#@ alexandr_zhuravlev_official TIBETAN Astrology HOROSCOPE. 4 SECRET of the SAGES
Tibetan horoscope. 4 secret of the sages
Tibetan wisdom: person is happy when he has a good friend that supports it in ways worthy opponent, training his force and company, where he will be able to rest when tired. And yet people have a worthless enemy and does not help to develop, and does not prevent to go his way. Do not spend time and energy on communicating with such a man.
Let's find out exactly who to us can be a friend, rival, good company, as well as with whom our confrontation will be useless.
Bright Kite
Year of birth: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
People born in the period of bright kite, don't tend to stick to the same views on life. They prefer change: both external and internal world. Your essence is versatile and woven of contradictions. You can turn from evil dragon in playful butterfly and soar above the mundane bustle. You are given a unique ability to abstract away the complexities of life. You are a very sociable person, for you naturally reside in society MN
Friendship-Black Buffalo;
Mark rivalry-leather bracelet;
Sign company-Jade column;
Mark useless confrontation-flame keeper;
Favorable numbers-3, 15, 27.
Profession in a past life-Messenger, Weaver of baskets, smuggler, artist raspisyvajushhij temples, Troubadour.
Year of birth: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
It can be said that all the no matter what touched Cobra, immediately turns to gold. You're an excellent speaker who is able to present even the most fond history as an exciting adventure. You have a gift cause its interlocutors a storm of emotions, while remaining totally calm. Trying to help everyone, you often stay on the sidelines, not managing to realise their own dreams. Be sensible, not surrender yourself endlessly happy
Friendship-hot sun;
Sign company-leather bracelet;
Mark rivalry-flame keeper;
Mark useless confrontation-Bright kite;
Favorable number-1, 13, 25;
Profession in a past life-Alchemist, karavanshhik, Troubadour, pirate.
Flame Keeper
Year of birth: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Keepers of the flame-bearing light and joy to the defenders of hearth and home. People of this sign have well developed intuition. They are able to make decisions consistent with a voice of reason and the call of the heart. IM always happy and have lots of friends, but still fire Keepers sometimes feel lonely. People of this type are noble in their acts, decent and honest. If they fail to comply with its principles, their tormented by guilt. They are somewhat arrogant and cons
Friendship-Monk, accompanied by monkeys;
Mark rivalry-Jade column;
Sign company-Lake Turtle;
Mark useless confrontation-Bright kite;
Favorable number-4, 16, 28;
Profession in a past life-Warrior, Travnik, a loan shark, a midwife.
A Source Of Clean Water
Year of birth: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
A source of clean water is a stream of kindness, generosity and positive energy. You are often referred to as good a Messenger of glad tidings to those who had long been waiting for. People of this sign are alien to the injustice and brutality of it sunny where. They aspire to a world justice prevailed. You appreciate the sincere feelings partner and will never betray him. People born under this sign have to listen to your intuition — it will help them in the choice of vocation.
Friendship-Jade column;
Sign company-metal Gong;
Mark rivalry-Monk, accompanied by monkeys;
Mark useless confrontation-leather bracelet;
Favorable number-5, 17, 29;
Profession in a past life-diplomat, singer, cabinetmaker, winemaker, priest.
Jade Pillar
Year of birth: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
People of this sign are avoiding crowds and public gatherings. Sometimes their behavior is somewhat similar to the power of aristocrats. You don't suffer attacks on personal space, preferring silence and privacy. But in life you are very active, have a sharp wit, constant are in search of the truth than the sometimes utomljaete surrounding: you even can not trust for this reason. Your willingness to do everything for the sake of a loved one is not always justified. Tibetan Mu
Friendship-metal Gong;
Sign company-a source of clean water;
Mark rivalry-flame keeper;
Mark useless confrontation-black Buffalo;
Favorable number-6, 18, 30;
Profession in a past life-jeweler, horse trainer, Messenger, sculptor.
The Metal Gong
Year of birth: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
People of this sign are noble, faithful and generous. They are sometimes quite self-critical and sensitive and prone to fatalism. The metal Gong tries not to show others their bad qualities. When life surprises them, they try to limit myself to not succumb to temptation. These people prefer to live for someone, they are convinced of the futility of minute joys. Important love for them in higher, spiritual manifestation. Wise men advise people of this sign
Friendship-Jade column;
Sign company-a source of clean water;
Mark rivalry-new moon;
Mark useless confrontation-Lake Turtle;
Favorable number-7, 19, 31;
Profession in a past life-an archaeologist, a lawyer, a gardener, Gilder statues, a shoemaker.
Lake Turtle
Year of birth: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Good luck smiles to people who know how to create the right conditions for the fulfillment of dreams. These words fully characterize Lake turtles. They control their own destiny. You are affectionate and faithful, you alien intrigue and cunning. Your life partner can be sure: you will never betray. But the sages recommend you exercise caution: do not indulge in lusts, which you can't control. In some situations, it is important to keep sane.
Friendship-flame keeper;
Sign company-Monk, accompanied by monkeys;
Mark rivalry-new moon;
Mark useless confrontation-metal Gong;
Favorable numbers are 8, 20, 32;
Profession in a past life-Porter, lacemaker, time, Mason, designer carts
Leather Bracelet
Year of birth: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
You enjoy mystery, mysteries and riddles. Retreat periods alternate with moments of joviality is active. Because of the fear to be alone, you constantly are looking for new friends. It makes you move forward. Leather Bracelets despise aggression and conflict, but if necessary can protect themselves, their territory and point of view. Under the guise of saucy seducer often hidden insecurities and internal systems. So in love with you
Friendship-hot sun;
Sign company-Cobra;
Mark rivalry-Bright kite;
Mark useless confrontation-Monk, accompanied by monkeys;
Favorable number-9, 21, 33;
Profession in a past life-diplomat, sculptor, Alchemist, courtesan, an arms dealer, a blacksmith,
Black Buffalo
Year of birth: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Black buffalo prefers to act is straightforward: devious ways is not for him. You want everything clear to exclude an unpleasant situation. People of this sign is a strong, confident in its invulnerability, that power attracts others. In a loving relationship you like to dominate. Your emotion draws representatives of the heart. The weak spot is the absolute belief in their own invincibility. Sages advises you to carefully treat
Friendship-Bright kite;
Sign company-new moon;
Mark rivalry-hot sun;
Mark useless confrontation-Cobra;
The heyday of summer;
Favorable number-10, 22, 34;
Profession in a past life-Warrior, blacksmith, mountain guide, an itinerant actor, stone grinder.
New Moon
Year of birth: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Born under the sign of the Moon is dreamy nature, sensitive and tender. But when the light of day they are capable of actively manifest itself in deeds. These people are passionate in love. But their love is inconsistent-it romantic, carefree and loose, and the sad and incredibly jealous. New Moon is changeable — this creates many problems. People of this sign sages advised to control emotions and mood swings, then close it will be easier to communicate with you.
Friendship-Bright kite;
Sign company-new moon;
Mark rivalry-metal Gong;
Sign standoff-Jade column;
Favorable number-11, 23, 35;
Profession in a past life-midwife, kucher, kovrodel, religious leader, Hunter.
The Hot Sun
Year of birth: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
You cheerful man, loyal friend and Assistant. You're straightforward, you can rely on. More than anything you value freedom and are afraid to be in a "golden cage". Even the most difficult situation you can solve almost instantly and always profitably. Therefore, in such moments, all hope for you. Love you in show constancy and fidelity. Growing up, the people of this sign become less reckless, begin to lose their taste for life. Try
Friendship-leather bracelet;
Sign company-Cobra;
Mark rivalry-black Buffalo;
Mark useless confrontation-flame keeper;
The heyday of summer;
Favorable number-12, 24, 36;
Profession in a past life-Hunter, astronomer, trader, kovrodel amulets, religious figure.
Monk, accompanied by a monkey
Year of birth: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
People of this sign-rigid nature, as they say, with a core. They and sociable, zhizneljubivy possess a vivid imagination. Discussion, controversy and the clarification of the relationship-give you special joy. You appreciate kindness, sincerity, lightness in communication. In love you are peculiar to faithfulness and constancy, you're not capable of villainy and treachery. To avoid conflicts, the sages advised that character to show leniency to others who have
Friendship-flame keeper;
Sign company-Lake turtle;
Mark rivalry is a source of clean water;
Mark useless confrontation-leather bracelet;
Favorable number-11, 23, 35;
Profession in a past life-comedian, fortune teller, singer, counterfeiter.
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Thursday, January 5, 2017
#@ alexandr_zhuravlev_official TIBETAN Astrology HOROSCOPE. 4 SECRET of the SAGES
Signs of the Zodiac/nature
Taurus-fertile land
Signs of the Zodiac/nature
Taurus-fertile land
Cancer-the river
The Lion-Sun
##Astrology horoscope #nature

Moon Void, single moon, the moon in the free care...
Moon Void, single moon, the moon in the free care ....
All these terms mean that the moon is in a state where it does not form any major aspect to the planets as long as one does not leave the sign of the zodiac and will not go to the next one.
These are times when life stops around, nature stops half asleep, preparing for a nervous jerk. But all efforts and actions, as if they were not well planned - do not bring any results.
This moon is traditionally a bad name among astrologers, it can make a person distracted, careless and inadequate, obscure reason, so that get into trouble, accidents and all kinds of accidents (the so-called human factor).
This is the wrong time for a job, starting a business, marriage, surgical operation, acquisition of real estate or expensive purchases.
Take yourself on a wall, in order not to lose, and do all the time
#Luna_bez_kursa lunnyy_kalendar ###Planning astrology