Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY...

The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY" with the President of the first all-Union Astrological organization with Vitaly Alexandrovich Vaisberg ➡ ➡ https://vk.cc/5ZMWbm
Reviewing the 3 open lessons you will learn: 👇 👆
1. What is Astrology when and why it was born and why Astrology "works".
2. The various branches of astrology (their similarities and differences):
🔹Horarnaja or hour.
🔹Astrologija relationship and compatibility.
🔹Meteo astrology.
🔹 "Occult" Astrology or the true meaning of "magic", "divination".
✅ 3. Why study the science of the stars, even if you are not going to become a professional astrologer.
✅ 4. As for one minute using the pencil and just 8 words to draw your character. Four pervojelementa and their properties.

Course author: ASTROLOGY
One of the founders of the Academy of astrology, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of full-time correspondence Department (about 10 thousand students).

The first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers.
He has created many analysis techniques of astrological charts, which today became "nationalized".
This is the theory of ownership chains and exile, and chains, and shestiball'naja afetika, and many others.
A number of his students have written on these techniques books, for example,
"Theory of mind" by Alexander Astrogora, "short course scientific Astrology" Pavel Maksimov. The list goes on.
Ph.d., radio-engineer; psychologist, Professor of Psychology (psychological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University) teaches astrology.

One of the devices on which worked Vitaly Alexandrovich, traveled in space as on the American Chatelet and the Russian space station.

All those who wish to touch the mystery of Astrology with the first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers and view our on-line master-class can now ↩
➡ ➡ ➡ the following link: https://vk.cc/5ZMWbm
#Astrology #esoterics #magic #mantica #teorijadushi #self-development #astropsihologija

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#skoronovyjgod #magroup #2017skoro🎅 #bdushheeljubitnas #horoscope of #vsempodarkov #vsemujutaitepla #astrology

"As the world arranged? Did you see the astrological chart...

"As the world arranged? Did you see the astrological chart, where the planets are, what does that mean? When the time comes, then the planet is beginning to pull out of a man certain desire. That is, on the one hand, the horoscope indicates what events will happen to a person. On the other hand horoscope shows in which periods which desires will emerge in humans. Because it's all determined man to life destiny. "

Oleg Suntsov

Oleg_Suntsov ###Harmony Veda ##vysshie_tsennosti astrology