Monday, August 15, 2016

We want to introduce you to Jyotish astrology and our...

We want to introduce you to Jyotish astrology and our resident Gennady Ledovskim.

Jyotish Astrology: practical technology for building life

"On the road of life each of us constantly faced numerous difficulties: it is not ladâtsâ relations, gives only fatigue and nervous breakdowns, it is difficult to answer the question" who am I and where do I go? " … Trying to get rid of the associated with the above and similar factors any discomfort, we resort to samokopaniû, diverse professionals and DIY, read, think ... Jyotish astrology is something that can help us emerge from the crisis with

Despite some mysteriously-mystical aura, which for millennia has Astrology its existence, Jyotish is a time-tested knowledge and techniques, practical technology, is ideally suited to understand life and yourself, find your way and be happy. This system can be conditionally divided into four inter-related elements, each of which is the ability to change your life for the better. "

#clubBeHappy #BeHappy_nsk #Jyotish Astrology ##Vidya

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