Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Birthday December 6
Characteristics of born 6 December

December 6...

Birthday December 6
Characteristics of born 6 December

December 6

Fate: Courage and contradictions inherent in the born on this day, creativity gushes out them. They love the risk, they are keen, ambitious, smart, practical. Love the publicity and are ready to become a leader, without preconditions. Their vision can be envy. Their life will depend on their choice for a bright and joyful beginning they follow or go followed negative pulses. They are so fearless that victory is afraid of

Mystery birthday: intuition born December 6 allows them to get the maximum benefit from any situations, they do not see gold bullion in a muddy puddle. In addition, some representatives have a flair for financial success, that might be their trump card in the money market. They also assess and company or team, defining their future and potential. Brezzhashhij light at the end of the path becomes a signal for them to throw forward. Creativity, as gov

Born December 6 is worth notice a fake note in friendship or love bonds, they hurry to withdraw without waiting for the worsening situation. And then your friends and beloved in disgrace, although the duration of love or friendship, left out of life born that day. Pragmatism born 6 December takes precedence over all, they are only bringing benefits and promising cases. Theoretical aspects of interest only to the extent

Born 6 December seeking to better throughout. If friends, partners, associates have the same strong will and spirit, born 6 December rush to fill them with inspiration to great achievements and feats. If there are private people who do not like attacks on its territory and to improve by the time born 6 December it would be better to move away from them. Born on this day should cultivate internal tolerance for OCD

Health: mental strength and physical energy consumption for born 6 December habitual thing as they reverently refer to their projects. Not worth finding solace in alcohol or cigarettes, as there is a risk of pulmonary diseases, blood vessels, stomach. Yes and superfluous athletic loads not worth messing with age muscle can be transformed into fat. Pay attention to the vegetarian food.

Tip: don't get carried away with their ambitions, they may lead you to failure. Be a bit softer in the statements, they can severely injure. Be tolerant of others, in the end everyone has weaknesses. Monitor your energy and can become successful in everything.

#Numerology #Karma #Sagittarius #6dekabrja ###Astrology forecast the fate


###MPPG Astrology horoscope #fish #complex #sign

Beautiful fish, bred, caring zodiac sign, but many people misunderstand these vulnerable people. That's why fish is the most difficult character to understand.

Why Fish is the most clozhnyj zodiac sign for understanding
Fish have a rich imagination, very emotional, and even representatives of this sign are distinguished by stealth. This gentle, loving, caring people with "a heart of gold, but with all of this they were often the victim of his own conflicting emotions and thoughts. They live in their dreams and fantasies and love away from reality, preferring to research its deep inner peace. Fish, of course, it is a sign of dreamers, also on
However, they often feel unappreciated those around them and can easily fall into depression if they feel that their voice was not heard.
Fish, of course, have to offer the world. And we all could learn a lot from representatives of this sign with a huge intuitive power course, if would try to understand them.

They keep a great Riddle
They certainly want people to hear them, but they often do not have enough words to express their feelings and desires. Most of the time they live in their own world, which makes it difficult to establish contact with them. Fish necessarily open at the end of the day, only need to give them a little time. Just treat them with love, respect and understanding, and reward you for it will become their trust that you get as soon as possible. On
Speak with them about art, the game of imagination or some other creative process, and you will see how they will come alive and happily join in the conversation!

Fish love to escape from reality
Fish may quickly lose interest in the contemporary world because they can't obey his rules. They are not capable of surviving for a long time the tempo, which moves the rest of the world, so whenever convenient, they try to escape into a world of your own thoughts and dreams, where they feel very comfortable. Fish don't want to seem indifferent or rude, but the surrounding world is tired of them and denies inspiration. If you realize e

They want to be closer to the people, but fear getting psychological trauma
The fact that fish is a responsible and caring creatures and people often enjoy their kindness. They want a close relationship, but because they had to strongly obzhigat'sja in the past, they cannot afford to open up to the end, for fear of what they will do again. But if you're sensitive enough, you will have the chance to discover the beauty of relations with them, whether romantic or friendly.

They cannot hide their feelings
Fish is a very emotional establishment who are ready to give your man or Lady all his heart entirely. Their emergency vljubchivost' easily turns into psychological trauma. They try to see the best in people even after they caused pain. However, if you do something bad, they will forgive, but not forget. Fish have too high expectations from the relationship that often leads to subsequent disappointment. They are though

They need to be alone
Fish easily absorb all the negativity of the modern world, and then they need a very long time to remove all the accumulated negative energy. However, while they are waiting for support, encouragement and love from loved ones, so they need a healthy balance between loneliness and communication with other people. No matter who you prihodites' to fish, other or second half, never let go of her too far away from each other. In the end, the fish are not

They are very independent
Fish love relationships, but at its core, it's always easier to go it alone. Often they expect from relationships too much, and they just needed some time that relax and focus on that make them happy. They don't want to distance itself from others, but sometimes they just do not have sufficient forces to maintain a relationship with someone, but people do not realize this and take into your account. They don't like to rely on others and assumption

New vizitochek. To hand out new favorite clients. I am...

New vizitochek. To hand out new favorite clients. I am waiting for everyone. Vizitochki magic, charged on the happiness and good luck, "alarms" for life. For those who are tired of looking for who needs strength.
Now don't worry.
Today is not zlis'.
With respect to parents, teachers and elders.
Honestly earn their living.
All express gratitude.
From Astrologer Hope.

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#Astrology #астролог_Надежда #Надеждины_секретики #астрологическая_консультация

It seems to me that one of the biggest successes...

It seems to me that one of the biggest successes in human life is a happy childhood! © Agatha Christie

👫 👬 👭 👬 👫 👬 👭 👬 👫 👬 👭 👬 👫 👬
Embrace the children now
Without any particular reason
Just that they have you.
Embrace and a daughter and a son.

And no matter how old they are,
Crisis of age-all excuses.
If time is not forever,
Everything still embrace the child.

Do not delay,
Do not take this respite,
Before you sit down at the table,
Embrace and a son and a daughter.

This truth for thousands of years,
But we cannot in any way to learn:
Children-our ever-burning light
The meaning of life, the souls of the particle.

And don't wait for some kind of sign:
No 5s, no tests, no points.
Embrace children just so
Because of this and little life.

Sergei Yefimov
(from page psychologist Svetlana Kagarmanovoj)
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Astrology horoscope ####forecast Rahashan

The upcoming week will certainly be...

Astrology horoscope ####forecast Rahashan

The upcoming week will certainly be interesting and rich with new developments and changes in the conditions and thoughts. This is the most active phase of the lunar month. Starting in Monday, 7-m lunar day, which is directly connected with the elements of air and the advent of new, important information, new ideas that can have a strong impact in the future. So listen-has ears let him hear!

In Monday also happens to link longitudes of the Moon and Mars, which further add activity and vigor at the beginning of the week. And because the planet will be in Aquarius, it is expected to increase in the desire for freedom and independence.

At Tuesday, December 6, will be harder to overcome obstacles and with flair. As the Moon passes through its Entering the node, problems may emerge from the past-both personal and public. But the real coverage of the Moon of the planet Neptune affect intuition-someone she will refuse and give false signals, but some people may experience obvious insight and foreboding. To strengthen intuition and protection from the harmful effects we recommend should be inserted

In the Wednesday 9th lunar day, as usual, is rich of temptations. We recommend you choose the temptation to completely surrender to the cause, which do, and all the other traps to pay little attention.

Thursday-at-10th lunar day just great will start a new venture, however slight, of which you have long dreamed of. Support for Moon to skyrocket this time Monocerotids meteor shower in the constellation Monoceros, which on this day reaches a maximum and probably will shine your inner sky flashes new ideas.

The Saturday is expected to be very powerful day, intense meetings planets and their uneasy relationship. In fact, on 12-moon day we recommend to observe the silence, peace and refrain from drastic action, sharp words and loud promises. But this time the Sun will pass the exact connection with Saturn, that will bring more order into your life. Creative sekstil' it with Jupiter will give new impetus to your business rather than less creative sekstil' of mercury with

In the same Sunday, after such an active week, we recommend all relax, more to spend in meditation, stillness and silence best outdoors.

In connection with changes in the weather and conditions at this may become more frequent cases of ailments. For prevention recommend Siberian-tool again Pihtovit.

P.s. we remind you that the influence of the planets on each person has its own peculiarities, someone felt it before someone waves reach heaven later. For the most complete interpretation of the heavenly signs advise you to contact your personal astrologer forecasts and recommendations.

Priest Of The Temple Of Time, Astrologer Rahashan


Photo: road in Arshan, George Bogoslovsky

December 5
🌛 7 lunar day
7 lunar day active day...

December 5
🌛 7 lunar day
7 lunar day active day. One of the characters is a rod which is associated with the development and evolution of images. And these qualities are characteristic of the mood of the day. The internal forces of the body are at the maximum, all this accumulated energy naturally requires implementation. There conceived plans to begin implementation.
👉 And today, despite the fact that the heaviest day Monday, we are vigorous and many have time. Just may be some unexpected situations, an abrupt change of plans. This does not create any problems, and will be even useful and interesting. The main thing is not to worry and remain calm.
Much of that will come to you today in the head on the organization of the order in the house, or some event, or relationships between people will be very correct. It works well intuition and you're good to distinguish truth from falsehood. Be sure to take new ideas on the note, but do not react immediately. Wait for events. As they say, "oversleep" with new experiences and ideas.
Another symbol of the lunar day 7 - Windrose. On the one hand it is the element of Air, the fastest. On the other hand, today there are no restrictions before you 360 degrees of space. You only need to define your target and send the application to the vector of its strength.
On this day, you can pretty much have time to do. The main thing is to choose the right direction. The air element works fast in a straight line, ie, the shortest distance. And by investing in a single vector, energy, dispersed in all 360 degrees, we get a very powerful force.
💲 main vector application of your strength, skill and diligence, will finance. All that will be done today, or started this Monday should bring good returns.
Just a very good start training. This knowledge will also bring you significant financial benefits.
One of the symbols of the day - a rooster. It is someone who at all times, meet the sunrise. And nothing will stop this bird.
Today, you may want to show off, brag. This may result in the style of your dress, and behavior with others, and in conversations. I think we all remember, at least from the cartoons, gait rooster in the yard. So we can draw such behavior.
If you feel a cock trends suspended. All our actions today have high initial energy. Events caused by your lack of restraint can lead to a crisis situation. Great risk to take on an impossible burden in advance. And everything began in the 7 day of the moon, it is difficult to correct.
Good luck all day.
##AngelinaStashevskaya astrology astro-forecast ###astrologer astrologiyauspeha #astrolog #interesting #horoscope #astrology #prognoz