Tuesday, September 27, 2016

✨ «Dreamcatcher on East FM" - astro-forecast by Lily Lyubimovoy.✨
☀️Dobroe morning...

✨ «Dreamcatcher on East FM" - astro-forecast by Lily Lyubimovoy.✨
☀️Dobroe morning! Today, 26 September, Monday.

👱♀️Lyudi👦 born in the 10th sunny day, kind and always ready to help. They are great romance, and life is full of adventure.

🌙Sny🌙, seen in the morning - prophetic. Birds in a vision - to the well-known.

👗V odezhde💼luchshe to use gray-green and blue colors.

🙌🏻Blagopriyatny den🙌🏻 to practice introspection, good ideas be sure to visit you. Spend time in nature, but there try not to overload themselves with work, get plenty of rest.

👏🏻Samaya favorable omen dnya👏🏻 - smash the dishes with water - to acquire property or money.
🌺Chto does the future preparing for us, will learn tomorrow, 7.10 and 8.10 to the East FM. It was on the astro-forecast Lilies Lyubimov.
Ask your question, you can group astrologer Lilies Lubimova https://new.vk.com/astrolog566club🌺

Vivid dreams and waking! ❤️

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