Tuesday, February 21, 2017

KIN 169-Red Cosmic Moon

I know that I can not...

KIN 169-Red Cosmic Moon

I know that I can not rest on our laurels, because so much more needs to be done. Only when the install complete harmony within ourselves, will be able to work in a team. Today I will do something for the society and join in harmony with nature. Today rasproshhajus' with selfishness, pride and stubbornness. I don't want to be lonely among people. Want to live in this world, and not just happen out of this world.

Detailed horoscope for today: http://mayatime.ru/blog-page

#Kalendar'Majja ###Tzolkin Horoscope Astrology #Goroskopnaden' #Goroskopdnja #Lunnyjkalendar' #VremjaMajja #AndrejBorn #Mexico

The main thing for you will...

The main thing for you will work, everyday care responsibilities.
A good time to do something for their health, eating habits, nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Especially good for you will get rid of bad habits in Eclipse.
In the sphere of relations diversity is and pleasant moments, and a very tense situation. Wisely, not to destroy them.
###horoscope Libra Astrology #goroskopnamart #prognoznamartdljaVesov

🔹 SUBCONSCIOUS believes in what you say. 🔹

I realized that most...

🔹 SUBCONSCIOUS believes in what you say. 🔹

I realized that most people just don't want to hear the good news. They like bad because it gives them a reason to complain about life. Many armed with an arsenal of stories with bad endings, that make us believe that evil triumphs in the world.

One day I decided to stop gossip. To his surprise, I suddenly realized that I had nothing to say. I first meet a friend as we immediately started peremyvat' bones. Over time, I made the discovery that there is some form of conversation, although I was not easy to get rid of a bad habit. By the way, note: If I bring gossip about other people, and they will surely come in the same way. One will reap what he'll sow.

Working with people more and more, I really started to listen to what they say. I began to distinguish individual words, and not only the general outline of the conversation. Usually my 10-minute communication with a new client I can say exactly what the reason for his failure. And all because I listened to the words he uses.

I know what contribution they are making to the birth of new problems and complexity of old. If only it were mostly negative words, you can imagine the internal dialogue. It must be a manifestation of negative programming, or by taking advantage of my term, "thinking of poverty".

I want to offer you a little exercise. Write down on their phone conversations or diktafon conversations with friends and family! And then listen to how and what you say. Chances are, you'll be amazed. After that you start to listen to your voice, follow its intonations. And, of course, keep track of the words you used.

You begin to treat this consciously. To discover that something was repeated three times or more, write. It is a reflection of some of your installation. Some plants can be positive and work for you. But, there might be a couple of negative attitudes, to which you return again and again.

As I already said, I would like to discuss the force, which has our subconscious. The subconscious does not have its own opinion. It takes everything we say, and creates our destiny according to our beliefs. It always says "Yes". Our subconscious loves us so much that gives us everything that we only ask with the help of their utterances.

However, the choice is ours. If we choose to "poor", "pathetic", thoughts and views, the subconscious mind decides that this is exactly what we want. And until we change our words, thoughts and beliefs for the better, it will remain still. The subconscious mind will offer us an appropriate situation.

We will always do this choice, because billions of thoughts, and all the while they are in motion. Our subconscious mind cannot differentiate truth from falsehood. We don't want to humiliate myself. We do not wish to say something like "Oh, I am old and dumb." We know that the subconscious mind grasps everything on the fly. After a while we feel it is an old and stupid.

Say something several times-and in your subconscious take root a new view. Subconscious have no sense of humor. It is very important to understand this point. It is not worth making fun of ourselves and think that this get away with it. If you joke though slightly humiliated-let you and tried to seem brave and cheerful-the subconscious will take seriously this humiliation.

I do not let people in my trainings joking Similarly, humiliating themselves or each other. You should never insult human dignity, whether it is about ethnicity, sex and so on don't mess on themselves and do not make derogatory comments. It will not bring anything good. Do not humiliate others. The subconscious does not conduct between you and other people.

It believes in what you say about yourself. Next time you want to criticize someone, ask why you have this feeling. You see in the other only what you see in yourself. Instead of criticizing people, praise them, and within a month you will witness tremendous changes.

Our words is an expression of the relationship to anything. Notice how they say lonely, unhappy, poor and sick people. What words do they use? That is true? In what terms they describe? What they say about their work, about their lives, about their relationships with other people? What they expect from life?

Consider their manner of expression, but please don't tell anyone that their life flows, as they say. Do not say that even their friends and their relatives-will not be taken into account. Use it to begin communication with yourself. Do constantly, if you want to improve your life.

Changing the way a little talk, you will attract other life situations. Let's say you people sick. Do you believe that the disease is incurable and prepare for death. You think that life is a brutal thing, because it works against you. What do you do in such a case, guess?

You choose freedom. Freedom from their negative perceptions about life. Start with affirmations, tell yourself that loved, worthy of the healing that attract to itself everything needed for healing on a physical level. Believe that the desire to get better and be healthy-is perfectly safe. Many people feel secure only when sick.

They tend to belong to the category of persons who could not say no. " The only possibility of failure comes down to the next phrase: "I'm too sick (sick) to do that."

When I gave private consultations, my clients often argued with me about their capabilities. They always tried to justify its inability to cope with the backlog of problems. If we believe that bogged down tightly and accept it as a fact, that's the way it happens. We go into a deadlock due to the fact that our negative installation become reality. So let's instead start to focus on their inner strength.

Love yourself-most important thing you can do. Because loving yourself, you won't be able to offend anyone-neither myself or someone else. Let us start your path to awareness, listening to what we say to ourselves and others.

© Louise Hay

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

Learn to understand people! Fabulous wise parable

How often we...

Learn to understand people! Fabulous wise parable

How often we screwed up in people, trusting them to fully and unconditionally? But the world teaches us that naivete and sincerity are different things. How do you learn to understand people? The answer in this short but very wise parable.

Once a disciple asked the old man:

— How do I learn to understand people — who trust me and whom to fear?

— Tell you at the outset, to fear, "said the old man.

-Beware of the humble-looking! When you find that someone puts in front of you bows, hugs you and shows you its unusual location, that thou beware — the most!

-How do so, Starche? — surprised student. -Explain to me!

Because he is the first and betray you! Starets replied with a sigh.

— And who do I trust? a disciple asked.

— Trust those who are straightforward with you and tells you the truth, whatever it may be, these people were the first to come to you for help!

Old monk said:

-True humility is always discreetly, so its hard to find; but when you find it, it will never betray you.

Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma


The House is a sector in...


The House is a sector in the horoscope, telling what areas of life we better develop. Yet they symbolize the stages of development. In order to link all their knowledge together, I began to perceive a House not as separate sphere, but as a serial lifecycle. Accent home helps to identify what stage of life more influenced the formation of man and under the influence of any house he formed. Making a cheat sheet for myself, I want to share my vision

1 HOUSE: the beginning of life.

Their birth we inform the world about new energy, strength and youth. Babe keeps attention on themselves, because a miracle happened, sotvorilas' new life. This is exactly what people reveal themselves with pronounced first home-declare themselves with all boldness. For infantile pervodomnikov "I"-is the first letter in the alphabet, their judgments are subjective and brain-dead arguments in their universe are not valid.) In a positive option they devote life self-development, because I feel

HOUSE 2: talent.

In ancient times it was called talents monetary unit. There is such a wonderful parable of Jesus Christ about talents. On his return, Lord called to himself of slaves and demanded that they report on how they are ordered with the money entrusted to them. Slaves prevalence money cause he praised. Last came the BRA, zakopavshij money into the ground. In response Mr turned to him and present with the following speech: Should you give away my Silver trade

HOUSE 3: study.

At this stage of life we learn to talk and interact with the environment. First sounds, facial expressions, recognition of persons and objects introduces us in informative space. Here is formed by the need to absorb new. People who have pronounced 3 House, experiencing the same baby, unbridled curiosity for everything that is happening around and very quickly learn the material received.

HOUSE 4: identification of the family.

Came a time when we begin to understand who these people are, that we are raising. Mom, Dad, grandparents and shape our response to the world. Any family member can become a model of behaviour, inner voice and vivid memories. At this point, our character, outlines the underlying needs, a system of relations within the family. In my opinion the future man is laid already in childhood. All our aspirations we are exactly OTTU

5 HOME games.

There is an old tradition: when the child turns one year, on a tray stand several items and put in front of him. That he will choose, order and will deal. This tradition does not exist with easy, because subjects reflect roles in society. And after the game we choose what symbolism is closer to us. At this juncture, we acknowledge our oneness and personal interests are revealed talents. There is a saying of Shakespeare: "all the world's a stage, and people in

House: 6 skills.

Form, make out and we put in order all the previous chaos.) For me personally, 6 House is associated with the school, where we get all the basic skills and not only in terms of education. We learn to be useful primarily for themselves, but in what the show houses and ruler of the planet in it. Here we begin to exert efforts in order to achieve the desired and perfecting a skill that is formed by 5.

7 House: they are.

This is our mirror. The people we choose to love, friendship and cooperation represent our missing qualities. If we talk about the synthesis and sequence 7 House is the culmination of 5 and 6. We have an idea, implement it and bring to the public. This House shows the call we have sympathy and how powerful their support. All semidomniki outstanding diplomats, charming by nature and always in need of people

HOUSE 8: Desire.

When we jump above the head, then want to zarabatat' more attention, money, power and samoutverditsja by recognizing people. Vos'midomniki extremely alluring, captivating personality. They hypnotize one by their presence. I have some belief that sexuality can bring a person to mass success. After all, sexual energy is the most powerful, but not the kind that Playboy magazines. However crazy interest may result and antipathy when falsely

9 HOME: opportunities.

Powerful force eighth House invested in development. Here's to the man come the right people and good opportunities. Picture of the world takes on a completely different level, and the desire to become more widespread. 9 House forms the ideal self. The person feels his involvement in the high bar and all ways aspire to a place under the Sun. Usually people 9 home optimists because it corresponds with the sign of Sagittarius. And really, when you are on the rise-in

HOUSE 10: achievements.

In the previous House we understand their ideals, and in a 10-m realizovyvaemsja. Usually people with 10 home live for achievements. They don't allow themselves to spend time on insignificant existence, they are driven by a desire to assert themselves. I have 10 House associated with the mountain, where we both climbers pass testing fate and get to the top, or stop somewhere in the interval. 10 home is the culmination of 8 and 9 houses: want to try-

11: HOUSE development.

After investing in its purpose we get development. This can be compared with the retirement of many years of work, when you get a well deserved reward and live happily. It is believed that the 11 House is the home of freebies and all that can be obtained without straining, and another friends house. Odinnadcatidomnikov often have friends contribute to success, advance in your career and people are always going to meet him. Here a person gets bonuses from fate
12: completion of the HOUSE.

This House I have associated with elder. He is wise and able to share their experiences for the benefit of the people. 12 House is associated with privacy and Universal knowledge. People with 12 home know what was, is and will be. They have no interest in crazy joys of life, for them the world is like reading a book. They are interested in that is beyond comprehension. After the traversed path of eleven houses of the horoscope we make from this experience. And transfer it to another in

#Astrology #дома_гороскопа #znakizodiaka #astroprognoz #horoscope

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

🔮 Diseases associated with disharmonious Moon. Jyotish 🔮

Moon, if it is...

🔮 Diseases associated with disharmonious Moon. Jyotish 🔮

Moon, if it is weak, cause disease mainly air-type (cotton). This may be a weakening of the lungs, the lack of all kinds of bodily fluids, thinning of the mucous membranes and reduce their secretory function. In extreme cases, there may be tuberculosis or severe asthma. Poor Moon generates neuro-emotional disorders, dullness, depression, depression or hysteria. Frequent symptoms - insomnia or bad dreams. There are visually impaired

India Jyotish ####Vedic Astrology Philosophy #