Saturday, March 11, 2017

Transit of Mars in the sign of Taurus ♉ ️ 10 March-April...

Transit of Mars in the sign of Taurus ♉ ️ 10 March-April 21, 2017 ✨

10 March Mars moved in the sign of Taurus. Active pritormazhivaetsja, increased goods from producer and laziness. Actions are aimed at achieving tangible results, ensuring your own financial blagopoluchija💰💰💰

If we take into account almost matches the period of retrograde Venus, it is not the time for new projects and investments. It is time to deepen the already established work. Taurus-salt of the Earth. Sensual sign with high osjazatel'nym capability. Therefore, the tendency of hand made products will increase, people are trying to do something new with your hands. And get at least a specific income. May increase greed and pettiness. Upjortost' and desire for

So take yourself in hand. Welcome your laziness and continue to work for the benefit of all that motivates us ❤ ️
#Astrology #astropsihologija #uslugiastrologa #uslugipsihologa #astropsihologmarijavagner #horoscope

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