Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Uranus in astrology is responsible for change...


Uranus in astrology is responsible for change, innovation, foresight, the future, the inner voice. Uranus controls the zodiac sign Aquarius and the eleventh House.
This is the seventh in distance from the planet to the Sun. He bestows insight (Logo), to open people's divine purpose. It gives a clear sense of perspective and the ability to foresee the future with bright flashes of inspiration. As the God of heaven, Uranus is the highest manifestation of the heavenly qualities.
Uranium-a great educator, sending visions and revelations, and clairvoyance is related to the ability to "read" the future. Insight it is impartial, free from the directions of morality, and depends on you how to dispose. This planet symbolizes a gust of sedition and liberation from the rigidities of the circumstances for the establishment of a new order, reflecting the progressive mindset.

Uranium properties in astrology
Planet symbolizes the desire to break free from the constraints and conventions of everyday life. From an astrological point of view, is the driving force that motivates a person to protest against the established order of things, the desire for independence and play by their rules. Uranus breaks the rings of Saturn and encourages restrictions. To achieve inner freedom, will have to break with the past, family traditions and abandon the stability. If you are near

Although Uranium expresses the need for radical change, they are rarely welcomed, because put everything upside down. This planet claims that it is necessary to abandon the desire for financial success and stability, because attachment to material things does not allow you to be truly free and feel the taste of life. Uranicheskij principle gives a chance to dig deeper to discover yourself and realize their potential, freed from prejudices.
Uranus is called "higher octave" of mercury, because it promotes intelligence one step further into the realm of pure reason and gives the ability to invent new. Without it you cannot progress, however, the need for change can be painful to humans.
The position of the planets in the natal chart shows the degree of your desire to change. It can also specify those areas of life where you need to adapt to change, and tells you how to approach this process. Uranus shows the desire for innovation, originality, freedom of spirit and willpower.

The Symbolism Of Uranium
Ancient Greek God Uranus name meant "Heaven" or "the night sky". Created by the goddess of the Earth, Uranus was the epitome of the heavens. This planet was discovered in the year 1781 by William Herschel. It was the era of coups in the history of the world, when the old political and economic foundations have already become obsolete. The United States demanded independence from Great Britain, France formed the preconditions of revolution. After the discovery of this planet in a new era of Science: open magnet
Astrological symbol for uranium is associated with the configuration of the first television antennas, an invisible force feed modern magic. Uranus in astrology is associated with inventions, science, technology, electricity, computers, aviation, space, and social sciences. It symbolizes the strength of the human mind, which is able to reach the area of "universal ideas" and find practical application in everyday life. This is not a
Uranus is at the forefront of social and technological progress among rebels and revolutionaries, whose reform ideas, discoveries and innovations have shaken mankind since the beginning of its existence. People under its influence, love to shock others and behave defiantly. They are rebels, spokesmen for the generation of aspiring to change and freedom. They do not recognize influencers and everything that is connected with the traditions and oppression, not beaten, AR

In a negative manifestation of Uranium can produce demagogue who operates the utopian ideals for his own personal benefit or dictator who ruthlessly imposing their vision of society people. Recklessness is peculiar to this planet, as a rejection of the experience of others.

#Astrology #psychology #formula_dushi ##planet Uranus

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