Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation...

#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation #la108

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

3 day "information, contacts and training πŸŽƒπŸ˜»
#Astrology #solar #3dom

3 day "information, contacts and training πŸŽƒπŸ˜»
#Astrology #solar #3dom

πŸ“Œ [club62620907 | calendar of hairstyles for February]
✂ Feb 1 - 6 lunar...

πŸ“Œ [club62620907 | calendar of hairstyles for February]
✂ Feb 1 - 6 lunar day. Ambiguous day, without much need for it is better not to touch her hair. It is not advisable to paint the hair.
Recommended regular, everyday styling.

✂ February 2 - 7 lunar day. Haircut today can adversely affect your plans. You can paint the hair, but preferably with natural dyes. Today, it is not necessary to make a new hairstyle.

✂ February 3 - 8 lunar day. Trim the ends of the hair in this day, you will get rid of the negativity accumulated in recent years. It is recommended to paint the hair in bright colors. Try today, often combing hair.

✂ February 4 - 9 lunar day. If you are now postrizhete hair, you can sprovatsirovat strong loss. Hair can be colored, but can not change their color considerably, discoloration is strictly prohibited. Make a simple hairstyle - this will give you more strength.

✂ 5 February - 10 lunar day. Today is not an auspicious day for cutting hair. In addition, the haircut will help to strengthen the loss or dandruff. Color your hair a bright color - it will boost your self-esteem. Today luxuriant hairstyle can interfere in important matters.

✂ February 6 - 11 lunar day. This is an unfavorable day for haircuts hair. today Stain hair is not recommended. Strong and stylish haircut, save a minute difficulties at work or in personal matters.

✂ February 7 - 12 lunar day. An unfavorable day for haircuts. With the cut hair will lose a lot of vital energy. Today, you can dye your hair, and even necessary. Attract luck, increase libido.
Neutral day, do not spend too much time on installation.

✂ February 8th - 13th lunar day. Cutting hair is forbidden on this day. For coloring the neutral day today. Hair is better to hide under a scarf or a wide rim.

✂ February 9th - 14th lunar day. On this day, well-refresh haircut, so as not to attract new diseases. Coloring darker shades will give you confidence. Hairstyle for every day, and not have curls.

✂ 10 February - 15 lunar day. Haircut today can make this day a bad one for you. Color your hair with natural dyes today. Comb your hair as often as possible a wooden comb.

✂ February 11th - 16th lunar day. On this day cutting hair will bring you luck and will make life a lot brighter. Paint the hair in shades of copper or gold - it will bring you profit in the near future.
Today, the hair must be carefully laid.

✂ February 12th - 17th lunar day. Cutting hair in this day is not permitted because it can adversely affect your destiny. The hair is allowed to paint, but only with natural dyes. Make today the original hair - it will give you energy.

✂ Feb 13 - 18 lunar day. This is a good day for cutting hair. Mowing will bring health to you and your hair. However, it is not recommended to paint the hair today. Today it is possible to make a simple and easy hairstyle.

✂ February 14th - 19th lunar day. Cutting hair in this day can bring you good luck. Hair can be colored, but only gentle dyes. Make today in his hair parted in the middle.

✂ February 15 - 20 lunar day. Haircut today can lead to pain in the head. Paint today her hair a dark color. So you can find the right solution. Keep your hair straight, in order to attract positive energy.

✂ Feb 16 - 20 lunar day. Do not cut the hair on this day. Because of it can begin health problems. Hair can be painted only in the dark and only natural dyes. To save yourself the trouble, gather your hair into a bun.

✂ February 17 - 21 lunar day. Cutting hair in this day is fraught with minor injuries and troubles. Paint the hair in bright color - so you keep good relations with others. It is recommended to braid hair in a braid.

✂ 18 February - 22 lunar day. Do not cut your hair today, not to lose a large sum of money. You can dye your hair only in the color that affects you positively. Accent hairstyle attention to bang. So you can get a good chance.

✂ February 19 - 23 lunar day. Cutting hair in this day a positive impact on your life expectancy. Paint the hair of natural color - so you will attract to yourself the right people.
Comb the hair frequently - it will add to you positive energy.

✂ February 20 - 24 lunar day. Today unfavorable day for haircuts hair. Also today, it is not recommended to paint the hair. Today you can make any style, but we can not allow anyone to touch your hair.

✂ 21 February - 25 lunar day. Cutting hair in this day will bring you luck and prosperity. Paint the hair in bright color to attract "bright" people. Today, it is recommended to use metal studs and hair barrettes.

✂ February 22 - 26 lunar day. Today unfavorable day for haircuts hair. Hair can be colored only in their natural color. Comb the hair frequently to keep a positive energy balance.

✂ February 23 - 27 lunar day. Cutting hair is not recommended in the day, or you can add to your weight, the extra weight. Hair can be painted only in the dark and only natural dyes. This day does not tolerate disheveled hair. Gather the hair under a scarf.

✂ February 24th - 28th lunar day. Today is a good day to change the image, so any possible hair cut. Also today, it can be painted in absolutely any hair color. Frizz hair large curls for more energy.

✂ February 25th - 29th lunar day. This is a bad day for cutting hair, so do not go to the hairdresser. Dye your hair can only natural dyes. Make your hair style waves.

✂ February 26 - 30 and 1 lunar day. Haircut today can bring problems with vision and eye health. Today it is not recommended to paint the hair. Braid hair in a braid today.

✂ 27 February - 2 lunar day. This day is favorable for cutting hair. Mowing will bring you joy. Paint the hair in their natural color - so you will find a common language with others. Today recommended tease hair.

✂ 28 February - 3 lunar sutki.Podrovnyav tips of hair you will get rid of accumulated negativity. The color of hair is better to postpone. Hairstyle is better not to do.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui ##BaZi lunnyykalendar

Today from 13:00 to 17:00 Workshop: "The power...

Today from 13:00 to 17:00 Workshop: "The power of astro-psychology and the arts for understanding themselves and others."
Author's meeting with the author-researcher Julia Lukyanenko.
This new approach to the theme of love and power from within.
Date: January 31 13: 00-17: 00
February 4 from 13:30 to 16:30
Part 1: Inspiring deepest part astropsychology
Part 2: The healing power of the world of art for each image.
Part 3: STRONG WORLD - Your famous minded as a resource.
Particularly interesting for the parents of children and all those for whom it is important to take steps towards fulfilling life inside - that it brings real satisfaction.

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Cost of 3500, for a seat reservation, a prepayment in 1500
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