success is at hand. Lunar day today is quite mystical and mysterious: the door ajar between heaven and earth, it is possible to grasp the unknown. At the 13th lunar day comes these cosmic vibrations, which favorably tale
Today, you can also learn a lot from other people, listen to the advice of others. Today is the day of the lunar calendar - 13, and may come "like a ring," some of the problems that you have not decided earlier. Well they still need some time to decide. Do not put off for later what can be done now.
Moon today is very good for the treatment and rejuvenation of the skin, hair and entire body. All medicines, ointments and creams will act more strongly than usual.

💘Lyubov today
Today, it is desirable to refrain from new acquaintances and contacts. It is very likely meeting with people with whom you once parted, and parted not the most joyful way. This day review of relations, the return to old problems and relationships. Do not be surprised if today, suddenly, for no apparent reason on the horizon will be your ex-husband or lover. And, by revising their old mistakes, you can understand that it was not so bad, and the reasons for
The lunar day today rarely make suggestions and even fewer marriages, since it is the day reviewing the old relationship, a time when it is time to look back, and do not plan for the future. This is the time when we can talk about their everyday concerns. The most appropriate day to finally figure out what's what. Very often in such a way that some things open themselves. All the secret becomes clear. Sometimes a person and was not going to tell something, but on the

📝Dela day today
Things to day things today so that now all undertakings are unfavorable. The function of this day - audit, review and completion of old cases. The most successful day for a thorough review and analysis of contracts and projects and their correction. Return to the matters to the very beginning, and to trace the entire chain until today. This practice will help to see all the shortcomings and defects, to find a "weak link" and to uphold it. OK to close the company to this day, that
The lunar day today try to work together. Moreover, today it is possible to engage in money matters, material issues. Today is especially successful for scientific and creative work, social events, group contacts. Excellent day for new information, improving education, replenishment of knowledge on any subject of interest to you.

⚡Luna Void 3/10/2017 20:05 - 3/11/2017 01:07

What is today the lunar influence
The Moon is now in Leo, and contributes to the upbeat, cheerful mood. The muscles swell, play, determination rules, a person is going with the spirit dare to address. Boundaries blur few seem easily surmountable. We think that we can all, at all capable of, even a little bit - and the whole world at our feet.
Today is the day of the Moon in Leo - you want to have all praised, made us compliments. Do not stint on your kind words to others - they'll tell you the same.
Days Lion Good for celebration and fun, well run the presentation. It is advisable to dress smartly, freshen up and go somewhere where a lot of people and a festive atmosphere prevails: in the theater, a concert, a visit. These days, people give a lot of attention especially the exterior: the way you look, is definitely seen. If you want to make a good impression - use the day of the Lion on all cylinders.
Today, the waxing Moon in Leo - and if you like jewelry, pay attention to these expensive trinkets. Walk on interiors, antique shops. Today, the aesthetic experience of seeing decorations and works of art turn new ideas.

💄Krasota and haircut today
When the moon haircut today is very beneficial for the health of hair. Hair becomes stronger and more luxuriant, quickly grow. In the days of Leo manages well the chemical waving of hair - they are obtained especially curly. Those who are not seeking curly mane, but prefers light hair, make a perm today, it is not recommended. For details, see the lunar calendar 2017 hairstyles.
Outside win, if you take these days mineral and radon baths, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they are very refreshing. Today it is possible to make a new make-up and make-up - would be the best choice. But shoes bought today, quickly demolished and comes into disrepair.
Moon Phase Today - waxing Moon, the body tries to learn as much as possible and get their food as much as possible to postpone the reserve. With always the same eating habits are much more likely to get the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and we are easier to gain weight than the waning moon. Therefore, it is necessary to limit yourself to food, if you do not want to get better.

🍏Zdorove today
Lunar calendar for today makes "sing" the entire circulatory system. Now she is much more active than the other days. At times more back pain and heart a little "going crazy."
For the health of today, it is desirable to refrain from unnecessary worries. It is impossible to give the load on the heart, as this may result in a heart attack or heart failure. Increased sensitivity of the heart. Who has heart problems should avoid tedious travel and all that overstrains heart and circulatory system.
Moon in the sign of the zodiac now exposes various human sciatica. You can not waste physical strength, as it would require significantly more power consumption than usual. After such a waste of energy, when the Moon enters Virgo, there may come a painful condition. Therefore, physical force in the period of stay of the Moon in Leo should be spent sparingly. You may see the nervousness and insomnia.
At this time it is possible to treat all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremor). Recommended treatment legs, joint diseases, organs of vision. Do not touch the moles, warts and skin roughness.
Now the waxing Moon, and this phase of the Moon in Leo - ruled out all surgical procedures, especially in the heart, the entire cardiovascular system and circulatory system, spine and ribs, diaphragm, spleen. Contraindicated heart surgery and all the things that put a strain on the heart. You can give eye strain and shin.
@ Materials Site horoscope ##astrologer astrology

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