Wednesday, September 28, 2016

28.09.2016 at 03-20 Moscow time comes 27 LUNAR...

28.09.2016 at 03-20 Moscow time comes 27 LUNAR DAY
Symbol-stick, Trident
Neptune day, associated with water and sea journeys. At its core is a time of mystical awakening treatment to their spiritual roots, the independence day of divine wisdom and knowledge. A good period for the start of the journey, but only aimed at finding new knowledge, and Furthermore, the perfect time for research and expeditions, psychological experiments, surveys, tests and exercises on psychological correction. In the twenty-seventh moon day on

Live in a State of constant change and fluctuations. This is the eternal thirst for knowledge with travelers, vagabonds, mystics, visionaries, healers (Neptune manages medications). At the highest spiritual level it is people able to perfect love, lowest-drunkards, addicts. Before born in 27-th lunar day faces the challenge of mastering meditation, cosmic consciousness, but they must show a lot of willpower to "weed out" lower world. Along the way help prayer, ve

If you good people, stuffed, conceived on this day the baby will look like on you. The truth is he may be sick strange diseases and be prone to infections. But some force will protect it. Your child's life in the future will be filled with the concerns of neighbors. From it will grow good people. But do not abuse his patience because of the humility and fair he could become punitive and crazy creation.

STONES-purple transparent Amethyst, Emerald, adulâr, pink and Crimson quartz, selenite.

In terms of Business, this period is favorable only for charity, all other operations with similar characters are doomed to failure. Therefore, it is the twenty-seventh day to devote solely to sponsorship. It is believed that the funds to charity, creating gives good karma and subsequently bring wealth-as spiritual and material.

Good time for marriages, but in the twenty-seventh Moon wedding day should be calm and peaceful. Noisy companies at the table is better avoided. Than the calmer will host the celebration, the stronger will be the family. To a greater extent to create a family this time perfect mature, umudrennym pairs.

Astrologers warn: use of chemicals in the twenty-seventh lunar day can cause an unexpected reaction of organism, various complications. Therefore, from the use of medication during this period it is advisable to refrain (of course, if we are not talking about life and death). Particularly vulnerable are now the lymphatic system. Need less to be on draught, and most importantly-avoid dampness. Standing near the water also during this Lunar period can easily lead

The most important thing in twenty-seventh lunar day, the spiritual relations lay sex rather than simple physiology. This is the perfect time to conceive a child or sexual contact. Very dangerous today to have sex in the water or near water. This can lead to health problems and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dreams of the twenty-seventh lunar days talking about how a person is able to exist in harmony with the surrounding space, how he's able to maintain a balance between the spiritual world and the material world. Interpret dreams of this period is only one who is familiar with the basics of depth psychology, otherwise all the interpretation proves to be inaccurate, because this day is very easy to be either extreme mysticism (rassm

One of the most favorable periods for committing pilgrimages. European esoteric schools devote this day magical rituals and ceremonies, particularly those in which recruited powerful spirits of the Light forces. Day developments secret knowledge and skills. Don't look in the mirror, not to it's feeling of inferiority. It is recommended to meditate, because on that day, perhaps intuitive insight.

Practice days: "a tangle of problems" Discarded in this day of trouble. Take disturbing you now the problem into their own hands as a ball. Let the tangle will not be tight and loose. Start unwinding the "Clew", releasing the thread in a bottomless well, remembering that led to the current situation, but in reverse order. Now that, that was yesterday, yesterday, a month ago, year ... Take a ball to its Foundation, until the end of the thread. As Cha / astro_taro ##tarot astrology #spirituality

- September 28


Ibexes today can master anxiety, anxiety, guilt...

- September 28


Ibexes today can master anxiety, anxiety, guilt may appear before the people. Most likely they will want to stay alone with yourself, to dismantle the "junk" in the head. They feel the material instability and disorder. In ways perhaps misunderstanding.

#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Козерог #horoscope Capricorn #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_28_сентября

- September 28


Scorpions today are configured very lightly-can start...

- September 28


Scorpions today are configured very lightly-can start something new, completely without thinking about the consequences, not spreading her priorities. Moreover, they will not listen to anyone's advice or recommendations-they don't even tend to spread about their plans. Maybe your mistrust is exaggerated, and it's still worth a look under your feet?

#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Скорпион #horoscope Scorpio #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_28_сентября

- September 28


Aries ' purposeful, persistent in their endeavors, are...

- September 28


Aries ' purposeful, persistent in their endeavors, are energetic and active. Today they were overwhelmed with emotions, they seek to share with the world, in particular with loved ones. They also have something to please you, so you can be sure in reciprocity.

#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Овен ##Aries Horoscope Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_28_сентября

Never go to bed without a request to your subconscious...

Never go to bed without a request to your subconscious mind. © Thomas Edison

Your subconscious mind loves to work, until your body performs other tasks easier. I can prove this very easily, asking you how many good ideas you've had while traveling in vehicles, or when take shower? When you are relaxed, a bit scattered, your subconscious mind at this point is often at its best.

The use of subliminal queries can improve your motivation. Help you be happier. Increase your emotional perception.

You will notice an improvement in less than a month.

3 steps to send a request for the subconscious mind, which will take just five minutes

Step 1: before you turn off the lights, close your eyes and think about their desire for one minute. It could be anything. I'd like to start small. I would not ask that by the end of the month, I became an astronaut. Your subconscious mind, of course, works effectively, but not so.

Step 2: Submit 2 minutes that you have reached the desired. Whether it's a desire to run in the morning before work or a healthy diet, you need to clearly visualize yourself in a particular situation. Let's say you want to start a run before work: imagine that you stand up for a few minutes earlier than usual, wear sportswear, sneakers and go to fresh air. Then you start running, watching as the sun rises over the buildings, the chirp of a bird,

Step 3: Take another two minutes to imagine the sensations and feelings during the execution of your desires. What do you feel when you return to your door after a morning jog? Surge of strength and courage? No matter what you want to achieve, imagine that you already have this and experience this emotion inside. Immerse yourself in this sense completely, and only then go to sleep and let your subconscious does the rest.

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

Friends, tomorrow, Wednesday, will already be 30 lesson...

Friends, tomorrow, Wednesday, will already be 30 lesson my copyright Vedic Astrology course. A total of 144 units in a year. Join us at any time! Each lesson is available in video. The details on my website
If you are not sure, suits you our training or no, leave me an application for participation in one free webinar-lesson. Write to

###astrologer Astrology Jyotish #vedičeskieznaniâ #vedičeskaâastrologiâ #vedičeskijastrolog #kursastrologii #obučenieastrologii

The reasoning of one of the participants of the project...

The reasoning of one of the participants of the project "Gravity", Elena Pavlova:

All the family happy and unhappy in its own way. Agree? I have not.
On my course on #astrology a lot of girls. We're about the same age. And we are very different. And at the same time we are very similar. We complement each other, zerkalim. Teach. A few months know about each other the whole lowdown. All the secret hidden. But every lesson I have micro insights. What one of us something ordinary, or pleasure, to another-do or feel hard, hard. Breaking myself, actually.
I told you how several girls were sent as part of the job in an expensive restaurant? Their flour and overcome yourself ❓ ❓ ❕ ❕
In the previous lesson Ace explained that she needs to learns to suffer. For the transformation of the soul that is destined to take place much often and easily. Do not suffer, and suffer ... My pleasure... Kaif in. ..
Asya were full of eyes misunderstandings and the negation. Not aware of her suffering and PMS syndromes ...
For me, what could be easier! Suffer?! Yes it is easy! The State's "I'm the most miserable man in the world, bring me a big cake and Jam"-my native.
Savor their nesčastnost′. Cry on (internal tears) inconsolable over her ...
Pogorevat′ with half an hour-hour and-having lived these emotions, try to forget about them. And-release them out of themselves. This redesigned nesčastnost′, is no longer relevant, I went looking for another in itself.

In Saturday after riding in the passenger seat, ate a chocolate Croissant and a cappuccino with indulged its regular nesčastnost′, their pain, which I have emerged within the to do (and there's a bad or unnecessary sometimes we ourselves learn about yourself-even avast even stoop. But these knowledge and events in our lives don't escape. Events still occur)
Suffered with taste and pleasure 😄😄😄
And I am thinking about Ace - what difficult in these conditions ?! Sidi suffering, eat jam or cake spoons ... the more times a month your female body he gives grace to this state for several days 😉😉
So, thanks to the exchange rate on astrology I know: everything is happy. All unhappy in its own way.

Today from 2:34 am to 3:49 am September...

Today from 2:34 am to 3:49 am September 28 -.. 26th lunar day
The symbol of the day: Toad
Moon Phase: The fourth quarter, waning moon

General advice
The 26th lunar day unhappy. Do not start anything or take all, or bring damage or loss. Energy is becoming every day less, so do not lose the remnants of forces in vain. That same day, a person can overdraw their time, energy and effort.

In order not to be influenced by the negative, you will need endurance and willpower, ability to relate to everything going on calmly and even with humor. The most difficult in this day - constant mood swings. The emotional background is very unstable, it is impossible to believe any promises, no vows, no threats. It is impossible to quarrel, conflict, fuss. Footwork just contraindicated. As of yesterday, the day is better to spend alone, to limit
Dreams executed in most cases, particularly in color.

Contacts on this day should be, if possible, to restrict, to talk only when necessary or the most reliable people. Listen to the advice of friends, do not reject their proposals.

You can solve simple questions, but do not take serious decisions. It is a dangerous day for work and business, do not do anything that might lead to serious consequences. Note the current environment: among your opponents may appear person with bad intentions. But lawyers for the day is very suitable, they will most likely be a success.
Avoid shopping. Money is better to save - there is a danger to waste their wasted or lost.

Sick or unwell may be in serious danger if he will not be helped in time.

Good time for: rest, privacy
Bad time for: bragging, gossip, shopping, gossip, quarreling

Lunnyy_den ###lunnye_sutki astrology horoscope ##astrologicheskiy_prognoz