Sunday, March 19, 2017

Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change...

Translation of the book by Howard Sasportasa "gods of change". "Transit of URANUS on the FIRST HOUSE. Part 2 "-

«... No matter what the sign is an ASN member, this transit brings anxiety and impatience. We wake up in the middle of the night, because we feel a "buzz" of ideas and revelations; us shaken by sudden flashes of energy; We feel "charged", vozbuzhdjonnymi, unstable, impulsive. We act in ways that surprise us and other people. At any age this transit may refer to external or collective impact that dramatichesk

Thank you for the translation of the practitioner of the astrologer and translator [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka], translation, 2017.

#IASTRO #Astrology #IgorSivak #translation #GovardSasportas #Uranium #transit

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