Tuesday, September 13, 2016

[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in...

[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while discounted <-join us!]

Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!

❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!

Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -

📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru

📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -

🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!

🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -

#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda

16.09.2016 in 18:55 (21:55 GMT time...

16.09.2016 in 18:55 (21:55 GMT time) lunar eclipse occurs.

The Moon in astrology symbolizes the soul's emotions and inner world of man, full moon coincides with the rise of physical strength, but psychologically, people tend to overestimate their capabilities. So really closer to a growing number of accidents due to underestimating the danger. This week, as well as the following do not start new businesses, but nice to look at more closely to current, identify problems and get closer to them. Good save
Eclipse day or Eve very well take contrast shower: hot-cold-hot. It is flowing water can wash away the whole RAID heavy energies. Take a dip in the day of the Eclipse with the intention to clear ourselves from all unnecessary in your life, from resentment and regrets, fears and frustrations. Let go away all that oppresses and constrains that prevent to live.

#лунное_затмение16_09_2016 #Astrology Astrology horoscope ###konsul′taciâ_astrologa #pomoŝ′_astrologa #astroprognoz #astrologičeskaâ_konsul′taciâ_online #marija_solonskaya #astrolog_mariâ_solonskaâ

[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in...

[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while discounted <-join us!]

Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Vegetarianism

My essential proteins!
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!

❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!

Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -

📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru

📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -

🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!

🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -

#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda

Recommendations from the Vedic astrologer School Female Happiness Kies (Beautiful...

Recommendations from the Vedic astrologer School Female Happiness Kies (Beautiful and Shining) Lyubov Orlova

• Recommendations on the day of the Lunar Eclipse
Exacerbated by intuition and imagination, you can use this ability for creativity, or, if you wish, for the magic. A Lunar Eclipse is a particularly strong full moon, all magic actions repeatedly amplified energy full moon. This is a really good time for magic, you can perform rituals to attract love, money or desires.
Invite you to 14 September at 7 pm in our school, where pogruzivših the atmosphere of harmony and understanding in the women's circle is easier to reveal its true I and thus improve their lives.
And Yes come true ever conceived in the best time, easy and magically to benefit me, charming and all this involved! Let it be!
#Astrology #prognoznaden′ #sovetastrologa ##совет_астролога_школы_кис
Lyubov Orlova

The best way to not be disappointed-nothing from anyone ⛅ don...

The best way to not be disappointed-nothing from anyone ⛅ don't wait.

#Astrology, esoterics, philosophy ##, #psychology, #мудрые_мысли


Background | everyday situaciâ...


Background | everyday situaciâ👪

🍫 "Go I like that in a store and see expensive chocolate in a beautiful package. And written on it that it is the best chocolate and cooking technology stretches from the depth of centuries. And found it all as the best and most delicious chocolates in the world. And stands by the seller and says that if I even doubt I can try a piece, completely free '

🍫Â put the fragrant square itself into the language, and at the same moment my heart stopped, my heart froze ". Never in my life I haven't tried anything like that. Then I pull out their savings and change them to this wonderful miracle. With all the legs I nesus′ home clutching hands this miracle of marvellous. On the threshold of my daughter meets me.

🍫-see-I'm cryin', showing an iridescent Rainbow packaging is the most delicious chocolates in the world!

🍫-cool! So come on faster its open-smiling girl.

🍫-tell, and what grades you received today at school? -I ask.

🍫-Deuce in mathematics-downcast eyes, she says.

Then suddenly becoming serious, I say:

🍫-sorry. But you did not deserve this sweetness. I must be fair and can't give you this piece of chocolate. That's when you're a little podtâneš′sâ, become hard and will get five, then we will be able to raise again. In the meantime, you can simply repeat-"sweet chocolate". Maybe you'll feel a little taste ...

🍫... And now a little otmotaem tape backward one paragraph and replace it by this option:

🍫-Sorry that it happened. But I believe in you and your strength, so let's go to the kitchen and vkusim this wonderful sweetness. I'm sure the taste will help you cope with all of life's troubles. And anyway, even if you can't get this top five, I wasn't upset because I believe in your diligence and zeal. So, don't be slow and faster razvoračivaj packaging.

🍫K what I sprained the worldly entry about chocolates and Deuces?

🍫A what we expect from loved ones? It is unlikely that objectivity and fairness. I think your best friend got in trouble on his own stupidity, will be shocked, if you tell him:

🍫-listen, I considered the situation from all sides and realized that you sit in this pit are absolutely fair and deserved. So sorry, I probably will go on, but you let himself get hit and himself.

⁉ What do we expect from the closest people ⁉

‼ BIAS! When it comes to friendship or love, what justice at all? And the stronger our relationship, the closer our relationship, the stronger it is expressed, and the farther removed objectivity.

❤ Funny was recently read the slogan of one political party:
"Don't expect mercy, demand justice!" Fun of course. But at the same time, we are all waiting for mercy. From relatives, from the Chief, from Governments, from nature.

❤ "Mercy above justice!" is so simple and clear.
Did fairness we expect from God? ... Honestly, I have goosebumps when I imagine myself on the last judgment where the assort on the shelves all my Deuce ... Much nicer to represent God as the closest that is not so important that you have there in the diary, he's just happy to you because you are, and you're a roads it is what it is.

❤ This subjective condition of things, the more I like than an objective. And surely I will not do anything that would give him joy simply because it is close and loving, not because I expect a fairly well-deserved chocolates.

❤ We all want. "

🔜Bol′še materials from ASTROLOGER | VLAD VASIL′VICKIJ in Vedalife Festival in Russia

#astrologer #Astrology #consultation #relationship #love
#ASTROLOGY @ vedaliferu


The Moon is the closest celestial body...


The Moon is the closest celestial body to us in every sense of the word. Since ancient times, people knew how powerful the effects it has on our lives. And even hardcore skeptics note that it works. Doctors say that during full moon, many compounded mental problems. Gardeners experience make sure that planted seedlings germinate faster in new moon. How do you use these unique energies of the Moon and her FA

🌛 First quarter called time after new moon and full moon up. The moon has already appeared in the sky and begins to grow. In the sky visible to the right side of the moon.

If the new moon we laid the Foundation for a new life, in the first quarter we actively begin to realize their plans. At this time, excellent plan new projects of any orientation. People have enough power to start to master a new profession or field of knowledge. Desire to communicate just starts to grow. Therefore, important business meetings, as well assign the first dates at this time.

☝️ During the first quarter, you can:

🙇 💰 rituals and ceremonies aimed at growing something (money flows, links, love attraction);

💇 cut hair, if you want them to grow up well;

💃 🍹nalaživat′ contact, launch party and parties;

🏊 🚴userdno exercise;

✒ ️ 💼 a lot and work productively, to generate new ideas

❌ During the first quarter, you cannot:

⛔ ️ rituals and ceremonies aimed at getting rid of anything (human disease, harmful habits);

⛔ ️ go sit on a diet. First quarter increases the appetite of most people;

⛔ ️ throw smoke, dramatically break any ties. The Waxing Gibbous Moon will pull you to what you want to get rid of.

🙌 ritual for the first quarter in response to desires

Take a transparent vessel that can be filled with water. It is desirable that it be beautiful (vase, jug), but in a pinch, and normal glass jar. Fill it with clean water, preferably not from the tap, and purified. Take a piece of paper and write your wish on it. Then put it on the vase or jar with water. Put on the windowsill so that it fell moonlight. Say: "moonlit water fills up my desire to IP

###Astrology horoscope Moon #fazyluny

👫 get away from the stereotype that the representatives of the...

👫 get away from the stereotype that the representatives of the same element are perfectly matched to each other in love affairs, and in business. For example, the Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn (earth) or Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces (water). This is very misleading! In fact, a man with a woman Taurus Taurus difficult to maintain long-term harmonious relationship, despite the fact that it marks a trine and in popular literature referred to as the "perfect union".

☝ offer learn more about the topic Compatibility The Case of the famous astrologer SV Shestopalova. The study was conducted on data from one of the registry offices of Leningrad. All marriages were concluded in 1968. These Divorce always come to the registry office in which these marriages.

✏ "... Writing data in 1989, we had not only to the marriage data, but also divorce, for 21 years. A preliminary analysis showed that the sun signs are not the main indicators of divorce. There are all variants of pairs 144 combinations for sun sign (12x12), all of these combinations can be sustained for 21 years. Although there are some preferences and some repulsive. it turned out, for example, that the smallest

✏ greatest tendency to have a family life Capricorn and Pisces, both men and women as well as men, Taurus, Aquarius male, female lions. The highest divorce rate among women Rakov (they have the smallest number of marriages). The lowest divorce rate in Libra, both men and women.

✏ also turned out that the compatibility of couples according to the zodiac is symmetric with respect to sex partners. For example, the most common of all the 144 variants of marriages between a man and a woman-Aquarius-Leo, with an average divorce rate. At the same time, the opposite situation, a marriage between a man and a woman-Leo-Aquarius, occurs in 2.5 times less likely to divorce at a rate above the average. Also often marriages between two bullocks, man-Taurus and the

#astrogallery #astrology compatibility ###man woman znakiZodiaka ###horoscope astrologicheskayagalereya