Forecast for March
There comes a good period to tie a romantic relationship. Virgins at this time, it is recommended that you communicate more. Cooperation can bring good results in business matters. It is also a good month for treatments, beauty treatments, beauty salon visits. Monthly investment is extremely bad. Try not to make too expensive and unwise purchases. Money at this time may suddenly leak like sand through your fingers.
* forecast characters describes the General tendencies. In order to obtain an accurate projection must be based on individual horoscope.
#Virgin ##Astrology forecast
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Forecast for March
There comes a good period to...
✨ In early March, repeated opposition...
✨ In early March, repeated opposition Jupiter-Uranus, which took place at the end of December, predznamenovav some very tragic events. Any aspect involving Uranium talks about unexpected events and negative aspects indicate that these events carry negative and even destructive.
✨ Events that took place at a time when the first row dimension (in December) will be the development and in March, and finally, the third time, Uranus and Jupiter will be in opposition at the end of September 2017, when past events may again give itself felt.
✨ At the end of the month, Jupiter will be in a negative aspect to Pluto. This is another fairly strong destructive aspect that will bring changes, transformation and new experience. This aspect may indicate the destruction of the old values and principles.
✨ Another important event March can be called a reversal of Venus in retrograde motion. In addition, its position in the Aries will make her very weak, so any cases involving Venus, will not turn out properly. Especially do not recommend in the next month to get married.
✨ In Aries later this month will be also the Sun and Mercury, so month promises to be quite active. In March, it will be possible to observe the first stellium (accumulation of planets) in Aries, where gather 5 planets.
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🔹 Do not expect perfection, and do not ask and do...
🔹 Do not expect perfection, and do not ask and do not ask him. I love the ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people - are unusual. Everyone is so unique. Respect this uniqueness.
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