2 December in 21:19 Mercury entered the sign of Capricorn and spend it in one sign this time long: making the loop going Canal, and then getting back on track. He will be leaving Capricorn only 7 February.
Those who are accustomed to making the case for the heart to be free routines in and to think philosophically, just not sweet. Mercury in Capricorn encourages the opposite-the discipline of work and thoughts, following rules, hard and laborious intellectual work.
This is the right time, that would show their mental abilities and put things in order. Discipline and consistency this month-is the key to success in many spheres of life. A practical and systematic approach to the implementation of routine Affairs will help achieve your goals, no matter how high they were. Of course, mercury in Capricorn also declines to caution and care that may be confusing people who used to go ahead
While the Mercury went on Sagittarius we were full of idealism, the desire to embrace the boundless, saw an overall picture of events, believed that "everything will be okay anyway and can be done later. But Capricorn gets thoughts on "sinful Earth" from general ideas to their implementation, to the pressing problems and long-term objectives. He said: "only here and now!" this time define the strategy for achieving the objectives; It can put a facing the need to think
In communication and negotiations will be welcomed by specifics, facts, statements on the case, without lyrical asides. In important negotiations are not worth it to go beyond a predetermined theme. If you want to reach your goal, your speech should be concise, literate, to be based on facts and evidence. It is also worth to take into account those who leases the session and exams during this period. In the normal same communicating with friends and family not tone official to appear, but the themes from
To achieve the goal during this period, you must tune in to business. The advantage of those who will receive the outline information, respond to questions or put forward proposals briefly and essence. During this period, should adhere to the chain of command and follow the rules, even if they seem to be just a formality. Violation of working rules, dereliction of duty can cause serious complications in the workplace. The desire to circumvent the law will result in problems
Thinking that is configured on the harsh reality, can sometimes enter us into pessimism, adding color to life in dark tones. But succumb to this provocation is not worth it). It is necessary to perceive this period as a midterm exam on the eve of the new year 2017. Summarize, make findings, make plans, raise itself to the level above. Ahead of the new year!)
With care and love,
Astrologer Lana Star
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