Saturday, October 22, 2016

This is a special branch of astrology...

This is a special branch of astrology. She has been studying maps, constructed at the time of the human mind or set the astrologer any important issue. If you asked a person with serious intent, is important for him, the answer to his question is when considering planetary maps issue. Question should be specific, not abstract, have a definite answer. Otherwise the map will not reflect the heart of the matter

Horary Astrology has its rules and methods differ from other branches of astrology. One of the brightest representatives of Horary Astrology was William Lilly (1602-1681), predicted the fire of London. In his "Introduction to astrology" he wrote: "If anyone suggested something-anything-and doubted whether his assumption, and can specify the exact time, hour and minute when this assumption first came into his head, draw a shape on the IOM

Kuspid first house or Ascendant describes kverenta (the questioner), its appearance, location, and circumstances. The case in question asked is called kvezit (voprošaemoe). Ruler of the Ascendant, i.e. planet that controls the zodiac sign in which is Ascendant, called signifikatorom kverenta. The Manager of the House, to which the question refers, is signifikatorom kvezita. These are called primary significators.

Other signifikatorom, very important in Horary Astrology due to its high speed, is the moon. It is sosignifikatorom kverenta, unless it is signifikatorom kvezita. In cases where one and the same planet is siginifikatorm and kverenta and kvezita, the Moon is also the Manager of kverenta.

Converging aspects of the Moon, which it forms before you leave sign to show what should happen, and divergent aspects that it formed before entering as a sign of where she is now, describe what has already happened. The final aspect of the moon before it leaves the sign which takes shows how will end the case asked.

Secondary significators is the planet that have value in virtue of their position in the map, their nature, character, or where they are located. So, when considering marriage-this any planet, located in 7 home-home and marriage partners. If we are talking about a career, important planet in the sign of Capricorn-natural 10 House. In addition, secondary significators is the planet on which case managers asked. So, mercury-secondary significance

After building the horary maps it is radicalness validation. A map can be interpreted as the answer to the question can only be given if it is extreme, i.e., applies to the interpretation. Not radical map could not be interpreted.

Signs not radicality horary maps are as follows:

1. When the degree of the ascendant is between 0 and 3 any character, the question is premature and conclusion on it can not be done: too early to say anything. When the degree of the Ascendant falls between 27 and 30 in any sign, conclusion on it can not be done: too late to do anything to speak of.
2. Saturn in conjunction with Ascendentom or 1 House damages question, and located in the same place retrograde Saturn generally destroys the question.
3. Saturn in 7 home allows astrologer to give a proper opinion on a given subject.
4. If the Ascendant or moon fall between 15 degrees and Weights 15 degrees Scorpio, or the Via Combusta-burned way then give an opinion, as is the significator, falls on this arc, is ineffective.
5. planet is considered to be ineffective if the burnt, if is within 8.5 degrees of connection with the Sun. When the burned pilot are ascendant, then either do not understand the question or the issue cannot articulate.
6. If the Moon is unable to complete any aspect to the planet with which it approaches before the Moon or planet would change the sign of the Moon is "no deal". This situation is an obstacle for interpreting horary card. In such a situation the Moon occupies the later degrees than any other planet in the map, with which it could be in aspect. Or, if the planet takes later degrees than the Moon, the Moon cannot make dimension to n

After checking the card to do deals with reciprocal aspects of significations and sosignifikatorov kverenta and kvezita. If the aspects between them convergent and harmonious, the answer to the question is Yes. Otherwise, the answer is no.

One of the challenges is determining the Horary Astrology houses, the question belongs. Often use the derived houses, especially if the matter relates to a third party.

Houses in Horary Astrology have some additional characteristics.

1 House. Kverent, his personality and appearance, his overall well-being (health and welfare).
2 House. Resources, money and personal property, trade, placing the Money losses and gains
3 House. Letters, documents, messages, and reports rumours short trips, brothers, sisters and neighbors.
4 House. Household chores, buildings and land ownership, a place under ground, final resting place of the grave; the mother and the family; the end of the case in which the question.
5 House. Creativity, kids, love, theaters and entertainment, recreational activities, gambling, speculation, and competitions.
6 House. Health, illness; all types of service; servants and subordinates; diet, food and clothing, working environment; pets and small animals.
7 House. Relationships, marriage, wife, husband, partner, contacts and agreements; clear enemies and opponents; divorce, theft and thieves; astrologer; artist; any person, with whom kverent.
8 House. Death, sex; ownership partner; other people's money; Wills and succession; debt and bankruptcy.
9 House. Desire for distant trips and travel; emigration; religion and philosophy; dreams and mental distress; higher education; law and litigation.
10 House. Career status, occupation and profession reputation, father, boss, employer, President, Government, Court, punishment and conviction; someone influential in the case, which asked.
11 House. Friends, hopes and desires; companions and colleagues; advisors, organizations, societies, clubs; group activity; foster children; adoption; secret desires and aspirations of the kverenta.
12 House. Bad luck, bad luck, imprisonment, confinement, prisons, hospitals, link; secret enemies, conspiracies, overthrow, an act of murder and suicide; the abduction; witchcraft; all ways to self-destruct; large animals.

Planets in Horary Astrology are as follows:

Sun: kverent (if male); productive relations; powerful patrons, jewelers, teacher.
Moon: kverent (if female); servants, sailors, doctors.
Mercury: News, information about missing items; thieves, mathematicians, Secretaries, shopkeepers, speakers.
Venus: a people in whom the interested kverent, especially young women; perfumers, decorators, designers, people associated with entertainment.
Mars: if good aspektirovan-strong and enterprising friend if bad aspektirovan-a vengeful enemy; surgeons, dentists, soldiers, policemen, firemen, bandits.
Jupiter: a wise friend kverenta, a successful outcome depended cases rich relatives, bankers, lawyers, counselors, philosophers, professors, philanthropists.
Saturn: people who hinder kverentu realize their plans; conservative elderly relatives, workers, beggars, people with dishonest intentions.
Uranium: suddenly a random Savior, friend; foreigners, electricians, psychologists, astrologers; gambling losses unintelligent play, revolutionaries.
Neptune: mystics, geniuses, prophets, spiritual teachers, priests, pilgrims, but also drunkards, addicts, pretenders.
Pluto: leaders of criminal organizations; those who excites massive discontent, reformers, criminals, terrorists.

Electional astrology

Electional (èlekcionnaâ) Astrology or Astrology selection allows you to select an auspicious starting time of any business. This can be a marriage, travel, pregnancy planning, litigation, drafting wills, buying land or a House, Electional Astrology, investment activity etc. is, to some extent, horary astrology, as the latter begins with a time issue, and later has an affair with the forecast.

Electional Astrology, by contrast, is busy choosing a suitable time for reasons of the success of the planned case. From this moment the Electional map, in fact, become a horary and assessed the prospects developed all its features, possible ways to achieve success.
Successful timing must take into account the following considerations:
1. Natal map person who is interested in the outcome of the case. Ptolemy said that favorable choices at a time consistent with the natal′nym good horoscope.
2. Must be taken into account by the Directorate, progressions, transits the higher planets so that the alleged affair does not contradict the overall forecast for the natal chart.
3. Special attention should be paid to the sign and aspects transiting planets rather than the homes they occupy in elective map as a favourable position in the home will not be able to compensate for the disadvantage on the sign and dissonant aspects.
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#Astrology #astropsihologiâ ##знаки_зодиака ##виды_астрологии #interesting self-knowledge prediction #business

There is a difference between those who want to be...

There is a difference between those who want to be with you and among those who will do everything in order to save you.

Remember about it.

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

🔽 the only reason for the existence of time-that all happened...

🔽 the only reason for the existence of time-that all happened at the same time.

[club66466145 | Albert Einstein]


◘ Aries ― eats all the chocolates in one...


◘ Aries ― eats all the chocolates in one sitting.
◘ Taurus ― loves chocolate and can share with you candy with fruit filling.
◘ Gemini ― can break each candy, look on the toppings and select.
◘ Cancer ― stretches supply candy for a long time, at least for a month.
◘ Lion ― will take away all the candies themselves and share only after enough to enjoy himself. And those that do not like, would you.
◘ Virgo ― chooses two boxes of chocolate-white and black. One is himself, the other you.
◘ Scale ― is very fond of chocolate and eat in one sitting. Imagine choosing that larger.
◘ Scorpion ― slowly savors the chocolate or candy. Sometimes chocolate on his fingers faster than melting in your mouth.
◘ Sagittarius ― likes and chooses imported chocolate or expensive chocolates.
◘ Capricorn ― preferred truffles.
◘ Aquarius ― selects bars with raisins and nuts.
◘ Fish ― hand out candy to all friends and acquaintances. Can even forget yourself leave a piece to try.

If you learned on the description of yourself, post)

#Misc ##horoscopes astrology

Adore Mercury...

Adore Mercury in Virgo. He systematically and clearly laid out on the shelves (though the shelves themselves are a mess, but it is not so important, we need to be, and there all organizing). With remarkable ease distributes the information by category and quickly develops a coherent thinking. Usually hates "impractical" subjects because cannot apply them here and now. Learning quality and meticulously, penetrating into every little thing. Sometimes can
The biggest problem is self-criticism: this is a perfectionist, never to be fully satisfied them. Do not tire of repeating to him that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and in most cases, these errors are reparable.

The ideal mode of homework — premeditated time, neatness and cleanliness of the workplace, down to the sharpened pencils; a large number of additional literature, microscope and Calculator (!).
Motivation — "success will reach someone who knows how to work hard."

"Sit down and as if the tv turn on. And there I will you tell televised "(girl, 8 years old)

To be continued...
P.s. If you have difficulty to find out what sign is mercury in horoscope of your child, please write in the comments-the date, time and place of birth-answer necessarily.

#astropsihologiâ #natal′naâkarta #sovetastrologa #Astrology #detskijgoroskop

All living creatures are responsible for their...

All living creatures are responsible for their karma — his actions and their consequences — and for their liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara. Karma is a planar causal Act, under which the righteous or sinful human actions determine his fate, his suffering or pleasure. Karma underpins the causal chain of the series called samsara and used mainly for understanding relationships outside
The law of karma realizes the consequences of human actions, both positive and negative in nature, and thus makes a person responsible for his life, for all the pain and pleasure that it brings. The law of karma covers both past and future human life.
All living creatures are responsible for their karma — his actions and their consequences — and for their liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara.
Each of us during life, one way or another, trying to understand what its true value. And only for Aries is the main goal of his life. Find the meaning of life, he deals with the rest of your life.
He looks for the meaning of the time, plunging headlong into life, because he believes - the more he tried, the more will be able to learn about yourself. And this is true ... to some extent. But there comes a time when the Aries have to look inside yourself to figure out what really motivates his actions and what tasks it confronts destiny in this life.
Most often, Aries does not necessarily live permanently in action to understand themselves and their karmic task in this life. If he can overcome his Low motivation I can find the strength and wisdom of the higher self-courage, openness and generosity. If Aries makes it, even in this life, Aries never feels abandoned, on the contrary, will always feel that they belong to great effect.
Aries should seek the leadership and strive to implement all your talents, you must suppress my baser impulses and selfish desires that may distract him from the movement to the great goal is to follow the path of improvement.
When Aries is influenced by its Low I, he constantly assert himself, trying to take from life everything is possible, he is impatient, he wants to get what he wants, when he wants it. The man who seeks to satisfy their desires at the time they occur-here is a Low-lying Aries not inclined to solve karmic challenges and narabatyvaûŝij negative karma.
If Aries feels his purpose, he is fired and hits the very unpleasant situation. Combative spirit of contradiction, irritability may push him to aggressive actions, the surrounding of it turn away, and as a result he remained in solitude. If Aries with blind persistence continues to strive towards those goals, then he loses everything, that it is really expensive.
Sometimes Aries too spun up at its significance. He fears that in fact is not a big deal. This may cause Aries commits acts, in which there is no need, and it spends precious time that he could hold more profitably. He needs deeper look into yourself-just so he would be able to overcome your own seem insignificant. Instead of having to prove his value to the world, it
Another likely scenario of misconduct-Aries hastens events that relies only on himself, not noticing the signs of destiny and the flow of life-and eventually crashes into a brick wall. Failure to reflect on their actions before they commit causes many troubles, which enters Aries.
When Aries catches his destiny and realizes how important it is to be able to see into the future and imagine the possible results of their actions (including possible problems) when he learns to overcome his Lower nature, which pushes it on selfish and evil deeds, then in this case his life is folded safely and happily. It is the highest Nature every Aries should find in ourselves, and follow it-and when that happens it w
The main word for Aries should be "patience". If Aries gave labor to think about their actions before they occurred, he would have most likely done in accordance with the dictates of his wise I. It could determine where you can dive, and which place is best avoided. In addition, one day life can turn to patient Aries its beautiful side-but no one has made this from the fate of the force.
Take advantage of a patient attitude to life. If you do not rush things, the universe comes time to gather your energy and direct it to help you! In addition, one must understand that patience and inaction - not the same thing, and that patient attitude to life, rather than inaction characterizes the active and intelligent man.
continued tomorrow.
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#Astrology #astropsihologiâ ##знаки_зодиака #interesting #self-awareness characteristic #prediction #poll #karma

More than all costs is the woman who does not...

More than all costs is the woman who does not need anything from you.

#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat

[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...

[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!

Love - is not an act, and exist. You can not "do" love 24 hours a day.

From any action comes fatigue. And if you're tired, you want to relax. Therefore, the "do" love relax in hatred, in some ways the opposite of love.

Thus, love - a state of consciousness.

Condition love natural as breathing. If we breathed with effort, it would be tired of it, we would need to relax and we would die. Love - is the breath of the soul.

Without breathing body will die. Also the soul without love can not be born. When we love, we come to life in the soul.

But you can not say, "Breathe only in my presence, and do not breathe in the other cases." If we listen, then we shall die. And it is also impossible to say: "You must love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love.

All this does not mean that we should love everyone, no. We just have to be in a loving state of mind. It's like breathing - even in the presence of the enemy, we continue to breathe.

When we breathe the air of love, our whole aura changes. It becomes a sparkling, radiant joy.

The woman with the aura becomes sverhprivlekatelnoy for men.

Approximately describe the state of love enlightened masters.

Rami Blekt
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