Sunday, September 18, 2016

Astrological forecast on September 17, 2016 year 17 lunar day...

Astrological forecast on September 17, 2016 year 17 lunar day (19:36), full moon in PISCES/Aries. A good day for travel and business meetings, creativity and amazing finds for action aimed at the realization of their talents and abilities.

An auspicious day to search for allies and like-minded people pooling efforts. You can start any joint action, embarking on a shared vision. Keep in mind that although the leadership definitely is given you, to listen to others. Day is suitable for doing sports, recreation. Reasonable exercise markedly improve health and mood. Afternoon suited to discuss financial and

A great day to learn something new. All the knowledge and skills you gain will prove useful soon. Will have the opportunity to meet interesting people whose advice later on will help you to avoid mistakes in business. Worth a visit with old friends: you have a lot to talk about and consider. It is not ruled out restoring romantic relationships that were once torn by your initiative. In the afternoon you can

Morning runs hard enough. At this time does not exclude conflicts with people with whom you've got along well, quarrels because of trivia. Some twins even think about breaking relations, which very recently held dear. Here it is better not to hurry-this decision must be deliberate and prudent. Afternoon delight pleasant news, events that will lift your mood. Some Twins new

I want to please yourself and loved ones, but common sense dictates that the time for this is now not the most suitable. Thirst for positive emotions many Crayfish pushes for reckless behavior, which they later repent. Refrain from any significant costs; money today is better save rather than spend. Against unplanned purchases best avoided, as well as from any frills. Find the strength to resist the temptations, and later you have repeatedly praise yourself for

You a very useful skill with people and make a good impression on them. You're charming and cleverly this use; hardly someone would refuse to comply with your request, to meet you. Possible romantic interests. The new relationship will evolve rapidly and are a lot of pleasant surprises. Afternoon appear excellent ideas for work or business. At this time you can something profitable to buy

When it comes to money and valuables, be extremely careful: there is a risk of making a mistake that will backfire. Preferably guided by your own common sense, because tips, which you get a lot of, increasingly harmful than useful. It turns out it's not easy to find common ground with others, and you don't even get along with those earlier understood perfectly. Relationship of lovers can be corrupted to VZ

Weight scales
Day passes quietly and rather fruitfully. Will be able to establish order in the cases address the issues that did not give you peace of mind lately. Sometimes disagreements with allies and friends, but always manage to find a compromise. Good deal, allowing to achieve a result if not immediately, then at least in the foreseeable future. To start work on a large long-term projects day not suitable: you'll quickly lose to inter them

Difficulties are not excluded, but you find a way, and to overcome them. Many of the questions you trevoživšie lately, could be resolved thanks to the support of old acquaintances. Keep in mind: many today want to somehow intervene in your Affairs; only you decide who can afford it and who is not. There may be minor receipts, good will be small purchases. From high-priced acquisitions to better abandon: chances are you soon after World

Auspicious day for communication, especially for the beginning of the relationship. The new friends you make a lasting impression; they will be completely charmed by you want to support your ideas with you to take part in some interesting case. And possible romantic interests. Sharp will business flair. Any questions relating to money and property you decide quickly and correctly. Will be able to informally discuss any work

Lovely day to show their best side, and learn a lot about others. Easily fastened dating, you only need one look to make the right impression about people whom you see for the first time. Likely unexpected gifts, possible cash receipts that prove to be more than you ever imagined. Have a chance to sign lucrative deals. Business flair will be sharp even capricorns endlessly

You can easily find common language with others, often know their secret desires and expectations, much to understand without words. There will be a chance to reconcile with those you have offended once, restore relations, important for all. For others ' weaknesses you lenient; also worth apply to own-never turn to self-criticism. Good fold travel, even if you meet in the street very fast, no time to think about convenient route, and

Do not hurry. Hasty conclusions, decisions taken in haste, is a surefire way to discouragement and frustration. Try to take the position of observer; allow events to take their course and see where it may lead. Do not panic if not everything goes as you wish, and angry at fate. Try not to quarrel with anyone, but if the disagreement still emerged, looking for compromises is better than defending its own point w

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