Transit of Mars in the sign of Taurus ♉ ️ 10 March-April 21, 2017 ✨
10 March Mars moved in the sign of Taurus. Active pritormazhivaetsja, increased goods from producer and laziness. Actions are aimed at achieving tangible results, ensuring your own financial blagopoluchija💰💰💰
If we take into account almost matches the period of retrograde Venus, it is not the time for new projects and investments. It is time to deepen the already established work. Taurus-salt of the Earth. Sensual sign with high osjazatel'nym capability. Therefore, the tendency of hand made products will increase, people are trying to do something new with your hands. And get at least a specific income. May increase greed and pettiness. Upjortost' and desire for
So take yourself in hand. Welcome your laziness and continue to work for the benefit of all that motivates us ❤ ️
#Astrology #astropsihologija #uslugiastrologa #uslugipsihologa #astropsihologmarijavagner #horoscope
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Transit of Mars in the sign of Taurus ♉ ️ 10 March-April...
How to heal the body and destiny?
Allowing myself to...
How to heal the body and destiny?
Allowing myself to share with you the vision on this issue. It emerged from the hearing and reading the truly wise people, personal experience and observations.
If these thoughts are visiting you put 💚 lyke and if this view you really close, please repost!
I really like the nejemocional'naja score of this world, the inherent philosophy of the East. There's no yelling about sin. There's talk about the cause and consequence, and call it karma. Stole-be ready to part with the valuable. Hit-whether it is willing to take a hit. Called-be prepared to be hurt. And so on.
Without sinners and hallmarks. And this is in line with what world/the Supreme mind/God does not belong to man. This makes the ignorance of the people. The Saints, therefore, people always radiate compassion, even for those who made a mistake. 🤗
What is the bad karma that comes in the form of an illness of the body blows of fate, pain? It's a clot of energy, negative, associated with suffering. And if the person was the source of the suffering in the past, the clot will harm him. Why? This clot is not evil, it's just poor quality and it needs to be transformed into good. Why? Because everything in the universe is striving for harmony, thankfully. 💛
As the clot will do? It can be up to a certain point to stay on, say, the Summit Plan, other vibrations, different from the vibrations of the body and the mind. But there will come a time when he begins to move, to stop being negative to exit.
This movement will be directed towards human life. Whack-and serious disease. What does that mean? That this bunch of bad karma wants to go out and decided to make it through the physical body. For example, in the form of a tumor. That remains a person? He treats this materializovavshijsja bunch of negative energy. But where to go? I want to live.
It happens that the treatment takes years. Means a big wad of gotcha. Sometimes people prolechilsja, and after a couple of years, relapse, and everything is new. Why? Because sometimes a big wad of leaves portions. To not kill.
From a position of astrology: horoscope shows the presence of lumps, and pleasant and unpleasant. That is happiness, and misery. And astrological periods show moments of the materialization of these lumps in my life. ✨
But the question in the title: "how to heal the body and fate?"
And you wonder what to do to protect yourself from adversity.
First thought: times lumps these before its release live on other vibrations, maybe you can get there and there to try something to do with it? In my view, the correct approach. But how to do it?
Scientists say that the human mind will vibrate in several ranges: Alpha, beta, theta, Delta, and certainly no more. For example, Alpha takes place during relaxation, meditation.
So here! To cope with the kamkami, you need to go to a higher compared to daily status, and there to produce the desired mood.
What? If you are interested in my comments, and I'll make a "part 2"!
#umstar #Jyotish Astrology ##vedicheskajaastrologija #karma
Totem of the day-Serna. Day can add...
Totem of the day-Serna. Day can add from 8 to 40 years. Born on this day are required to educate and their foster children, the more they will be, the better. Honesty is also important. The short-lived man can get up to 40 years of age, unless he is not lying.
Contraindicated adventures and new businesses. You can't get mad, kill animals and insects. Be kind and merciful in this day. Then you can help in difficult times. Spend more time home and family, children. Favorable family holidays and any housework, repairs. More handle with water. Do not start any new cases. Good tolerate enemies that day designating courts to clarify relations. You cannot lie. Day is associated with prayer
Recommended white, yellow and pink color. Avoid black, blue and brown tones.
Pay attention only to specific dreams. They are prophetic. The brighter dream, the faster it is. You can order this day dream, but from noon till evening should have almost nothing. The fewer people eat on this day, all the more prophetic will sleep.
Cloak, rope, Arkan, network entangled all dark forces.
Pink-Purple Amethyst is the stone of purity, righteousness, is thought, helps from op'janenij and various durmanov.
#tashatregubova #self-development #esoterics #solnechnyesutki #solnechnyjden' #25solnechnyjden' #Astrology #sovetdnja
Bloggers and Blogersha now held in high esteem! Many of...
Bloggers and Blogersha now held in high esteem! Many of them have become very recognizable figures and status. In general, given the present Internet is very convenient - a knowledgeable person shares his experience, and watch / read are thousands and millions of anywhere! 📡📱
Recently I learned about a girl-Blogersha - Alena RobinaHoodina ( She YouTube-beauty-blogger, that is, shares its experience in cosmetology and restore the beauty of women, which she had in subscribers of about 350 thousand.
I found her date of birth. Now I will not about it, albeit briefly here: a pronounced effect on the teaching career, so she teaches transmits experience. Very unusual Venus, creativity index, art, beauty - and therefore tells the story of a woman's beauty. It will be possible to dedicate a separate note, a very decent girl!
And now about her husband, to be exact - about his wife's astrological indicators. I found a date of birth, and is building its map, already looking forward to it a strong position of Venus, and on which I shall draw conclusions about the wife, as if not knowing who she was.
So, Sergey Venus in the sign of Pisces. In Jyotish it is called exaltation of Venus - it is very comfortable, the planet in a higher power. This means that the personal life / wife will likely thrive. However, Venus is in planetary war with Mars. Planetary War often gives excellent results - so his wife so popular! However, it is important to remember that in addition to positive planetary war always brings, and destruction, but it is not necessary that the wife. Incidentally,
When the husband / wife has a high status, fame, prestige and influence, the astro-map should be the Sun's influence on the index partner. Sun It indicates this effect in life. Sergey is, and I found two of these indications!
And the influence of Mercury, which is also available here, says that a spouse can be a writer, publicist, media person, an artist! 📺
How can the life of such features to hide from astrologer ?!
And in fact make such confident conclusions can be on the very day and hour when Sergei was just born!
This is the wisdom of the ancient East! ✨🔭
Like your 💚 exactly cheer me!
segodnyarodilsya #umstar ###Jyotish astrology horoscope ###vedicheskayaastrologiya blogger ##Blogersha byutibloger #robinahoodina