Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to people born...

Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to people born
March 4

✨Harakter discreet, independent; Also of interest are concentrated in the spiritual sphere, especially in the second half of life. During this period, you may receive a penchant for solitude, a person would like to be with himself, contemplating his own deep inner peace.
✨U such people a great esoteric potential. They all have their own opinion, have the mentality of the opposition; This criticism. They choose the path of struggle and never go the easy way, do not follow the accepted traditions.
✨Zhelatelno not quarrel, because with them they just stand in opposition. They are usually stubborn and persistent. These people have an unprecedented ability to withstand the pain of mental and physical.
✨Eti people like to donate your time, love to donate money for reforms to help the poor and disadvantaged. They really like to do something good for the improvement of the environment. This is a public desire to help everyone, save the environment, can bring them into politics or religious organization. They truly will help their charges, and subordinates may give all of themselves for the benefit of the organization.
✨U their bright flavor and abstract mind. It creatively gifted people, they like to dress up. They are attractive in appearance and are good friends.
✨Oni sentimental, can be depressed by setbacks. They like when they were treated with respect, to "you."
✨U such people often rises, and then falls. Therefore, it is best to carry your friends who have knowledge and who can support them.


- More trust people;
- Be calm, control their feelings;
- To find and follow their religion as part of the religion;
- You need to learn to appreciate other people;
- You need to spend money wisely, it is advisable to save a little money for old age, then to not be on the verge of poverty;
- Do not need to blindly trust others, you need to talk less, avoid loneliness, self-removal;
- Avoid aimless travel, ideal to travel to the places of pilgrimage;
- Very good to practice yoga, meditation, prayers and do all that calms the mind, because such people are prone to atherosclerosis and sclerosis in old age.

I Love You, Health and Harmony! ❤

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After Vedic Numerology (Sankhya Shastra) reveals some features of the human personality, and this is just a small brick of Vedic knowledge!

#Birthday #happybirthday #Jyotish astrology ###esoteric numerology

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