11 January 17:22 TIME MSK BEGIN 15 LUNAR DAY
The symbol of the day considered the winged Jackal. For the Hindus a day associated with the Cobra. Another symbol of the Feathered Serpent. The ancient Persian God Varahram-same Anubis, zorvanism-Persian tradition man takes on a mission to clean the Earth from evil.
This lunar day is associated with reincarnation, directly obtaining revelation, contact with other worlds, the transition from one hemisphere to another, and as a consequence, with conductors from one world to another-such as black Jackal Anubis (or wild dog Sab) among the Egyptians. It is also a myth about the abduction of Proserpine and leaving her in the underworld.
With 15 day also associated symbolism of victory over the Serpent, i.e. over its low start: reflects human battle with their own passions and the possibility of entering light-to the upper hemisphere. Here symbols of Perseus, defeating the monster, George defeating a snake and exempting the Virgin (late sign of Virgo).
Druids (ancient Celts) with 15 day Moon tied wood Viburnum. Hence the symbolism of the battlefield at kalinovom bridge-tale dvenadcatigolovoe chudo-yudo, which defeats the hero. So kalinovye berries are considered berries apprenticeship, mastering (juice Viburnum recommended drink spiritual disciples to improve memory; he also expels "bad blood). They cleanse the thoughts, calming down human nature, promote better assimilation of information perception. When
On this day the person pulls for a fight, but it should be the protection of Justice, and people should not receive pleasure from victory and should not shy away from the battle under various pretexts-the battle as the fulfilment of duty, as Krishna taught Arjuna before the fight with Kauravami in the Mahabharata.
Negative day, a period of carnal temptations and Astral battles. In some texts it belongs to Or resisted the tempter (Angro-Mainyu)-spirit of the flesh, which relaxes the person makes it pliable, vnushaemym, lazy, beyond any earthly temptations.
The ancients believed that on this day before full moon takes place witches ' Sabbath-climbing activity of dark forces and people should be able to protect, ready for any eventuality.
Considered very heavy in relation to the so-called sexual temptations. 15 lunar day can bring short-term Bliss, which long disappointment, especially in love. On this day we must vanquish his flesh to be clean because it activates an internal "snakes" of each person.
First of all its negative influence on the relations between people, this day is often the conflicts and quarrels. The sexy: background all scandals or miscalculations, committed today, one way or another connected with sex.
This day is also associated with intestinal simvoliziruemym the serpent, which sometimes translates as human womb or his flesh.
In the social and domestic plan fails and even the critical day of temptation, deception, illusion and sins. The case may meet at any time. You cannot swear, do not take gifts. Very good at this time, protect, restore fairness, be a fighter for happiness.
Spiritually, it is considered that the need to practice any form of asceticism, win his flesh to be pure (aka Astral collapses). Summit man gets spiritual heritage, at the lowest-uryvaet other people's pieces, uses someone else's. The boys sleep on the fifteenth day, is considered to be prophetic for a month. A bad sign in this day-quarrel.
In terms of the health of vulnerable pancreas as well as diaphragm that separates one half of the body from another (lower world from the top). Day is dangerous for diabetics. It is not recommended to eat cabbage, onions, eggs. If a person does not incur any sadhana or not fasting, then it is possible on this day, there are hot meals, i.e., very jan'skuju, but one that will not affect the pancreas.
Remember that you do not have to rape when you live according to the lunar calendar, even with good intent. Learn to be grateful when something turns out, and not to get upset, if it didn't work out.
Based on materials P.globy "Moon astrology"
#Lunnyyden prognoznaden ###astrology horoscope
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
11 January 17:22 TIME MSK BEGIN 15 LUNAR DAY...
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #astrology
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #astrology
Mullah once said:
-Never eat food sent to you...
Mullah once said:
-Never eat food sent to you as a gift, if you do not know him who sent.
-Well, in this case, it will be gone, "Mullah objected.
Then, before you eat, you should check your food, for example, give it a try cat. If the cat die or refuse to eat, you know that the food is poisoned.
This logic and practicality of new knowledge impressed the Mullah.
Once he found a basket of grapes left by someone at his door. He called his friend Wali to observe the experiment.
Cat obnjuhal grapes and walked away.
-There can be, "said Mullah.
-So in fact cat does not become it is, "countered Wali.
-So, what cat will eat grapes?!
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