Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Those born on February 12! 🌹

✨Eto independent people...

Happy Birthday Those born on February 12! 🌹

✨Eto independent people, dynamic and spontaneous. Most often, at first do and then think.
✨Takie people learn a lot, they like the discipline. Their main enemy is pride, anger and ambition. They find it difficult to work under a false start.
It heads; they are sensible, ambitious, meticulous, their mind is always dominant. Usually such people are ahead of their peers to develop. Their planet Jupiter.
✨V past life such people were spiritual guides, so in this life they find it difficult to listen to other people from that they are strained relationship with his parents. It is important to work on these relationships to avoid conflicts.
✨Im like charity and if they are aware of the spiritual nature, it will achieve this much and will convey knowledge to other people.
✨Oni like success and themselves want to appear successful. They love when they are valued, when they extol, when properly evaluate their progress and quality. So if this is your husband - to provide it with a lot of attention, support it.
✨Eto friendly people and quite sociable, can be the center of the company, because they are sociable and have comprehensive knowledge - always a pleasure to deal with such individuals.
✨Ih intelligence enables good enough to earn money and at the same time can come entirely from a variety of sources. Since people are versatile, they successfully perform any work began.
☝NO if people incorrectly transforms the energy of Jupiter, their "I" begins to bulge. Then - there are enemies.


-Im Need to control their feelings, it is - quality gurus; It should always be optimistic, even in difficult situations, because Jupiter is always pull out.
-The Need to control their dictatorial ways, because so many of them are used to instruct others, and sometimes in the family begin to teach family.
-Nuzhno Learn to relax, their intelligence is always very tense. They are highly recommended to practice yoga and meditation to spend.
-They Usually achieve many things, but they should not show off in front of his other achievements. There is a principle: if you praise aloud that someone helped, do not get the fruits of his pious activities.

I Love You, Health and Harmony! ❤

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After Vedic Numerology (Sankhya Shastra) reveals some features of the human personality, and this is just a small brick of Vedic knowledge!

#Birthday #happybirthday #Jyotish astrology ###esoteric numerology

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