Sunday, April 16, 2017

✨ 6 poses to recharge your batteries at the beginning of...

✨ 6 poses to recharge your batteries at the beginning of the day!

1. tree Pose with the tension in his hands behind his back.
Hand pull back, chest looks up bent legs put a heel on the inner side of the thigh of the other leg, attach it to the side as far as possible. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.
2. Warrior Pose III.
If you feel that you're in this position you can stably allocate hands back like in the photo. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.
3. Posture Crescent.
Do not deviate too forward or backward in this posture, keep your arm bent, not making it too forward, eyes directed upward.
4. Posture the dancers.
Open the back, chest, look forward.
5. Pose backgrounds.
Be careful with the position of the neck in this position if you feel excessive voltage or loosen the lower head.
6. Dog snout upwards.
Remember that unlike the Cobra pose is that your knees when lifting the hands come off the floor and remain a short cab ride.

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