The main symptoms of weakness of the Moon-emotional instability, lack of soil under your feet, anxiety, fear of intimacy, lack of friendliness and poverty. Such a person constantly feels unsatisfied. He transfers the stresses and strains associated with intercourse. He is prone to discouragement, depression, pessimism, as well as to neuroses or mental disorders. Confusion reigned in his thoughts, moodiness or anxiety. This man's mother
Physical signs of weak Moon — anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues (the tendency to dehydration), low body weight, dry skin, constipation, weak weak lungs and kidney. Such a person is hard to endure dry and hot weather. Women may suffer infertility and menstrual cycle disorders.
Astrological readings
The Moon is weakened in the sign (Scorpio) in characters of hostile planets in her aspects of zlotvornyh planets — Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mars, as well as in distressed houses (sixth, eighth or twelfth). The hardest transferred aspects of Rahu and Saturn, especially if they are not relaxed aspect of Jupiter or Jupiter in the corner House from the moon. Particularly weak Moon becomes the Sun and nearby when burning (new moon). In addition, the Moon is waning
When ascendente in cancer, Scorpio or Pisces Moon is a beneficial planet. In these cases, using astrological healing tools to enhance its positive qualities — force of emotion, friendship and love. But because the Moon is "second ascendant, as trustee are ascendant, you can strengthen and in many other cases.
The main gem of the moon — a natural sea pearls. Pearl should be no smaller than two carats. You should send in a silver or white gold and worn on a nameless finger. You can use as substitutes for cultured pearls or Moonstone, but they either need to be larger (three to five carats), or in large models or necklaces.
For the first time put on the stone should be in Monday, when the growing moon. Transit Moon should at this point be in Taurus, cancer, Pisces or sign one of her friendly planets. It should not be in conjunction with pests or under strong aspect of any zlotvornoj the planet. Astrologer can pick for the successful muhurtu, drawing attention primarily to the Moon was supportive (Rohini, Push'ja nakshatra, punarvasu, Chitra,
Use caution when
Gems of the Moon usually do not recommend wearing with large clusters of mucus, swellings, stagnant phenomena and excess body weight (elevated levels of kapha). Psychological contraindications: emotionalism, sentimentality, greed or privjazchivost', as well as overly active involvement in family or public affairs.
Astrological contraindications: Moon-Manager zlotvornogo home (third, sixth or eighth). In these cases, even the full moon can be trouble.
The best color for the Moon is white. Good various bright shades (light blue, green, pink), but they must be bright, clean. Dark and muddy shades should be avoided, especially grey and black. Grim also excess red and other "hot" tones. Do not use excessively transparent paints.
Herbs, spices and scents
Favourable to the moon are considered soothing and toning plants: altej, Elm, a root okopnika, Solomon's seal, shatavari. It is best to take them in milk concoction.
Moon incense-aromatic oils of white flowers (Jasmine, gardenia, Lotus, Lily), as well as sandalwood oil. You can lubricate the heart and "third eye".
The Moon is associated with the goddess, the cosmic feminine principle, the divine mother. This is the great goddess Mahadevi, or is the wife of Shiva, Mahashakti. In various spiritual traditions it is known under different names: Parvati and Lakshmi, Tara and Guan-Yin, ISIS and the Virgin Mary. Meditating on the goddess should report it in our heart, which is either in the Lunar sphere, or topped with a sickle moon. The best time for such a meditation is the full moon day.
The strengthening of the Lunar energy contributes to spiritual devotion (Bhakti Yoga), especially if it is drawn directly to the great Goddess, divine mother. Need to try to develop the domestic tranquility, faith.
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