Sunday, March 5, 2017

#изба_читальня #partnership #synastry #conflict #Astrology #7_planeta

#изба_читальня #partnership #synastry #conflict #Astrology #7_planeta
Our guests: JAYO BANCHAF and Brigitte TELER "secrets of love"
✈ If we lack the air for the first time we vzdyhaem with a sigh of relief that finally found the person in our life privnesshego freshness, lightness and a sense of spring. He's such a smart, educated, probably read all the books in the world, and yes even encyclopedia knows by heart! It is acute in the analysis, he always has a reasonable solution to all problems. This person never gets boring because he constantly tells some stories and
Over time, it becomes clear that not all smart, as evidenced by the partner, actually makes sense, because "it is easy to say, yes it's hard to do, and sometimes continuing flow of words is filled with some platitudes, and most beautiful statements consist of completely empty phrases. It turns out that we have heard so far, opening the mouth, self-confident vseznajku. As soon as the spell, which we have been enchanted by meeting with him, are destroyed, our partner post
We suddenly begin to feel the icy coldness, see dvulikost', cunning, heartless calculation and dangerous irresponsibility air person. With a shudder and horror, we see that this person does not have any value at all, and all what he can do, is just throwing words on the wind. He is all about, he can let the evil jokes in our address and even laugh at our sincere deep feelings. And in the most intimate, touching m
💦Esli us not enough water, we have been intoxicated: nay and fascinated when people thousands of individuals appears in our lives. We find it hard to believe how deeply he feels betrayed and how responsive it can be.
We melt when he feels and performs our most cherished desires. Nobody before us so well understood. Nobody before has been such a loving, gentle and caring so close. Water helps our feelings wash, she carries us away into a fantasy world, in the world, about which we did not dare to dream of. Water person intuitively knows the future and can describe it very convincingly. Therefore, we often create the impression that we have before us a man of mystery
But when the first wave of enthusiasm subsides, we are more and more clearly understand that it is, in fact, no different from any other that some pleasant dreams fantasies bursting like soap bubbles, and his imagination take a toll. Once our Sphynx lost primordial glow, we perceive only deep darkness and charm that we experienced at the beginning of the relationship, turned into its bitter contrast. All of a sudden we start to notice how
👫Dlja many people an image partner, whom they loved until the last moment, collapsing so suddenly that they could not perceive it differently, as a cruel betrayal and deceit. In such moments, we want the man who once was for us an angel now "cleaned all the dogs, and as soon as possible. We mistakenly think that it is now learned the real truth about your partner and all that was before, just a beautiful wrapper from the Conference
To be continued ... With love, your #astrologer Sasha Chekhov ❤

🍋Druz'ja, before you mantra healing, which has an amazing...

🍋Druz'ja, before you mantra healing, which has an amazing effect!


👉👉Jeta mantra:
✳ used to treat physical problems
✳ helps heal relationship problems
✳ activates the energy, which will bring you the necessary way for healing,
✳ helps you find good, competent doctor or spiritual practice

💊 Here's how wine speaks of this mantra by Deva Premal: "Practicing mantra, especially such a strong, it is very important to remember that the effect from it, its effects may be manifested in unexpected ways. Perhaps mantra activates channel that will bring you the necessary way of healing needed a doctor or an effective recipe. So the main thing is to be open around and not to limit the effect of mantras! "

Discover energy healing, concentrate on the end result, and does not represent the treatment process. Let the universe do everything itself! Also very good charge this mantra water or medicines that you are taking.

🍀🍀Namerenie: "I utter this mantra to encourage healing energy to yourself and get rid of the disease (her name)!"

#mantra #Astrology #health #vedicheskieznanija #Nikolaev #healing #protection #esoterics #ol'ganikolaeva #мантра_здоровья

Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to people born...

Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to people born
March 4

✨Harakter discreet, independent; Also of interest are concentrated in the spiritual sphere, especially in the second half of life. During this period, you may receive a penchant for solitude, a person would like to be with himself, contemplating his own deep inner peace.
✨U such people a great esoteric potential. They all have their own opinion, have the mentality of the opposition; This criticism. They choose the path of struggle and never go the easy way, do not follow the accepted traditions.
✨Zhelatelno not quarrel, because with them they just stand in opposition. They are usually stubborn and persistent. These people have an unprecedented ability to withstand the pain of mental and physical.
✨Eti people like to donate your time, love to donate money for reforms to help the poor and disadvantaged. They really like to do something good for the improvement of the environment. This is a public desire to help everyone, save the environment, can bring them into politics or religious organization. They truly will help their charges, and subordinates may give all of themselves for the benefit of the organization.
✨U their bright flavor and abstract mind. It creatively gifted people, they like to dress up. They are attractive in appearance and are good friends.
✨Oni sentimental, can be depressed by setbacks. They like when they were treated with respect, to "you."
✨U such people often rises, and then falls. Therefore, it is best to carry your friends who have knowledge and who can support them.


- More trust people;
- Be calm, control their feelings;
- To find and follow their religion as part of the religion;
- You need to learn to appreciate other people;
- You need to spend money wisely, it is advisable to save a little money for old age, then to not be on the verge of poverty;
- Do not need to blindly trust others, you need to talk less, avoid loneliness, self-removal;
- Avoid aimless travel, ideal to travel to the places of pilgrimage;
- Very good to practice yoga, meditation, prayers and do all that calms the mind, because such people are prone to atherosclerosis and sclerosis in old age.

I Love You, Health and Harmony! ❤

Subscribe to [club125755247 | Secrets of Vedic knowledge], and congratulations of their friends happy birthday original greeting cards every day!
After Vedic Numerology (Sankhya Shastra) reveals some features of the human personality, and this is just a small brick of Vedic knowledge!

#Birthday #happybirthday #Jyotish astrology ###esoteric numerology