Tuesday, April 11, 2017

🖊 The world will change when...

🖊 The world will change when women regain their strength and their femininity.
"There is a lot of talk about women's energy and often. And sometimes the concepts are mixed.
🖊 Because they usually develop one of the two female energies.
🖊 They are both female, but different. Each of them has its own purpose.
🖍 Sexual female energy This is the female energy of the lower energy centers. Thanks to her, children are born, because exactly this energy fuels a man's passion.
"It is this energy in a woman that makes men lose their heads and peace."
🖍 Like any energy, it does not have color. It's not bad and not good.
It is very necessary. But it's important to use it correctly.
📝 If we consider it the only possible of the women, then such unpleasant things can happen as: - Men need only sex around
🖊No one of them wants to talk heart to heart. - No one wants to introduce her husband to such a girlfriend - it's dangerous!
🖊This energy does not allow a man to relax and relax next to a woman - she is too hot - There is no respect in the family, only sex Practices for the development of this force usually boil down to intimate gymnastics, the science of flirting and seduction.
🖋Very often this is what girls are doing that do not have a partner yet - they think that they just do not have enough sexuality. And it usually leads to the fact that partners appear, but her husband is not. But there is another female energy.
🖊Lunar. Moon energy is the energy of the upper centers. It is the energy of purity, friendship. Love and tenderness.
🖋This energy is for daily use. It does not increase in men lust
🖌 She evokes a desire to take care of a woman and take responsibility for her. She attracts only worthy men
🖌 It allows you to deepen the relationship It pacifies the men - and they can rebuild their strength She is in us since the birth
The main thing is that this energy can be used everywhere and always, remaining a woman and not being afraid of consequences. But this does not mean that we do not need sexual energy. It is very important - without it there would not be children. But it is important for her to know the place and time. In the bedroom with her husband - that's it.
🖊There will also be useful lace underwear, and bright makeup, and ultra-short skirts, and belly dancing (which was originally a dance for the bedroom).
🖊 The blocking of sexual energy is fraught with female diseases and difficulties with childbearing. But its abuse is no better than for health, and for the soul.
🖋 Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance. One energy for a bedroom. The other is for the rest of the world.
And then lunar energy needs to be practiced more often and more. It is her that needs to be developed, it is about her that she should be remembered every day.
📌📌📌 Take care of your energies!
#Astrology #Psychology #Life Psychology #Psychology of relationships #10апреля #spring #Vedas #happiness #Family

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