💥 Classification of astrological types according to the distribution of planets in the horoscope given astrological houses
A cluster of planets in 1, 2, 3 Homes
Here a person orients instinctively, intuitively, listening to their inner impulses and needs, relying on its unknown "I" gives us information about what is born will strive to express themselves in their own personal activities identified in advance his mental abilities, obtained education, formation, its physical facilities and health. Man sells himself only through their values, testing
A cluster of planets in 4, 5, 6 Houses
This distribution of the planets determines a person who can based on the family, religious and national traditions, find an opportunity to express their creative impulses, or strangers, methodically designing technology for their implementation. Emotional energy allows a person to infect others for their inspiration, make others serve themselves or to serve the implementation of someone else's creativity. Such a map can have excellent models, demonstrators, SUP-
A cluster of planets in 7, 8, 9 Houses
Specifies the characteristic for human ability to perceive during external activity information from the outside world through the senses and perception. The main activities in the area of interpersonal communication, collective interaction of people, leading to a change in their personality, use someone else's energy in the areas of expanding human consciousness. This energy is designed to serve the improvement of human relations in society. Born l
A cluster of planets in 10, 11, 12 Homes
Location of planets in the spiritual realm of the horoscope on the horizon says about exceptional human capabilities to anticipate the results of all their businesses, rarely captured by surprise. Born prefers to work collectively in conditions of trust and responsibility. Any intellectual and humanitarian activities in the field of science and technology, religion and politics will bring success to the already born mid life. Such people tend to be more sensitive
Klabukova L.i.
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###horoscope Astrology home #astropsihologija #types #Zodiac #self-knowledge #self-development #cosmogram #формула_души
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
💥 Classification of astrological types according to the distribution of planets...
#Astrology #detskaja_astrologija #Moon #Luna_v_Tel'ce
Children's Astrology. Moon in...
#Astrology #detskaja_astrologija #Moon #Luna_v_Tel'ce
Children's Astrology. Moon in Taurus
Reliability, predictability, stability — here's what you need to your child with the Moon in Taurus.
Read more http://astrosymbols.ru/detskaya-astrologiya-moon_taurus/
The IDENTITY of the day-YURIY BONDAREV 15.03.1924 (Moon...
The IDENTITY of the day-YURIY BONDAREV 15.03.1924 (Moon connection with Pluto in cancer, the North node in Virgo)
Soviet writer and public figure
When the great patriotic war, boy from school called into the army. He returned home after army artillery commander in 1945, after the second injury.
In 1946 year Yuriy Bondarev became a student of Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature in Moscow. From 1949 onwards in the magazines began to appear on his first stories. Shortly after graduation, Bondarev took the USSR Union of writers. In the year 1956 saw the first tale-"yunost komandirov",-tells about the everyday life of cadets of the artillery school at the end of the war and peaceful days.
Well-known writer brought the story "Battalions ask for fire" (1957) and "poslednie zalpy" (1959). They are regarded as outstanding examples of the genre of lyrical frontline story.
The event was the first novel by Yuri Bondarev «Silence» (1962-1964)-one of the first in Soviet literature references to the subject of Stalin's repressions. Great success had novel "hot snow" (1970), which came close to creating Bondarev epic canvas, although the works were limited to one day, and one event is fighting on the outskirts of Stalingrad. The following novels-"shore" (1975), "the choice" (1980), "the game" (1985), "temptation" (1991),
Yuriy bondarev also actively acted as publicist. He has released compilations of articles "search for truth", "the man carries the world" and others. A significant place in the creative biography of Bondarev took work in the movies. He created the screenplays for many own works, in particular script epic "liberation" (1970-1972).
In addition to literary creation, with the end of the 60-ies of the last century Bondarev held leadership positions in the Union of writers, was a Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, delegate several congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was awarded the Lenin Prize and State Prize of the USSR twice, as well as many other State Awards.
In 1991-2013 years Yuriy Bondarev was Chairman of the Board of the Union of writers of Russia, and also worked in the Editorial Board of the journal "Roman-Gazeta". Lives in Moscow.
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#Bondarev #writer #Pluto #Astrology #cosmogram #формула_души #astropsihologija #planet #horoscope