Friday, February 17, 2017

✴ Under which digit goes your year?! ✴

There are 9 digits...

✴ Under which digit goes your year?! ✴

There are 9 digits under which goes every year.

Every year is unique. There is a year of "expectations", "new opportunities", "harvest", etc.

↪ You can learn:

🔴osnovnuju feature of the year.
🔴chto will be the "red thread", which will take place during the year.
🔴chto will be proishozhit' in your personal life
🔴kakie professional prospects are waiting for you.
🔴 how you should behave in this time
🔴kak should not behave.
Just learn:
🔴chto will happen in your life and what trends to be prepared for each of the 12 months.

🔷na 5 sheets A4
🔷po all matters contact the l/s

#Numerology #numerologijagoda #number #cifragoda ###meditation spiritual astrology

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