Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4
The Moon continues to undergo a complex...

April 4
The Moon continues to undergo a complex configuration of planets. In the morning the only support-from Mars in Taurus-perseverance in work activity, and achieving goals. Further conflict with Jupiter and Uranus are given quite rapid and hectic start to the day and the same turbulent throughout the first half. While the Moon comes the sign cancer, major conflicts may relate to family, relatives, however, sense of security, shelter, emotions. Because the main "konfliktujushhi

In General, someone tomorrow morning will have to run well, and someone will feel the tension, anxiety and the desire to change something in your life.

Closer to midnight, the moon will pass harmonious aspect with Venus in PISCES-emotional relaxation, the opportunity to sound off, cry it out, unburden the soul in terms of emotions, feelings, and desires. A good aspect for women and communicating with them.

🔥... and all would be not so difficult if not background aspects!
The sun goes to the same heavy configuration this week, in fact, already since Monday we can feel.
Conflict with Jupiter (8.04)-standoff peaceful calm partners/relations, exaggeration of its importance or ostentatious game on the theme of Justice, inappropriate blowing up themes of relations, the world of art.
Conflict with Pluto (9.04)-aspect of prohibitions, pressure, bounce, the dangers of debt, resources, health, loss of independence.
Connection with uranium (04.09)-dimension instability, chaos, nervousness, freedom, different kinds of "flashes" disruption.

In fact, this is one unit, the voltage will be maintained until the latter and around Stoke after him.

Keep all and try to use these aspects as fuel for development and breakthrough in various spheres of life.
#astroprognoz ###forest reserve prediction #tarozapovednogolesa #astrology

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