Tuesday, April 4, 2017

By virtue of traditions of writing about all conferences at...

By virtue of traditions of writing about all conferences at which I am, I cannot fail to mention the Saturday Conference "Practical Astrology today and predictors of yesteryear, the organizer of which became Victoria Levochskaja: modern Conference, motivational, inspirational and really informative.
I think that not everyone understands how Victoria worked hard, organizing a holiday expertise astrologers. What usually makes people team in astrological schools, one person did here. Agree, it is able not to everyone: find such generous partners activities that gave all the participants and speakers ' gifts and certificates for different kinds of services, organize a comfortable large hall, a cultural program, book sale, coffee break ...
Was collected a remarkable team of rapporteurs, who provided the most interesting work. Yes what to say, not less great was one of the partners Conference, telling the difference between the mortgage and the cooperative a loan ... Zhila PETER entered it)))))
Report Olga Dobrianka, technology horara, as always, nice illustrated the structuring of its methods of work.
Its report and drew Mikhail Borisovich Levin, Rector of the IAA, showing fine and indispensable work of foresight activities, secondary progressions in the world of astrology.
Fun was the report and Alexander Nikolayevich Gromov, who, based on examples of maps of prominent and famous people, showed their algorithms work with natal card.
Pressing the theme of "real estate and Eclipse" Aleksey Vladimirovich Goloushkina couldn't remain not noticed, I think all risutstvujushhie when working with jelektivami will now benefit from the rules which should be applied when choosing the "birth" of the object. Shared her method of work with eclipses and Tatiana Volkova, available explaining how you can use them to predict marriages.
As always, his charisma and ease of supply of material, audiences captivated by Mark Rusborn, method of medical horara, linking it with the equally well-known psychosomatic. Think not less bright blestnul its erudition and ability to "capture" audiences Sergey evtushenko, demonstrating its approach to analysis of the natal charts of the German astrologers and representatives of the Third Reich, related to astrology.
I have introduced a new technique of foresight activities, matrix natal'nyh, inaccurate maps, based on 12 or 28 summer cycles of uranium, which can be used if you do not know the exact time of birth of the client (the range of the permissible time hovering around 30 minutes), which can greatly enhance the ability of astrologers in prognostike not only priodov, but also for specific events. Neither the Directorate, no progression do not work on not rektificirovannuju map!
I want to say once again thanks to the organizer of the Conference, Victoria Levochskoj; all the rapporteurs for their work and time that they found in its schedule, arriving at the Conference; and of course, the audience that enthusiastically contacted rapporteurs. Thanks for the holiday, and fellowship!
With love, astrologer Tasha Igoshina
#astrological Conference #konferencijananeve #ViktorijaLevochskja #Tat'janaVolkova #Sergey Yevtushenko #TashaIgoshina #astrology

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