#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation #la108
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, January 27, 2017
#AlhimijaZhizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation...
27 ✨ Friday #astrological forecast
Friday ends the work week and...
27 ✨ Friday #astrological forecast
Friday ends the work week and at the same time, the last lunar day. From 10:17 to 11:36 #луна_без_курса: all questions in this period of time, have one answer-"no".
Then the Moon moves into the sign of Aquarius-stir freedom. Agreement are violated, plans change in the air hovering new exciting ideas and brilliant plans, however, to initiate and develop new businesses, plan important meetings, the purchase is worth it. Wait a couple of days. For personal relationships, new acquaintances, Contracting day is not suitable. From major purchases of financial investments best avoided.
Sunny mood whatever the weather !!! ☀
#Astrology #astrologer ###lunnyj_kalendar' horoscope astrological forecast
What not to do on the moon without kursa❓
✅ Start...
What not to do on the moon without kursa❓
✅ Start important matters;
✅ register a company, start a business, get a job, be interviewed;
✅ begin important negotiations, on which much depends;
✅ sign important contracts;
✅ agree on the important meeting;
✅ do surgery, critical examination;
✅ make large purchases;
✅ register marriages engagement, making a marriage proposal;
✅ make the final decision and implementation of the important decisions.
The list is endless. The important thing - if you want the case to be implemented and give it the positive results that you expect - do not start it on the moon in the free care. Because all important, aimed at obtaining concrete and tangible result, begun in the period of the Moon without a course, has a good chance or not be realized at all or does not happen in the form as you planned.
What to do on the Moon without a course ❓
✅ relax, read, devote time dreams, dive in yourself, relax;
✅ doing routine daily work;
✅ indulge in solitude;
✅ engage in spiritual practice, yoga, meditation, auto-training, sleep and analyze dreams, reflect;
✅ do things that you do not want to implement;
✅ to sort things out and assign unwanted meeting - nothing serious will come of it.
Thus, the idle periods of the Moon - not just passive "timelessness" of how the period considered in the past century. These watches are suitable for some classes, and can interfere with the other. But it is worth remembering that the astrological configuration does not override the concept of free will of man, but only to help us implement our plans more intelligently, in harmony with the "heavenly weather." Please also note that in all important undertakings must take into account the complex indicating the
#lunabezkursa #holostajaluna ##moon #lunnyjkalendar' #Astrology horoscope prediction ##лунабезкурса_lydia_astrolog
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
[club76967104 | 🌟 SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY.
The PREDICTION for the YEAR 2017 🌟]
[club76967104 | 🌟 SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY.
The PREDICTION for the YEAR 2017 🌟]
Часть 1
Read the future in the stars is an ancient tradition of all peoples. Shamans since ancient times, watched the starry sky, and gave recommendations on how to avoid the negative action of the planets and strengthen their good influence. The keeper of ancient knowledge of shamanic Astrology [id343081223 | Vedana Dar] prepared their predictions for all zodiac signs in the year 2017!
The first half of the year will be successful for all types of partnership deals and marriages. There is a high probability of transforming attitudes and worldview after talking with wise men. Possible meeting with a spiritual teacher or Mentor-don't miss it!
Good prospects in order to meet their soul mate or family relations. Love is in the air you breathe! This is a great chance through joint activities: sports, General or hobby become a happier marriage. Remember that each has its own characteristics, and your too someone reconciled.
✔ Your source of strength in travels, adventures and new discoveries. New knowledge will feel more confident.
✔ Spirit helper: musical instrument will Khomus give your searches and travel special meaning, along with the game on the homuse will come to understanding people and interact with them.
✔ Music Good Effects: self-knowing and peace
Stars promise you growth in money and business. Your favorite lesson will take longer, but you'll be the only happy.
Thanks to the knowledge, you can better manage your time and all the tasks you will be up to the task! Although health priorities this year will be for you in second place-do not forget about it when you take on the next challenge. Recharge will help you travel into the forest and the river.
✔ Recommendations: your source of power-the ability to control your money, time and planning Affairs. Avoid loans!
✔ Spirit helper: Shaman bracelet will help you keep control of themselves and the circumstances. He oberezhet you from hasty and thoughtless decisions.
✔ Music Good impact: Business-magic. Music success and prosperity.
The twins will be at the peak of creativity. This is the year when any undertakings on finding yourself, talents and the realization of dreams #1-get married successfully.
Someone close to you may not understand the importance of new classes for you: try to distribute their attention so not to offend anyone. Thanks to the creativity and the creativity you meet new friends or even love! For some Gemini planet promise child birth.
✔ Power-creativity, spirituality. Your partner should not lag behind you in self-development, otherwise the probability of rupture.
✔ Spirit helper: Amulet made from leather, embodies the creativity and helps find a solution in any situation. This amulet will inspire you to creative expression itself and make the creator of your own life.
✔ Music Good Exposure: creativity.
You will come to understand the importance of communication with relatives, with her family. Representatives of cancer will have to reconsider their previous action and pace of life.
You are too fussy and not enjoying every moment of life. Try not to wait for any day's, to be happy and feel the happiness right now.
Before the end of the year will be fortunate all endeavours with real estate, repair and large investments of money. Reward your helpers!
✔ Your source of strength is to change lifestyle. Find harmony and take care of spiritual health.
✔ Spirit helper: Shamanic candle. Shamans often turn to the spirit of fire, which gives energy, activity concentration. Meditation on the flame of a candle is a special Shamanic practice that develops your ability to concentrate.
✔ Music Good impact: disclosure of super-powers.
This year, action and fast results! You get new knowledge that will help in career growth. Closer to summer, you might want to change the situation is to let him.
Meeting new people, places, travel will bring a lot of benefits. Don't forget about the old links that are worth supporting from cold calculation.
✔ Your source of strength-labour and usovrshenstvovanie skills. Treat more seriously to the issue of children.
✔ Spirit helper: stone Kudaj Kama. This course will help you keep in touch with the elements of the Earth and be persistent in reaching the goal. Keep the stone is always with you, and the energy will not dissipate in the creative impulse, you'll be able to bring developed up to the end.
✔ Music Good impact: for the development of concentration, commitment and obtain space knowledge
The central theme of the year 2017 will finance. Achieving tangible viability you absorb, because you always put clear objectives and plan your life.
New sources of revenue will come, and it definitely will be the result of your hard work and a little luck.
There is one danger-extravagance, excessive charity. Don't forget that money is your energy, do not waste it in vain. Apply your practical nature and in this line, too.
✔ Your source of strength is responsible for their actions and planning a reality. If you dreamed of a new home-start choosing wallpaper.
✔ Spirit helper: the image of the goddess Umai. Strengthen your practicality and contribute. Put a picture in a room where the whole family, this is going to be a real family home.
✔ Music Good impact: to gain an eternal source of wealth
#inliranga #Рассвет_Инлиранги #book #wisdom ###horoscope Astrology prediction #shaman
meet 🔽
2017 ###znaniesvest success of astrology #@ Tyumen
meet 🔽
2017 ###znaniesvest success of astrology #@ Tyumen