[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Vedic psychology
At the moment, people can be at a rather low level, but perceive it is not human because the level at which it is now perceive should be human because the level to which he aspires.
Ruzau Vo-Srimad Bhagavatam 1-17-5
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❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
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📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
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📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
Female beauty is a power that is fascinating, intoxicating man...
Female beauty is a power that is fascinating, intoxicating man and sometimes robs sense of reason. The standard of female beauty is choppy, not permanent, as well as fashion. For every woman, there is your man. Many women may not see their stunning qualities and may not realize how ugly, from their perspective, was able to conquer the heart of beautiful men. Learn your strengths from the horoscope of feminine beauty.
🌹Ženŝiny-Aries are able to do so that they noticed and even memorized at a glance. They love bright outfits but attract attention not clothes, but all face: it combines passion, originality, the desire to be loved and simultaneously call.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy this sign know how to conquer the charm and softness. Only then the men discover that behind this lies a strong-willed and gentleness of nature. Ladies-Taurus ' have wonderful taste, so always look beautiful and natural. They know how to pick shades and colors like no other.
🌹Ženŝiny-Twins can be different, so they are very often need to change the image, often-radical change. They look exactly like them suggests the attitude at the moment. One thing is certain-it's hard not to notice a woman among the rest.
🌹Ženŝiny-Crayfish-nature, refined and original, which is reflected in their style of dress and paint. They don't like too catchy and striking images, but can highlight your outfit or costume accessory-and seem to be outdo many, seemingly more notable women.
🌹L′vicy can enjoy its beauty, even if they have no! Paradox, but it is: even if they do not possess ideal traits and personality, still others seem to be very beautiful. Perhaps the reason is their natural charm, which catches the eye, costs them smile.
🌹Na women-dev just nice to look at. They may not be written beauties, but so skillfully portrayed their beauty that only admired. They carefully look after themselves, for your skin and figure, so from them and blows a magic freshness.
🌹Ženŝiny of this sign are endowed with the beauty inherent in the ancient goddesses. They have an expressive face and a very beautiful hands. It should be noted that sometimes spoil your Scales harmonious choice of clothing or hair color, but they quickly corrected. They are very artistic, which gives them additional charm.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy of the very attractive and tend to consider themselves perfect. But their beauty is not common, and are likely to exotic. To this must be added their sensuality that attracts men like a magnet to them. That's why Scorpios know her worth and are very proud of themselves.
🌹Ženŝiny-Archers have the charisma, that their physical appearance doesn't matter: even their love almost everything. If the representative character is beautiful, then pass it is simply impossible. The trouble is that Sagittarius is very often too lazy to pay due attention to their appearance.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy of the mark have the appearance of an amateur, although their absolutely does not care that they might not like someone. They can easily create their own original style, which may even become a new fashion. Their facial features are irrelevant, since they are able to present themselves as better than others correctly.
🌹Ženŝiny-Aquarius is the original painting, which is the dream of many collectors. Not only are they attractive superficially: they have inside as if shining light that attracts men's views, regardless of whether or not a woman-Aquarius in a normal t-shirt or evening attire.
🌹Predstavitel′nicy mark Fish are among the most beautiful in the Zodiac pantheon. They attract men not only appearance, but also mystery image. They would never allow yourself screaming or vulgar outfits, and their appearance is always carefully considered and harmonious. 🌹
Stay tuned for the group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing! 📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
October 29 #Mars in exact...
October 29 #Mars in exact square with #uranium, duration 25-31 October aspect. This time, the rebellious public moods, it strengthens the rebellious spirit and can trigger a wave of protests by existing conditions or action of the authorities. At this time the hot heads can manage not only the desire for social justice, and selfishness, rasčëtlivost′, cruelty, people on the way to goal. This aspect increases the likelihood of catastrophes and terrorist attacks.
In the cases of unforeseen circumstances may arise that create stress and require change "storyline in the course plays." The energy of this aspect gives the desire to free themselves from the pressure of Convention and can cause problems in a relationship. It provides a level of physical and nervous energy, which can be difficult to control. There is a tendency to over-react to every little thing and expend energy where you can save by taking his impulsiveness under control.
Be reserved and sosredotočtes′ on the host, it will control the situation and not expend energy wasted. Impatience and vzvinčennost′ will lead to disputes and conflicts with superiors, to reckless reactions and injuries. To avoid this, you need a shutter speed in communication and caution in working with technology, electrical appliances, sharp objects and cautious behind the wheel, especially 28-30 October. These are the days of high accident rate.
Elena Zimovec
###Astrology horoscope astrological forecast #October
Read more about aspects of October: https://astrowoman.ru/2016/10/05/goroscop-october/
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Astrology
~ Your Friday-beauty ~
🎻 a good time for all, especially for creativity, art and communication.
🎨 on this day wakes up creativity and intuition.
✈ Today favorable travel and visits to theatres, romantic date and socializing with friends.
💃 is the day of sensual feminine energy. Venus reveals a woman of beauty, elegance and sexiness.
well today 💑 sing, dance, play, draw, mingle with the opposite sex.
💅 You can enjoy shopping, which require taste, beauty salon.
💎 Stones day-diamonds white Sapphire, zircon, tourmaline and white.
💖Cveta Venus pink, turquoise, purple.
👚👗Preobladaûŝij color in clothes-silver-white-pink multicolor (avoid dark shades).
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Yoga
9 exercises to get rid of a certain type of pain. Based on the main yoga poses and have a powerful effect.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda

This day is good to get...
This day is good to get something - a reward, recognition. Suitable for requests for promotion and assistance. Good start training, to get married, start a new job. Not suitable for a funeral, and the start of treatment, not visit patients.
Sha year
Difficulty in movement, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to solve urgent matters, buy and sell land and real estate. Do not start a project that has clear deadlines, you do not meet them. Travel in the day unfavorable.
The energy of the day goes against the energy of the month. The works started on this day, will be unsuccessful.
🍀Blagopriyatno: rest, getting rewards, engagement, debt collection
⛔Ne favorably: travel, investment, purchase of property, signing contracts, repair, earthworks, the construction, foundation, the beginning of training, the funeral, the beginning of a new project, moving, starting a business, job, wedding, inauguration, initiation of treatment search of medical care, legal affairs, loans
The day is not auspicious for those born in the Year of the Ox.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
There is a subtlety, a secret. We believe that if...
There is a subtlety, a secret. We believe that if all goes well, then we will be happy. Nope .... not working. First, we are happy, and that's when everything becomes perfect! Miraculous time of day, lovely people beautiful planet!
Join yourself and invite your friends!
##Secret intricacies of astrology ##spirituality
💍Gemmoastrologiya. Or the stones the tickets already purchased.
The map...
💍Gemmoastrologiya. Or the stones the tickets already purchased.
The map is very common to observe an energy imbalance - some of the planet manifested brighter, some amazed, and some even sleep. Besides working on themselves, such gaps in the chart, you can work out with the help of stones and minerals. This kind of energy support, which will neutralize the negative and strengthens planets channels. Most do not realize what a pebble in their rings and a bracelet from which, as we ought to. Many enhance their negatives and sales
It is a science, but in general are as follows:
⚠Esli in the map violated the Sun channel = a sense of loss of strength, do not want the immunity is lowered, the broken state in the morning and thought, "Again the same thing" when things got, I want to change something, and the strength and desire it not. Confidence falls, optimism is not visible, you want to drop everything and put the blame on a desert island. But the loneliness in this unbearable. Enhanced dependence on others, lacks independence.
✔Kamni to help - citrine, amber, yellow sapphire, topaz, aventurine, diamond, the beryl.
⚠Esli to map the moon disturbed channel = emotional problems plan surpasses sensitivity, any fly - an elephant, a violent reaction to everything and everyone, and the wait and see attitude. The mood of galloping, "I'm not in the spirit of" it's about you, women women's issues. Psychosomatics, moods, digestive problems. Problems in dealing with women.
✔Kamni to help - white quartz, white coral, adularia, pearl, pearl, moonstone, selenite.
⚠Esli in the map of Mercury broken channel = memory problems, assimilation of information by the nervous system. Headaches, difficulty in breathing, changes in voice, freezing limbs. There is a hunger for information, but to speak / read / write / listen to the lazy, confused thoughts, you misunderstand. Disclaimer words-parasites, inattention throughout.
✔Kamni to help - gray agate, serpentine, tiger eye, bull's eye, carnelian, turquoise, purple sapphire, yellow topaz.
⚠Esli to map Venus broken channel = doubt its appeal, fault-finding, increased demands on ourselves and others, femininity / masculinity around baseboards, anger and envy others, extreme changes (black / white and nothing else), and indifference to the work of art, tastes are changing for the worse, you're a hundred years did not hear compliments. Failure of the kidneys, diseases of the female genital organs, allergic reactions, deterioration of the skin
✔Kamni to help - rose quartz, chrysoprase, olivine, garnet, amazonite, turquoise, emerald, malachite, sapphire blue, jade, jadeite.
⚠Esli in map disturbed channel anomalous Mars = lazy, decreased physical activity to a minimum, there is no impulse to action, swing for the work extremely difficult, weakening of muscles, physical strain has been difficult up to the nausea. Reduced libido, potency. The tendency to give to everyone around, but would not touch. Decisions are made very difficult. Baseless stubbornness.
✔Kamni to help - garnet, ruby, magnetite, hematite, bloodstone.
⚠Esli to map Jupiter broken channel = skuperdyaystve, greed, pessimism, the concept of justice is blurred. Arrogance without soil, reduction / unrealistically high ambitions. Objectives set does not work, there is no need to develop, although the mind from that sad. Sadness, laziness, apathy. Failure of the hormonal system, liver problems.
✔Kamni to help - sapphire blue, transparent zircon, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, amethyst, lapis lazuli, birch, yellow topaz, aquamarine.
⚠Esli in map disturbed channel Saturn = restraint, tediousness, reduced level of responsibility, pulling to break rules and laws, reduced the security instinct. Delays, failure modes and schedules of the day, delays in business. Depression, a world in black. Damage to the bone, spine, joints, teeth, spleen.
✔Kamni to help - black onyx, obsidian, black coral, jet, tourmaline, blue sapphire, chalcedony, Morion, agate.
🚫S higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) requires careful selection of individual, as include them can be dangerous.
👉Kak use: carry with them in any way. Principled contact with the skin - it is necessary to make friends with a stone and let him know what his deal. Do not wait for the results the next day, but regular contact with the stone in a few weeks you can see the first effects. they are not expensive, if you buy a tumbling 1.5-2 cm.
AstroLikbez ###Tips #ozhizni astroteoriya astrology ###lithotherapy stones #planet #gemmoastrologiya