##lunnyjkalendar′ #Astrology astrological forecast
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
##lunnyjkalendar′ #Astrology astrological forecast
#aesthetics @ club_25ideas
#quote @ club_25ideas
#Astrology @ club_25ideas
"I would like to...
#aesthetics @ club_25ideas
#quote @ club_25ideas
#Astrology @ club_25ideas
"I would like to know why stars shine ... Perhaps, then, that sooner or later everyone could again find her. "
THE HOUSE OF THE HOROSCOPE. 7 House and UDC. Partnerships...
THE HOUSE OF THE HOROSCOPE. 7 House and UDC. Partnerships in astrology.
(Elena Brova)
● Performance of widowhood in astrology
We have authors who scare their readers and followers of the omnipotence of astrology, or their own methods. And they go so far as to give techniques that define in the natal chart, widowhood or orphanhood of children formerly loss.
All of the techniques that I've seen on this subject I studied. And today I can responsibly say that predict such a fate for the man with 100 per cent, the likelihood is SIMPLY NOT possible. As it is not possible to say that the probability is 90 (80, 70, etc.) per cent. The probability does not equal 100 percent, always 50 to 50, or will, or will not.
Survivors of the maps corresponding to tragic events sometimes resonate with described rules and sometimes (and according to my statistics, WHILE, more often than not) — do not meet them.
So after seeing the host map hard link between 7 and 8, or 7 and 12 (that you can find as an indication of widowhood, in very many modern textbooks), do not hurry to get disappointed — chance that you for these indicators, ovdoveete, not just not more than those who have such a connection in the natal chart is not.
● Aspects between the houses and map elements
The strenuous aspects that have elements of 7 homes point to possible difficulties for marriage or partner.
For example, the square of 7 houses for element 10-partner is against professional activity nativa. Or your partner will be a bad relationship with his mother.
Harmonious-though with what marriage or marriage partner will be good. For example-Manager 7 houses in the House Manager 5. It's a marriage of love. Partner will get along well with baby Nativa (at least in view Nativa). And miscellaneous.
#Astrology #marriage #седьмой_дом #widowhood #aspects
Child-Aries (20...
Child-Aries (20.03.-20.04.). The Element Of Fire.
The distinctive qualities of the child-Aries are: energy and courage, commitment to leadership and short temper, excessive ingenuity and curiosity, imagination and utter lack of patience. It was difficult for him to be disciplined.
Aries often self-absorbed and sometimes can be besčuvstvenen. He wants everything to be as it is, and is ready to solve the problems by force. Aries-child is very impulsive. Such a child is not prone to tricks or lies.
Teach him to be stubborn in pursuit of its objective and does not throw. Accustom to bring any deal to end. Play games with him and let's tasks requiring mandatory logical conclusion (puzzles, designer, etc.).
Learn his moderation and tolerance towards others. Explain to him what people think or feel other people, help him develop a respect for people and their point of view. Nurture it kindness and desire to care for others.
Child-Taurus (21.04.-20.05.). Element-Earth.
The main features of this sign are self-reliance, equity, integrity, perseverance and excessive stubbornness, love for nature and cheerfulness.
From calves to achieve a good word and love. The affection it always answer caress. And here's shouts orders and generate a backlash-on the Bulls can't squeeze.
One of the main lessons that you want to teach your child in childhood, is to teach its share. He too has developed proprietary instincts. He, like anyone else, should make sure that his home is his castle.
Give him a chance to express themselves in art. He possesses a rare gift-connect in the right proportions of beauty and usefulness. Taurus-scary slasteny, so they need to limit such foods.
Gemini (21.05.-21.06.). Element-Air.
Such a child is almost always surrounded by lots of friends; due to his oratorical abilities, twin often becomes the center of attention. Children-twins are very sociable, but do not always know how to listen to others.
Such a child to easily adapt to new surroundings, and "home" can be anywhere.
He has a photographic memory, capable hands, it typically draws well, plays on any instrument or anything else. The twins are very curious. They are originals and all love to do in their own way, inventing their own methods for reaching targets.
If you want to have a child did something-make this an attractive deal for him.
Twin must be sure that you love him. He has wit, sense of humor, cleverness, but completely devoid of patience and perseverance. Help him develop those qualities.
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##детский_гороскоп #Astrology cosmogram #формула_души #children #psychology #self-development #nature #отличительные_качества
#caste #self-development #Astrology #esoterics #algiz
👆K what breed are you...
#caste #self-development #Astrology #esoterics #algiz
👆K what breed are you? Do you want to know?
Caste or a little more knowledge about himself. It's no secret that society in India is divided into caste-each person is born in a certain social layer, which is characterized not only by the standard of living, occupation, level of education and culture, but also by certain characteristics, qualities, the most objectively describe the people of this caste.
🌟V esoteric Division of people by caste or Varna is characteristic of people on those qualities that they have. Such knowledge itself helps unleash the power of which never even suspected, or vice versa, think about those qualities of life that would be useful, but it is not typical of your kind.
💥Data birth hides in itself the secret of conditioning us to a particular caste, i.e. the set of characteristics that we came into this world, which is dominated by the US.
So, a total of four castes (untouchables we here do not take, because it is more the exception than the rule):
✏ Brahmins-a caste, sages, teachers, intellectuals. The representatives of this caste are very well developed ability to obtain knowledge, to create exercises and new directions in science, esotericism, the ability to teach, to transmit the information. General information-this is their main trump card.
💣Kšatrii-war. The representatives of this caste endowed with volitional qualities, they can accept and defend their decisions, fight for your beliefs, go ahead, despite the danger. This is often the leaders, rulers, even more. They are clever, but not always wise, they control, are cruel, but in more severe and pushy.
💰Vajš′i-merchants, artisans, merchants, farmers, but those who work for yourself. They may work well, but good money, they have entrepreneurial talent, wit, ability to worldly wisdom. Their work, they pay in cash.
👷Šudry-workers, employees, very good artist. Said: "Dig!", he went to dig and will dig until you say stop. For themselves, try not to take decisions, initiatives don't exercise, but to be honest, work hard, Cameron could say, though money is usually not much to bring.
No bad castes, all caste needed and useful, each caste has a positive, productive traits and negative, destructive. But knowing how much us% from any caste, qualities can help us reveal themselves. Reinforce what is, develop what does not exist.
❤ Pretty well know what caste mostly about you and what is your beloved or beloved, because people, for example, with the first and fourth caste are very hard to come to an understanding. It is better if the feature set will be roughly the same castes.
✌ Know what set of qualities to the caste system you can be by date of birth. To do this in the comments put +, I write HP interested date of birth do repost this entry and wait for my reply 😉
Good morning!
Today Moon in...
Good morning!
Today Moon in Sagittarius and peace shows you where you can gain new knowledge and how to expand their view of the world.
The world gives the opportunity to know people from other cultures and countries, new customs and interesting facts. Also, the day gives a chance to make a trip, maybe not the most, but at least virtually.
If the day is not asked-ask yourself can you aspire too far without seeing a valuable next to each other? There may be many think and get others, not noticing the plank in your own eye? Align your knowledge with reality.
To date, the required work of the mind, as well as flexibility and ability to be versatile.
Also, the second quarter after the new moon begins today September 1, when we need to implement their plans in life. Getting a dream come true!
Good luck!
#prognoznaden′ #goroskopnasegodnâ #goroskopnaden′ #horoscope of #astrology #konsul′taciâastrologa #astrologiâdlâženŝin #slûbov′ûozvezdah
Sep 09
The twins in the day may be...
Sep 09
The twins in the day may be conflicts that will bring some disillusionment, plans, projects, but everything will be very fair in this case. Who will restore justice - you or your opponent - can only guess.
##Taro_goroskop goroskop_Bliznetsy horoscope ###Gemini tarot astrology ###znaki_Zodiaka goroskop_na_9_sentyabrya