And here's what they say about the present day astrologers. ###horoscope Astrology news
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, September 5, 2016
And here's what they say about the present day...
September 5, 2016
Taureans can now demonstrate their intellectual...
September 5, 2016
Taureans can now demonstrate their intellectual abilities, they appear the idea and they will start to think. Perhaps they will take advantage of a proposed idea or they will appear. What is lead? Well, probably, to a better future. At least so plan to Taureans.
#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Телец #horoscope Taurus #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_5_сентября
September 5, 2016
Thought the Rams may this day...
September 5, 2016
Thought the Rams may this day be employed solely for revenue generation, improvement in material well-being. They take power in their hands, are engaged in planning and expanding their boundaries. Are interesting proposals in this regard.
#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Овен ##Aries Horoscope Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_5_сентября
The MOON is "no deal"
With 3:30 15:38...
The MOON is "no deal"
With 3:30 15:38 September 5, 2016 year
During this period it is not worth to plan important cases, be particularly careful on the road and behind the wheel, by using sophisticated and dangerous machinery. Important labor tasks de better to defer to another time.
Period of the Moon "without the course" better to devote the rest or the performance of simple tasks.
#Astrology #Moon #Луна_без_курса
#Gemini @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
#Gemini @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
#Astrology #laziness #Павел_Андреев #Mars
It is no...
#Astrology #laziness #Павел_Андреев #Mars
It is no secret that in any initiative the most difficult thing is to make the first step. Many of our dreams are broken on this issue, like the waves on the shore. Even people with strong sun, giving the sea of desires and intentions, even reality can significantly lag behind the abstract "want" because of a banal laziness.
Laziness is not a disease, not a "vascular dystonia", no crime, no beach "megacity", but simply an illusion, an internal selection of Sloth "will wait, delay, DAWDLE".
Domestic b″âsneniâ "I am the OWL if I lived close to nature, the rise would be 5 am and everything is managed/am I doing everything in Rush mode, because this is my credo" is also not credible and serve as an obstacle to the tops of your productivity in any business.
Whether on business, or whether the spiritual development-all in our reality evolves through repeatability, regular practice "tasted-wrong-tasted-wrong-> got superkačestvennoe a decision on the results of mistakes." Sloth, by itself, deprive the fuel for new evolutionary solutions. When an entrepreneur or scholar asked the secret of success, in most cases the answer guru revolves around the phrase "just do contrary to circumstances
Laziness is fueled by several sources:
-lack of basic energy (at birth we are given upfront "nuclear reactor", but we either and do not include, or instantly burn bad habits and internal conflicts, including so many now in 30 years suffer from starikovskimi diseases);
-low self-esteem ("who am I this (th), to get out and start something that people will think");
-myopia, inability to think in future periods in combination with the fear of defeat ("I would have started doing it, if not ... and then suddenly ... ");
However, there are simple but short-term way to quickly motivate and stimulate your function of the psyche, which is responsible for the launch of the initiative.
Hunting algorithm for laziness:
1) open any astroprocessor online, for example,
2) standard-single-card, enter their > data (what know, just date of birth also go);
3) found in a vertical column of Mars and look at his character;
4) fit the recommendations
MARS in Aries-problems with procrastination you have less total, start the case easily, the root of the problem in short supply stability and weak as a result of targeting; If you are the owner of this Mars, but feel eating you sloth, deliberately choose to work those risky areas that involve the destruction and experiment rather than laborious construction; You are a winner everywhere, where you have to compete, "fight fire" create quickly and easily "sticks" that-t
MARS in Taurus-create conditions of comfort, to decorate your place of work, going to the massage/pitch in case you know exactly how much you will earn money, not work for abstract dream/come up with techniques that can guarantee the result and stability in the (take a prepayment, for example);
MARS in Gemini is to collect the maximum of information, re-read the books review everything in YouTube on the subject of the case, to communicate with the closest circle of friends/make emphasis on mental work or sales;
MARS in cancer-to create an environment of comfort, ideally, work from home, or create a branch home in the Office with the meal, mat etc/invent yourself an emotional stimulus (Please Mum, fear of poverty, to dream about Mercedes)/choose activities where it is necessary to be guided by the situation, follow the emotional impulse and take care of people instead of working on the template;
MARS in LEO-create an atmosphere of joy, excitement, luxury goods; praise yourself or surround yourself with people who praise you/choose activities that game for you and you are ready to pursue this even free/work alone, so no one Les to hand with tips, distancing themselves from each other (exception: it is possible to work in demo mode: "learn, my children, as it should be)/work differently with their chips, avoid templates and scripts and then
MARS in Virgo-industrious enough, such a Mars must be severely damaged in the map to procrastination, happened in the norm samomotiviruetes′ "I work because I work and so it must be" + increases productivity if work turns on several projects, splintering them into smaller subtasks, focusing on tactics and strategy and practical benefits of higher senses + at the start really helps learning of step-by-step instructions;
MARS in Libra-find a partner with whom we can co-operate, share responsibilities/find a teacher, an expert who will show sample/select a job that is related to sales, advice, organization of people;
MARS in Scorpio-ourselves in terms of "if I will not do it, then tomorrow the flood" (if aimed to rise in income, you can make an advance payment for expensive car you will not return unless the thief money in time)/work projects when half the week you are resting on all cylinders, and the other working on sverhintensivno 3:00 pm in the "Minesweeper", with complete immersion in a task/intrigue yourself mystique , a mystery to you in the
MARS in Sagittarius-remove accent with tactics and daily routine and focus on strategy, ignited the big end and aggressively shocking hit all forces in a single point, "punching forehead" obstacles (eye burning tools and people you provide circumstances)/create conditions of prestige (elitist) or spiritual depth (work is aimed at a large benefit and realization of smart ideas);
MARS in Capricorn-carefully plan case study instructions, rules, laws/find a superior structure, hierarchy, which can be incorporated and rely on someone else's experience/no rush, not to consult with all the row, do a little every day (see mom's character in the film "the little Prince"); Your Trump-stubbornness and persistence, rather than aggressive feats;
MARS in Aquarius is to collect the maximum of information, meet with the maximum number of people working in a groupie/create an atmosphere of freedom from the constraints of the project shows employment/start helps visiting training, presentation at conferences, forums, entry into scientific/esoteric/Business/Club choose the activity that does not involve tangible results when you improviziruete, umničaete, doing a little all and Ty
MARS in PISCES-retire, dream, "catch the flow, meditation, visualization, transerfingom/motivate himself to charity work, the need to help, to save, to heal/use intuition, feeling, forget about formal planning and a phased Organization Affairs welcome creative chaos, in which you can work successfully even over multiple concurrent tasks.
Remember that laziness is a double-edged sword. It was the reason for the defeat, but the same can be turned into a point of success.
Because of laziness you can't use its capacity to the appointment, and you have to work extensively on vellum, buzzing social tied the height of your goals and desires of the primitive man-hours, suffering from the discomfort and lack of motivation.
Bring myself to the point where you become lazy sloth, arrange a hunt for its sloth, do all the time, delegating or rejecting alien you tasks and then instead of having to wash clothes in the River, you izobretëte washing machine.
Pavel Andreyev
Sep 04
Power, authority or any undertaking Aquarius will...
Sep 04
Power, authority or any undertaking Aquarius will fail on this day, it is possible that your self-esteem will be wounded. It is necessary to reflect on the reasons that led to this situation, and what you did wrong. It is necessary to conduct an analysis of their actions and to reflect on their behavior. Arrange a small "debriefing".
Taro_goroskop ###goroskop_Vodoley Aquarius horoscope ###Tarot astrology ##znaki_Zodiaka goroskop_na_4_sentyabrya
Sep 04
Morning: you will be able to benefit...
Sep 04
Morning: you will be able to benefit or profit
Day: You're looking for the benefits provided in communication with the woman. This part of the day weekdays devoid of emotion
Evening. Showed great will and pressure to achieve the goal. The whole evening will be imbued with the spirit of adventure and courage. You will need to behave like ,, Grab head ,, then delivered you the goal is reached
Taro_goroskop ###goroskop_Oven Aries horoscope ###Tarot astrology ##znaki_Zodiaka goroskop_na_4_sentyabrya